英语六年级下册Unit 1 How tall are you 单元测试卷

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英语六年级下册Unit 1 How tall are you 单元测试卷_第1页
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英语六年级下册Unit 1 How tall are you 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ is Linda? ( )Shes 41 kg.AHow oldBHow heavyCHow tall2 . What did you do last weekend?_ANo, I didnt.BI went hiking . C I had a sore throat .AolderBbigCold4 . Ahorseisthanadog. ( )AheavyBheavierCsmaller5 . - Will Mr. Smith be here soon? - I cant tell. Lets go and _when the train arrives. AlookBlook forCfindDfind out6 . I eat ice cream. ( )A我吃蛋糕。B我是冰淇淋。二、填空题7 . The sun is getting _ and the shadow is getting _. ( )Alower ; longerBlower; shorterClonger; lower从方框中选择合适的单词或短语补全句子。open, turn on, sweep, you, clean, put up, Wheres, near8 . Lets_theclassroom.9 . Myseatis_thedoor.10 . Letme_thefloor.11 . _theTV. Letswatchafootballmatch(足球赛).12 . We_anewpictureeveryyear.13 . _thedoor.14 . _myschoolbag?15 . Thank_somuch!三、任务型阅读16 . 认真观察下面的海报,根据所给信息完成句子。(1)The name of the movie (电影)in English is _.(2)You can go to _ Cinema to see the movie.(3)On Saturday, you _ (can; cant) see the movie.(4)A ten-year-old child and his parents go to see the movie, they need to pay (支付)_ yuan.(写阿拉伯数字)(5)Do you love movies?(根据自己实际情况回答)四、填内容补全对话根据表格,补全对话。NameAgeHeight(m)Weight(kg)SizeAlice131.654538Lucy121.624237A:17 . , Lucy ?L: Im 1.62metres tall. What about you ?A: Im 1.65metres. Im18 . than you. But Im 13 years old. Im19 . 20 . you, too.L: Yes. Im one year21 . than you.A:22 . ?L: Im 42 kilograms. What about you ?A: Youre thinner. Im 3 kilograms23 . than you.Im 45 kilograms.L: I wear size 37 shoes.24 . ?A: My feet are25 . 26 . yours. I wear size 38.五、连词成句27 . 连词成句1.Please give gold me the (.)_2.I play guitar can the_3.We can club join the together (.)_4.What like do subjects you (?)_5.join We club can the together (.)_第 4 页 共 4 页


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