英语六年级下册Lesson 24 Danny`s Surprise Cake 练习卷

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英语六年级下册Lesson 24 Danny`s Surprise Cake 练习卷_第1页
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英语六年级下册Lesson 24 Dannys Surprise Cake 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Dear Peter,Thank you for your letter. Now Im going to answer some of your questions. You ask me about the weather in Beijing in winter. Its quite cold and it often snows in winter. After snowing, the ground is white. And I can skate on the ice. Its very interesting to skate. I like winter best. You ask me when it is the best time to come to China. I think the best time to come to China is in spring or in fall. Its often too hot in summer and its too cold in winter. I have to finish this letter now. Ask your brother to come to China with you together. Welcome to Beijing soon. Yours,Jim1 . Which country is Jim in? ( )AAmerica.BChina.CCanada.2 . What season does Jim like best? ( )ASpring.BSummer.CWinter.3 . What is the best time to come to China? ( )ASpring.BSummer.CSpring or fall.4 . Is it very hot in summer in Beijing? ( )AYes,it is.BNo,it isnt.CI dont know.5 . What is the text(文章)?( )AA letter.BA story.CA piece of news.二、完形填空完形填空。Dannys class _ have a party. Danny wants to make a special cake _the party. He wakes up early in the morning. He wont be _. Danny begins _ the cake. He puts some flour(面粉), oil(油), milk and a little salt(盐)_the bowl(碗). He makes a picture _it. It _like the flag of Canada. But he forgets _the sugar. There is _in the cake, too. Every piece of the cake _a cent in it.6 . AisBwillCwill be7 . AbecauseBforCoff8 . AlateBearlyCeasy9 . AmakeBmakesCto make10 . AinBonCof11 . AonBinCat12 . AlookBlookingClooks13 . AputBto putCputs14 . Asomething specialBspecial somethingCspecial somethings15 . AisBhasChave三、书面表达16 . 书面表达你一定有很多有趣的照片吧?请选取一张来描述一下和它有关的经历,和同学们分享一下吧。(至少五句话)_第 3 页 共 3 页


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