英语五年级下册Unit 2 My favourite season Part A Let’s learn 练习卷(2)

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英语五年级下册Unit 2 My favourite season Part A Let’s learn 练习卷(2)_第1页
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英语五年级下册Unit 2 My favourite season Part A Lets learn 练习卷(2)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ season do you like best, Sarah? ( )AWhichBWhereCWhen选出每组中不同类的单词。2 . AmonkeyBgiraffeCzoo3 . AcatBthinCfat4 . AtallBbreadCshort5 . AbearBshortCfat二、阅读选择阅读理解。Two men are traveling in the woods. For days they have not seen any people. Then one day they meet an old woman. One of them asks her if she knows what the weather will be like in the next few days. “Oh yes,” she says. “Rain is on the way, and then wind. After that there will be bright sunshine at last.” The man says to his friend, “Isnt she great? The old woman knows the weather.” “Tell me,” he says, “How do you know that?” The old woman answers, “I heard it on the radio(通过广播).”6 . How many people are traveling in the woods? ( )A3.B2.C1.7 . They ask the old woman ( )Ahow they can get home.Bwhere they are.Cwhat the weather will be like.8 . What will the weather be like at first? ( )ARainy.BSnowy.CWind.9 . What will the weather be like at last? ( )ARainy.BSnowy.CSunny.10 . The old woman ( )Aknows the weather because she is great.Bknows the weather because the two men tell her.Cknows the weather because she hears it on the radio.三、填空题11 . 给下列单词加上“ing”形式。(1)take_(2)fly_(3)run_(4)swim_(5)play_(6)see_(7)read_(8)have_四、匹配题12 . 给下面的季节单词选择对应的图片。A B C D(_)1.summer(_)2.spring(_)3.winter(_)4.autumn13 . Read and match.应答配对。(_)1. What do you have?ANo. I like kites.(_)2. What do you hear?BYes, I like tigers.(_)3. How is the bread?CI like tigers.(_)4. Do you like tigers?DI hear tigers.(_)5. What do you like?EI have some bread.(_)6. Do you like balls?FThe bread is sweet.第 3 页 共 3 页


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