英语三年级上册 Lesson 8 What's this_单元测试卷

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英语三年级上册 Lesson 8 What's this_单元测试卷_第1页
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英语三年级上册 Lesson 8 Whats this_单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Where are the kites? ( ) _ between the maps.AItsBTheyreCTherere2 . Is it a bun?( )AIts a bun.BNo, it is a bun.CNo, it isnt.3 . What _this? ( )AamBisCare4 . Excuse me, is the nearest shop?Go straight along this street, and turn right.AwhereBwhoChowDwhat5 . - What would you like to eat? ( )- A_, please.AmuttonBsandwichCCoke6 . There some juice on the desk. ( )AisBareCam7 . a cat?( )AThis isBIt isCIs this二、填空题8 . 选词填空。1、playing, name, brother, read, goodMy _is Jill. This is my_. He can_. He likes _football. Hes a_ boy. I like him. We are happy.2.He is my _(father/ brother). Hes a pupil.3. _( What / Who) is that woman? Shes my teacher.4.This is my grandpa._ ( He / She) is 60 years old.三、匹配题9 . 从下面选项中找出与句子匹配的选项,将序号写在题前括号内。( )1.Why cant Nancy go to school?( )2.Does Nancy go to school by bus?( )3.How is the soup?( )4.Lets check the answers.( )5.What is the girl doing?( )6.Are there any numbers in the password?( )7.How many spots does the good ladybird have? ( )8.Are the students washing their hands? ( )9.When is Fathers Day?( )10.Whats wrong with Nancy?AYes, they are.BIts yummy.CShes having lunch.DAll right.ENo, there arent.FIt has seven.GShe has a cold. H. Its on the third Sunday of June.I. No, she goes by bike. J. Because she is ill.四、看图题10 . 看图,在正确的答案前打“”。1. me grandmother2. mother father3. grandfather father4. father me5. grandmother father五、字母题11 . 字母a, b , c, d迷路了,请你把它们带回家吧。1_ook 2_oor3_at 4_pple六、连线题12 . 巧手连连看。(将图片与对应的单词连起来)(1)(2)(3)(4)ApeachBappleCpearDtree第 4 页 共 4 页


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