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二年级下册期中测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Hetidying the room. ( )Ais noBnotCisnt2 . The book is interesting. I _ it. ( )Aam proud ofBam interested inCam angry with3 . Where _ Su Yang and her cousin yesterday afternoon? ( )AwasBwereCdid4 . Rain comes clouds. ( )AtoBfromC/5 . Art and Science _ fun. I like_. ( )Ais, themBis, itCare, them选词填空。6 . These are my_.( )ApenBpens7 . This is your _.( )AchairBchairs8 . Lets go _ the zoo.( )AtoBin9 . It is warm in _.( )AspringBsummer10 . Tom likes autumn. It is _.( )AcoldBcool11 . ( )AstationBhill12 . Carl: _ ( )Dave: Yes, she can dance very well.ACan she dance?BWhat can she do?CCan she do it?13 . -What are you going to do tonight? ( )-_ ?AWe often do homework.BWe go to the parkCWere going to the park.14 . Whats Jenny doing? ( )She is _ a kite on the square.AflyBfliesCflying二、情景交际15 . 你想知道Jim在干什么,应该怎么说: ( )AWhat does Jim do?BWhats Jim doing?16 . Amy想告诉大家Mr. Jones是一位老师。( )Amy: _AHe is my friend.BShe is a teacher.CHe is a teacher.17 . 爸爸想告诉你上学别迟到,他应该说:“”。( )ALets go.BDont be late.18 . 你想让别人注意你,可以说:( )ALook at my skirt.BIm Lily.CLook at me!19 . 你想问你的朋友在冬天喜欢做什么,你说:“”( )AWhat do you do in winter?BWhat do you like doing in winter?三、填空题20 . 动词(三步曲,固定时态-人称)1.We _(not shout) in the library. 2.We all want _(clean) the table.3.They _(want)_(sing) the song.4.His father _(want) _(run) along the river.5.He _(be) happy _(take) photos(照相).21 . Your father is_(goes / going) shopping.22 . 补全下列单词,并写出中文意思。1. t_ ach( ) 2. fr_ _nd( ) 3. d_ _ce( ) 4. c_ _ck( )5. h_ ad( ) 6. f_m_ly( ) 7. s_s_er( ) 8. fr_m( )用所给词的正确形式填空。23 . Sarah and her friends are _( worry).24 . The cat is ill. Amy _( feel) so sad.25 . _( be) he angry with his brother?26 . Ill go and get some _( drink).27 . The cat _(chase) the mouse now.28 . The kites are_( fly/flying) in the sky.29 . Tom is playing_(with/ to) his train.四、判断题判断句子与图片是否相符,是的打“T”,否的打“F”。30 . There is a computer on the desk. (_)31 . This is a living room. (_)32 . They often play football on the weekends. (_)33 . My father is on his bike. (_)34 . The girl is behind the blackboard. (_)35 . Read, think aand write (T)or (F): morning afternoonname_判断下列句子是否正确,正确的打T,错误的打F。36 . 这是我的嘴巴,可以说:This is my mouth.(_)37 . 请递给我一支铅笔,可以说:Give me a pen, please.(_)38 . 我会跳舞,可以说:I can draw.(_)39 . 她是我的奶奶,可以说:This is my grandfather.(_)40 . 他很矮,可以说:He is short.(_)判断下列对话与所给图片是(T)否(F)相符。41 . -Whats this? -Its a dog. (_)42 . -How old are you? -Im eleven. (_)43 . -How many? -Seven. (_)44 . -How are you? -Im fine, thank you. (_)45 . -Whats this? -Oh! Its a pen. (_)46 . 判断对错,图片和句子一致打T,不一致打A(_)1.This dress is orange. (_)2. The shorts are blue. (_) 3. The dress is red. (_)4. I like this blouse. (_)5. The dress is red. 47 . Read and tick (T) or cross (F):_48 . 看图,判断句子正(T)误(F):Hes playing hide-and-seek. (_)49 . 读一读, 判断句子和图片是(T)否(F)相符。1. Look! This is a bear. (_)2. Id like some fish, please! (_)3. Im eight year old. (_)4. Hello! My name is Leg. (_)5. The dog is yellow. (_)判断图片与句子是(T)否(F)相符。50 . Be fat. Be fat. Be fat, fat, fat! (_)51 . It has long tail. (_)52 . Look at the bear. Its black and white. (_)53 . It has long ears. (_)54 . The monkey is so thin. (_)55 . 根据图片判断句子描述是否正确,正确的打“”,错误的打“”。1Its a cat( )2Touch your nose( )3Its a crocodile( )4Its a fish( )5Its a book( )6Sit down( )五、改错改错。56 . Whendo you start class at Spain? (_)_A B C57 . Whatdo you do on weekend? (_)_A B C58 . I often goshopwith my mum. (_)_A B C59 . Classstartat 3 oclock. (_)_A B C60 . That sound like a lot offun. (_)_A B C61 . 找出下列句子中错误的一项,并改正。1. I (A)hurt (B)me (C)knee._2. (A)The girl (B)are (C)hurt._3. Andy (A)have (B)a (C) cough._4. (A)Scissors (B)is good but can(C) hurt you._5. (A)Never (B)ride (C)you bike near cars._62 . 改错:what is he do? She listening to music. _63 . 找出句中错误的单词:What the weather like here in summer? (_)六、连线题64 . 英汉短语连线。1. get upA去上班2. come onB起床3. go to workC度假4. on holidayD去滑冰5. go skatingE加油第 9 页 共 9 页


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