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河北省2019年英语五年级下册专项训练:阅读理解、短文填空、完形填空与书面表达(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读选择我是阅读小能手。(小朋友们,请仔细阅读表格内容并选出正确的选项,将序号填在括号里。)NameTimeWhat to doAnne7:30 a.m.have bread and milk for breakfast10:30 a.m.have art lesson5:00 p.m.sweep the floor8:00 p.m.read storybooksTony7:00 a.m.have chicken and milk for breakfast3:10 p.m.have PE lesson6:45 p.m.wash the dishes8:00 p.m.watch TV1 . Anne has for breakfast. ( )Abread and chickenBbread and milkCchicken and milk2 . Anne has art lesson at . ( )A3:10 p.m.B7:30 a.m.C10:30 a.m.3 . Does Tony have PE lesson in the morning? ( )AYes, he does.BYes, he can.CNo, he doesnt.4 . Anne: Tony, what do you do at 8:00 p.m.? ( )Tony: I at 8:00 p.m.Asweep the floorBwatch TVCread storybooks5 . washes the dishes at 6:45 p.m. ( )ATonyBAnneCTony and Anne二、完形填空完形填空。Dear Li Lei,How are you? Im happy to get your _. Id like to tell you something about my _life(生活).In the USA, school begins at 8:00 am. I usually _ at 6:50 and then have breakfast. I go to school _ bus at 7:25 every day. What time does school begin in China? _do you go to school? My favorite subject is science because its easy and _. Which _do you like best? We spend(花)about 30 minutes(分钟) having _ at school. School ends(结束)at 3:30 pm. After school, its time _ after-school activities. We have many activities, such as playing ball games, dancing, singing, flying kites. I like singing and my dream (梦想)is to be a(n) _. What about you?Can you tell me something about your school life? Write back to me by e-mail soon.Yours,Jack6 . ApictureBcardCtimetableDe-mail7 . AfamilyBschoolCclassDlibrary8 . Aget upBgo to schoolCplay footballDwatch TV9 . AonBinCbyDwith10 . AWhatBWhichCWhereDHow11 . AhappyBfunCdifficultDsad12 . AsubjectBtimeCsongDsport13 . AbreakfastBlunchCsupperDdinner14 . AtoBforCatDin15 . AplayerBdancerCsingerDteacher三、阅读回答问题五、Read and answer阅读短文,回答下列问题。This is Lucy, my new pen pal. She lives in New Zealand. It is near Australia. She is a quiet girl. She likes listening to music and drawing comic pictures. She wants to be an artist in the future. She goes to school by bus and has lunch at school. She has a brother. His name is Jill. He is only five. He likes riding his small bike in the garden and playing with his toy cars. Lucys mother is an accountant. She works in a bank. Her father is a baseball player. They both go to work by car. We are very happy.16 . Where is New Zealand?_17 . Whats Lucy like?_18 . How does Lucy go to school?_19 . Does Jill like drawing comic pictures?_20 . Where does her mother work?_四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Today is Mothers Day. Some of my classmates are going to help their mothers with the housework. Some classmates are going to buy some flowers for their mothers. I want to say to her that I love her very much.But as a boy, it is a bit difficult for me to show my heart. I think only girls can do that. My mother is very kind. She spends little money, but buys everything for me that I need.This time I must show my love. I am going to give her a card and write like this, I love you, Mother! I am going to put it under her pillow(枕头).21 . Today is Mothers Day. (_)22 . Im a boy. (_)23 . Im going to help my mum with the housework. (_)24 . My mother is very kind. (_)25 . I want to put the card under mums pillow. (_)26 . 阅读短文,根据短文内容在方框中填入相应的地点来完成地图Hello, everyone! Im Miss Rabbit, the guide of the Rabbit Town. Today Im going to take you around the Rabbit Town. Come on. Lets go!Now we are at the bus stop. Go straight for about five minutes and we can get to the south gate of the park. The park is big and beautiful. There are many carrots and grass in the park. If we get out of the west gate, we can see two buildings. One is red. Its on the left. Its the cinema. The other one is on the right. Its the supermarket. If we get out of the north gate, go straight, there is the science museum. The fruit shop is near the east gate. Walk north, we can get to the clothes shop. Walk south, we can get to the restaurant. By the way, the post office is west of the bus stop, and the hospital is east of the bus stop. OK, thats all.五、填内容补全对话27 . 根据中文提示,完成下列短文。每个学生都想做一个好孩子。首先,好学生应该养成好的习惯。每天早起吃早饭,晚上从不晚睡,以免上学迟到。平时要多喝水。在家帮助父母做家务,在学校要听老师的话。其次,好学生要遵守交通规则。过马路前要看交通灯,等到绿灯的时候才能过去。Everyone wants to 1._ a good student. At 2._, we should form good habits. A good student gets up early and 3._ breakfast every day. He 4._ goes to bed late. So he will not be 5._ for school. A good student also 6._ lots of water every day. He helps his parents 7._ housework at home. He 8._ to the teachers carefully in class. Then, a good student must follow the rules. He must look at the 9._ lights before he crosses the road. He must 10._for the green man. 六、书面表达28 . 书面表达今天是星期天,小朋友们都在公园里玩,他们正在做什么呢?看图写一写。ride a bikefly kitessleep under a treeread booksskipsing a songplay footballToday is Sunday. The weather is fine. The children are playing in the park. Look. Sam and Leo are flying kites._29 . Think and write(根据题目写话,不少于60个词)My friend_30 . 写作。我们的生活变化很大。以前我们给父母写信,用座机打电话,从广播或报纸中了解新闻,去商店买东西。现在我们可以用手机在任何地方和别人通话。在因特网上,我们可以交友、购物等,足不出户就能办很多事。请以“Our life changes a lot”为题,写一篇50词左右的短文介绍我们生活的改变。Our life changes a lot_31 . 书面表达请根据Mega Sports Centre的招贴内容,用英语为该运动中心写一份介绍广告。要求:(1)图片所提供的信息必须全部体现在广告中,运用多种句式;(2)行文流畅,条理清晰,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范、清晰;(3)不得少于70词。_第 8 页 共 8 页


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