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南昌市2019版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(四)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出画线部分发音不同的一项:( )AappleBflagCRussia选出划线部分不同发音的单词。2 . AwhereBthereCdear3 . ApuzzleBputCsummerDhungry4 . AtimeBlittleCdinnerDstring5 . AhalfBtallChallDcall6 . You can _ me. ( )AspeakBtalk forCtalk to7 . Look_ that panda.( )AatBinConDnear选出画线部分读音不同的单词。8 . AChinaBaboutCagainDapple9 . AlistenBoftenCbedDopen10 . ArabbitBanimalCiceDis11 . AclockBzeroCtomatoDphoto12 . AfatherBtermCweatherDwinter13 . Snails are _ in protein and _ in fat. ( )Alow; highBhigh; lowClower; higher14 . I would like_ beef, an egg and an apple. ( )AsomeBaCan15 . Its 9: 00 a. m. Hestill in bed. Hetired last night.Ais; wasBwas; isCwas; was16 . There _ some ducks on the pond. ( )AareBisCam17 . There _ an English film tomorrow evening. ( )Awill haveBwill hasCis going to haveDis going to be18 . Lets _ our classroom. ( )Atidy inBtidy upCtidy on19 . 选出下列每组单词画线部分发音与众不同的一项。(_)1. A. these B. them C. think(_)2. A. rabbit B. tiger C. bike(_)3. A. yes B. toy C. you(_)4. A. family B. bike C. hi(_)5. A. jump B. nut C. put20 . So there aregirls. ( )AaBoneCtwo21 . -May I come in? ( )-AYes, please!BIts over there.CYes, thanks.22 . 选出单词中不同类的一项,并把字母代号填在括号内:( )AschoolBsisterCbrother23 . Its ten oclock. I _ go to the party now.AamBdoChave to24 . Look, John and Amyrunning in the park. ( )AamBisCare选出不同类单词。25 . AwereBwasCfly26 . AhairBdirtyCclean27 . AoldByoungCaunt28 . AthenBfatCcute二、阅读选择29 . 阅读理解Wall Street is a famous street in New York City. It got its name from the wooden wall that used to stand where the street now runs.The wall was built in the 1600s. New York was then a Dutch (荷兰的) city set up by people coming from Holland in Europe, it was called New Amsterdam.The American Indians were not always friends of the Dutch, nor were the English. So the Dutch built the wooden wall to protect their town.The wall is gone now, but Wall Street reminds (提醒)the people of New York of the Dutch who settled there.1. New Amsterdam was the name of _ .A. a wall B. a street C. a city in Holland D. a city in America2. The wall was built _.A. by the English against the Americans and the IndiansB. by the Dutch against the Indians and AmericansC. by the English against the Dutch and IndiansD. by the Dutch against the Indians and the English3. New York was originally (最早) built by _ .A. New Amsterdam B. the Dutch C. the Indians D. the English4. Now the wall is still existing, isnt it?A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, it isnt. D. We dont know30 . 阅读理解。A lot of boys and girls in west countries are wearing the same kinds of clothes: Many of them have long hair, so it is often difficult to tell whether they ate boys or girls.One day, an old man went for a walk in Washington. When he was tired he sat down on a long chair. A young person was standing on the other side of the pool.“Good Heavens!” the old man said to the person who was sitting next to him on the chair. “Do you see that person with long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?”“A girl.” said his neighbor, “Shes my daughter.”“Oh!” the old man said quickly, “Im sorry. I didnt know that you were her mother.”“Im not,” said his neighbor, “Im her father.”根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )Many boys and girls in _ wear the same clothes.A. west countriesB. EnglandC. the USAD. a country not known to us( )The old man didnt know whether the young person was a boy or a girl, because_.A. the person was standing far awayB. they had never seen each other beforeC. the person was too youngD. its hair had grown very long( )The old man cried out “Good Heavens”_.A. with a look of surpriseB. with joy C. with a smileD. with fear( )The old man made an apology to his neighbor, for he didnt know_.A. the young person was a boy or a girlB. his neighbor was the young persons fatherC. his neighbor was the young persons motherD. the young person was his neighbors son( )The old mans neighbor is the _ of the young person.A. father B. mother C. brotherD. sister三、完形填空31 . 完形填空(每空一词,其中有两个多余选项)The Spring Festival(春节) is the Chinese New Years Day. It usually comes 1_ Frbruary. Everyone in China 2_ the Spring Festival very much. When the Spring Festival 3_, Li Hong usually 4_ his parents clean their house and 5_ some shopping and other housework. On that 6_ everyone in China eats dumplings, New Years cakes and other good 7_. Li Hong likes New Years cakes. But Wang Hai says dumplings are 8_ than New Years cakes. The Chinese people 9_ the New Years cakes and dumplings in their house. How 10_ they are!( )1. A. after B. on C. in D. by( )2. A.has B. like C. remembers D. likes( )3. A.goes B.comes C. reaches D. hears( )4. A. helps B. makes C. gets D. takes( )5. A. buys B. does C. goes D. carries( )6. A. morning B. evening C. day D. afternoon( )7. A. food B. drinks C. vegetables D. fruit( )8. A. smaller B. better C. bigger D. sweeter( )9. A. find out B. buy C. eat D. sell( )10. A. happy B. delicious C. lovely D. great四、填空题32 . It snowed outside so we _(could/couldnt) go cycling.五、排序题33 . 给下面的句子排序AHi Amy. This is Zhang Peng.BMike, we have a new classroom.CHello, Mike.DNice to meet you.EWow! Its so big.FNice to meet you, too.GReally? Lets go and see._34 . 给下列句子排序。ASeven, eight, nine!BOh! Ten.CHow many girls?DGood morning, Sam.ENine girls?FGood morning, Amy._六、选内容补全对话35 . 选择正确的句子补全对话。AAnd can you tell me which bus I should take?BWhat time does it open?CYoure welcome.DCould you tell me the way to the museum?A: Excuse me. 1._.B: Well, its a little far. You can go along the street, then take the first right, walk on and youll find it on your left.A: Oh, thanks. 2._.B: It should be open now. It opens at 8:00 am.A: Good. 3._.B: En, let me see, you can take a No. 203 bus.A: OK. By the way, where is the McDonalds, do you know?B: Right behind you, sir. See that sign?A: Oh, thanks a lot.B: 4._.七、连线题36 . 将英语单词与其相应汉语意思连线。1. fruit a. 六2. son b. 鹌鹑3. six c. 糖果4. school d. 水果5. candy e. 四6. grandpa f. 儿子7. skirt g. 爷爷8. quail h. 学校9. four i. 短裙37 . 读一读,连一连。1.Good morning to you.A2. red and yellowB3.Good evening to you.C4.I see pink, purple and yellow.D5.Good afternoon to you.E6.This is Mr. Jones. F 八、书面表达38 . 小练笔。请根据所给照片以“My English Teacher”为题写一篇作文,介绍一下你的英语老师。要求:1.语句通顺,条理清晰。2.不少于40个单词。My English TeacherLook,this is my_. He is _._We all love him. And we all like his classes. He _, too.第 10 页 共 10 页


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