高考英语一轮复习 Modules 1~3 外研版选修7

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!选修7Modules 13维A 单项填空1I wonder such a gentleman as he should_an error,though it is a simple and small one. (2013日照模拟)Aadmit BtolerateCcommit Dignore答案C句意:我想知道,像他那样的绅士怎么会犯错,虽然这只是一个简单的小错误。此句要用commit表示“犯(错误等)”。admit“承认”;tolerate“容忍”;ignore“忽视”。2There is no_in trying to talk him into joining us.He enjoys being alone. (2013济南外国语学校模拟)Adoubt Bwonder Chope Dpoint答案D句意:试图劝说他加入我们没有意义,他喜欢独来独往。there is no point in doing sth“做某事没有意义”;there is no doubt“毫无疑问”;it is no wonder that.“难怪”。3We must draw our attention_the fact that the young look_upon the old nowadays.Ato;up Bon;downCon;upon Dto;down答案Ddraw ones attention to.“引起某人注意”;look down upon.“看不起”。由句意可知答案为D。4The suggestion that the election_deserves_(2013大连二模)Ato be delayed;to be discussedBwill be delayed;to be discussedCbe delayed;to be discussedDbe delayed;be discussed答案Csuggestion后的同位语从句要用虚拟语气即should动词原形,其中should可以省略,所以第一空可排除A和B。deserve后接doing或to be done,所以答案为C。 5No.50 High School is as new as No.48 High School._it is more beautiful.AIf anything BIf somethingCIf necessary DIf so答案A考查状语从句的省略。if anything“如果有的话”;If necessary“如果必要的话”;If so“如果那样的话”。句意:50中与48中一样的新,如果有什么不同的话,它比48中更漂亮。6Tom is_to miss the early bus because he got up late. (2013黄冈一模)Apossible BprobableClikely Dmaybe答案C句意:汤姆因起床晚而很可能赶不上早班车。sth/sb is likely to do.“某人/某物可能会”;possible和probable不能用人作主语;maybe是副词。7I thought Peter would have helped you._is a great pity that he should be so selfish.AWhich BItCWhat DAs答案BIts a great pity that.意为“很可惜”,本句中it作形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。句意:我原以为彼得会帮你忙的。真遗憾,他竟然那么自私。8What do you know about Darwin after he returned from the trip by sea?Well,he got married and_down to live in Kent.Agot BworkedCtook Dsettled答案Dsettle down为固定短语,意为“定居,安定下来”。get down to“开始做,开始认真注意”,to为介词;take down“拿下,拆毁,记下”。9There are plenty of afterschool opportunities for people who are_on athletics.Ainterested BattractedCdevoted Dkeen答案D句意:那些热衷于体育的学生有大量的课外机会。根据题干中的on可知,只有keen才有这种搭配,be keen on sth“对某事物很热衷,有兴趣”。10He was once in low spirits and even considered_Ato go away Bto going awayCgoing away Dhaving gone away答案C根据语境可知本句中的consider是“考虑”的意思,故其后应接动名词形式作宾语,而having gone away表示动作已完成,故选C项。11Our parents always get a little bit_if we dont manage to arrive when we say we will. (2013眉山模拟)Aeager Banxious Cpatient Dhonest答案B句意:当我们没有在我们说的时间到达时,我们的父母总是会有点焦虑。A“渴望的、热情的”;B“担心的,渴望的,焦虑的”;C“耐心的”;D“诚实的,真诚的”。12The book didnt_children probably because it employed too many scientific terms.Aappeal to Bapply toCattach to Dintend to答案A句意:这本书不吸引孩子们很可能是因为它使用了太多的科学术语。appeal to“吸引”;apply to“适用于,应用于”;attach to“附加”;intend to“打算”。13My father_in the navy for two years during the Second World War.Aworked BservedClived Dplayed答案B句意:在第二次世界大战期间,我父亲在海军服了两年军役。serve“服役”,是不及物动词。14I didnt think you were coming.Oh,I_to stay at home,but I changed my mind.Awould have intended Bwas intendingChad intended Dhave intended答案C由语境可知,intend这一动作发生在changed之前,且用intend表示“过去未曾实现的愿望或打算”时通常用过去完成时,即had intended,有类似用法的动词还有think,expect等。15John talked with me for about an hour yesterday.Never_him talk so much.Ahad I heard Bdid I hearCI had heard DI heard答案A句意:昨天约翰和我谈了大约一个小时。我以前从没听到他谈论这么多。never位于句首时要用倒装,排除C、D两项;由yesterday可知是在昨天谈话之前说话人没听到过,故时态应用过去完成时。维B 完形填空选材网站:http:/bbs.caame.com/archiver高考曾用材料:2008全国卷()完形填空选材相似度:设题相似度:Being a high school coach,I did all I could to help my boys win the games.I_1_as hard for victory as they did.A dramatic_2_,however,following a game in which I officiated as a referee,_3_my perspective on victories and defeats.I was_4_a league championship basketball game in New Rochelle,New York,between New Rochelle and Yonkers High.New Rochelle was_5_by Dan OBrien,Yonkers by Les Beck.The gym was fully_6_to capacity,and the volume of noise made it_7_ to hear.The game was well played and_8_competed.Yonkers was leading by one point as I_9_there were but 30 seconds left to play.Yonkers,in_10_of the ball,passed offshotmissed.New Rochelle recoveredpushed the ball up courtshot.The ball_11_tantalizingly around the edge and off.The fans shrieked.New Rochelle,the home team, _12_the ball again, tapping it in for what looked like _13_The noise was deafening.From the clock,I realized the game was _14_I hadnt heard the final buzzer because of the noise.Seeking help in this disorder,I _15_the timekeeper,a young man of 17 or so.He said,Mr.Covino,the buzzer rang as the ball rolled off the rim_16_the final tapin was made.I was in the unenviable_17_of having to tell Coach OBrien the sad news.“Dan.”I said.“Yonkers_18_the game.”His face clouded over.The young timekeeper came up,saying,“Sorry,Dad, _19_ran out before the final basket was tapped in.”_20_like the sun coming out from behind a cloud,Coach OBriens face lit up,“Thats okay,Joe,my son.you did what you had to do.Im proud of you.”Notes:officiate vt.行使1A.played BthoughtCrooted Dstudied2A.accident BeventCoccurrence Dincident3A.changed BprovedCcontinued Dsupported4A.playing BrefereeingCwatching Dexplaining5A.coached BactedC surrounded Dshocked6A.untreated BunsafeCcrowded Dlegal7A.surprising BimpossibleCexciting Dtimely8A.continuously BcloselyCeasily Dhappily9A.discovered BremainedCaccessed Dadded10A.search BprideChonour Dpossession11A.ran BrolledCwalked Dwandered12A.refused BremovedCrecovered Dexamined13A.failure BvictoryCmistake Dbravery14A.over Blast Cdilemma Dunfair15A.entered BleftCapproached Dseperated16A.if Bbefore Cand Dafter17A.situation BpositionCcondition Dstate18A.won Blost Cdefeated Dloss19A.way BmoneyCstrength Dtime20A.Actually BLuckilyCFinally DSuddenly【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。“我”是一名教练,可在一次比赛中所发生的事情让“我”印象深刻。1C从前一句可知,作者是球队的教练,因此选C。root for表示“全力支持”。2Da dramatic incident意为“戏剧性的小事”。accident指“突发的事故”;event指“大事”;occurrence指“异常情况”,都不合题意。3A从最后一段可以知道,Coach OBrien对球赛的胜败态度的转变也影响了作者自己。4BB项照应了前一句中的提示“referee”。5A从最后一段可知,Dan OBrien是New Rochelle的教练,应选A。6C本题考查形容词的用法。根据上下文我们可以推断体育馆的人很多,选C。untreated意为“未处理的”;unsafe意为“不安全的”;legal意为“合法的”。7B从前一空和“noise”可推知B比较合理。8B从后一句可知,双方几乎势均力敌,所以选B。9A当作者发现“Yonkers was leading by one point”的时候还剩30秒比赛结束。A项符合题意。10D本题考查的是词组in possession of,意为“控制”,是“passed offshotmissed”这一系列动作的前提。11B球投到篮的时候,是roll(滚动)比较合乎题意。12C根据“New Rochelle recoveredpushed the ball up courtshot.”可知答案应该是C。13BB项既照应了前文“tap in”(托进或拨进篮筐),也照应了下面的“as the ball rolled off the rim_16_the final tapin was made”,故选B。14A从下面可以知道,球赛应该over(结束),但没听到当时停止的信号。15C到计时员那儿去问,所以应该是approach(走近)。16B从下文可以推知,哨声是在最后一个进球之前吹响的,应选B。17B由于作者是裁判,再加上胜败已成定局,此时处于不值得羡慕的位置,故选B。本题考查的是名词的区别:situation指“形势”;condition指“条件”;state指“状况”。18A根据上下文可知赢了比赛,应选A。19D句意是“在最后一个球投中之前时间就已经到了”,所以应选D。20D因为Coach OBrien的态度是在儿子的几句话后快速改变的,因此D比较符合语境。维C 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Is the customer always right?_1_Shopping is very much a part of a countrys culture,and attitudes to shopping and consumers vary from country to country just as much as climate or taste in food.Recent economic hardship has given the consumers increased power in Europe because shopkeepers fight to win their share of reduced disposable(可支配的)income.This has meant failing prices,plenty of special offers and a reexamination of what customer service really means._2_In restaurants in the south of the USA,for example,waiters compliment(恭维)you on your clothes,ask about your day,compliment you on your wisdom of your order and then return every ten minutes to refill your glass and make sure that everything is to your satisfaction.Anyone who has waited 30 minutes to be served in a restaurant may possibly dream of such customer service._3_In fact,different nationalities expect different types of service.As a friend of mine once told me,“By the end of evening I had spent as much time talking to the waiter as to my wife.”A ChineseAmerican friend loves telling people about how her Chinese mother shops for clothes.First of all she waits until they are on sale._4_And later she finds some small fault with the product and demands a further reduction.She never buys anything at the regular price.Could you imagine trying such ways in department stores in other countries?Attitudes to service are,of course,affected by employers attitudes to their workers.As American waiters heavily depend on tips,they have to provide more service.But is this fair?_5_It might not be a case of“Is the custom always right?”but a case of“How much service is it fair to expect?”APeople often point to America as an example of good customer service.BIt is a question of expectations.CDo we think it is fair to ask shop assistants to work in late evenings or on Sundays?DThen she asks for a discount until she gets an evenbetter price.EThe answer,it seems,depends on which country you are in.FThe way we shop shows the way we get along with other people.GHowever,do Europeans really want US style service?【语篇解读】 文章介绍了不同文化下人们对享受服务水平的态度和看法。1E文章以设问引起读者的兴趣,而第二句话就是对这个问题的回答。虽然E项的表述并没有给出精确答案,但是本项的answer和第一句吻合。2A本段前两句话说的是欧洲的状况,但是本空后的USA说明本空应含有America或者USA这样的专有名词,这样才能顺理成章地引出下一句的例证。3G第二段是将欧洲人的看法和美洲人进行了比较,而本空后面的这句话显然是对一个问句的回答。G项里的Europeans really want US和下一句的different nationalities expect different types of service吻合。4D上一句话的first of all和下一句话的and later说明本句是夹在中间按照时间顺序来说的,这里的then起到了承上启下的作用。5C文章最后几句话的问句都是围绕着fair和right展开的,C项的fair和上一句的fair以及下一句的always right吻合。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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