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银川市2020年(春秋版)英语五年级上册Module8单元测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出下列每组单词画线部分发音与众不同的一项。1 . AcatBhatCmake2 . AvestBsheCdesk3 . AshipBlikeCchick4 . AhomeBdollCfrog5 . AhutBbutCblue6 . 选出不同的一项(_) 1. A. month B. March C. June(_) 2. A. May B. June C. Sunday(_) 3. A. spring B. July C. autumn(_) 4. A. season B. summer C. spring(_) 5. A. morning B. evening C. day7 . 读一读,找出不同类的单词。1( )A.art room B.music room C.TV room D.Chinese2( )A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.math3( )A.shirt B.skirt C.pants D.pencil4( )A.rainy B.sunny C.windy D.snow5( )A.apple B.banana C.pear D.boots找出画线部分读音不同的一项。8 . AteacherBriverCdinnerDdrawer9 . AwhoBwhoseCwhyDwhole10 . AwhyBwhatCwhereDwhom11 . AdoctorBactorCvisitorDstore12 . The light is red. Wecross the street. ( )AmustBcanCmustnt选出所给单词正确的汉语意思。13 . break ( )A面包B课间休息C队14 . study( )A学习B学生C鸭子15 . line( )A九B夜晚C排,列16 . open( )A开着的B经常C开始17 . half( )A重的B有C一半18 . Running _ good for you. ( )AareBamCis19 . Dont _. My sister is sleeping.ArunBsleepCshout20 . miss( )A重的B墙C想念21 . 选出画线部分发音不同的一项:( )AmeatBgreatCleave选出每组中不同类的一项。22 . AChinaBthe U. K.CCanadaDLondon23 . AfamousBclockCbeautifulDeasy24 . AgreenBkingCqueenDpresident25 . ABig BenBBuckingham PalaceCcapital cityDthe White House26 . AknowBspeakCEnglishDlive27 . What do they speak in the U. K. ?_ ( )AThey speak English.BThey speak French.CThey speak Chinese.28 . Grandmother is _ mother. ( )AmyBmy sistersCmy mothers选出下列单词画线部分读音不相同的一项。29 . AsugarBpullCumbrella30 . AroomBlookCtooth31 . AtakeBcareCmake32 . AthousandBthroughCthese33 . AblueBtrueCtongue34 . He _ in this school in 1958.Ataught Bteach Cteaches35 . 选择不同类的单词,将其序号填入括号里(_) 1. A. active B. black C. red (_) 2. A. teacher B. kind C. nurse(_) 3. A. friendly B. friend C. sister(_) 4. A. teacher B. yellow C. red(_) 5. A. what B. clever C. whereRead and choose (选出划线部分发音不同的单词)36 . AsplashBsheCtoast37 . AbenchBwatchCschool38 . AcousinBfatherCuncle39 . AwashBsandwichCdish40 . Please stay in _ bed and drink _ water. ( )A/, manyB/ , moreCthe , much41 . _ the boy stronger than the girl?AAreBDoesCIs二、阅读选择阅读短文,选出正确的选项。This is Daming. His blue bike is broken. So he cant ride it to school. His mother bought him a new one last Sunday. Its small and nice. It has got a basket (车筐). He can ride it very fast. Every weekday, he rides it to school. This bike is his “good friend”. He likes this beautiful bike very much.42 . Damings blue bike is _. ( )AnewBbrokenClong43 . Damings mother bought a new one for him _.( )Alast summerBlast dayClast Sunday44 . The new bike is _ and _.( )Asmall; niceBbig; niceCsmall; heavy45 . Daming rides his bike to school _.( )Aevery dayBevery weekendCevery weekday46 . Daming can ride his new bike _.( )AslowBfastCslow and fast三、填空题47 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. What _ (do) you do last Sunday? I _ (pick) apples on a farm. What _ (do) next Sunday? I _(milk) cows.2. Mary _ (visit) her grandparents tomorrow.3. Liu Tao _ (fly) kites in the playground yesterday.4. David _ (give) a puppet show next Monday.5. I _ (plan) for my study now.Read and circle.(读一读,选出正确的单词。)48 . Look! This _(is, are) my new classroom.49 . The floor is green. The _(teacher, teachers) desk is yellow.50 . Let _(I, me) clean the blackboard.51 . Three _(desk, desks) are yellow.52 . We _(have, has) a new teacher.用所给词的适当形式填空。53 . Im happy _(go) shopping.54 . Its too _ (not soft). My hand _(hurt).55 . There _(be) two boys in front of _(they).56 . My cousin cannot see _(some) books on the table.57 . Where _(be) my socks?_(its) under your schoolbag.用所给词的正确形式填空。58 . In this picture, Nancy _ (be) 11 years old, and now she _ (be) 21 years old.59 . When I was young, I _(like) to play basketball.60 . I _ (have) some bread and milk for breakfast yesterday.61 . Little Justin _(meet) a fish in the river last week.62 . Are you my mum? No, your mum can _ (catch) flies, but I cant.63 . 根据图片提示补全句子。This is a good way.Lets colour and say.1._, 2._ and 3._.With colours I play.64 . 圈出句子中与所给单词属于同一类的单词。【小题1】minute I spent one hour at the supermarket.【小题2】did We had an interesting party last week.【小题3】happy I feel nervous.【小题4】China She was born in America.【小题5】how When did you get up this morning?四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。John lives in Beijing now. He is from Canada. He lives in a tall building and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He uses a lift(电梯)to go up and down. John works hard. He goes to work early. Every day he gets out of the lift. Then he walks to a bus stop. The bus stop is near his home. He usually takes the No. 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes by train. He starts(开始)working at 8: 30 a. m. and finishes at 4: 45 p. m. He goes home at a quarter past five.65 . John is in Canada. (_)66 . He lives on the twelfth floor. (_)67 . His home is near the bus stop. (_)68 . John usually goes to work by bus. (_)69 . He works for seven hours a day. (_)五、选内容补全对话70 . 补全对话。A: What country is this?B: 1. _A: Do you know the capital city of it?B: Of course. 2. _A: 3. _B: Thats easy! English!A: 4. _B: Red, white and blue.A: Do the queens live in the Palace Museum?B: 5. _ANo, they live in Buckingham Palace.BWhat do they speak?CIts the U.K.DIts London.EWhat colour is the flag of the U.K.?第 9 页 共 9 页


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