郑州市2019-2020学年英语四年级下册Module 8 单元测试卷D卷

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郑州市2019-2020学年英语四年级下册Module 8 单元测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Have some strawberries. ( )AB2 . There is useful poster near school gate.( )Aa, aBa, theCan, the3 . Whats _ dinner? ( )AtoBforCat4 . Wheres the bag?( )Its _ .Aon the chairBunder the chair5 . The ball is _ the hole. Sam brings some water and _ it _ the hole. ( )Ain, pours inBon, pours intoCin, pours into6 . Do you have a big body? ( ) AYes, I do.BNo, he doesnt.CYes, I am.7 . I workHuanghe Hospital. ( )AatBonCwith8 . Where is Binbin?( )He is _ the library.AonBinCat9 . The music room is _ the first floor. ( )AonBinCat10 . This crown is for the _. ( )AcraftsmanBworkerCprincess二、填空题11 . 选词填空。(每词限用一次)clever ill stomach ache worry test1. Are you _?2. Dont _, Daming.3. Lingling is a _ girl.4. Were having a _ now.5. Have you got a _?12 . 选词填空。see good umbrellas wet went1. We_to the Great Wall.2. Did you have a_time?3. It rained suddenly and we didnt have_.4. We all got_.5. He is going to_a film.三、单词拼写13 . Look and write the word:t_14 . Look and write the letters. b_ tiful15 . Look and write.根据图意,填上适当的单词完成句子。1. My mother is a _. She is writing stories now. 2. The fairy is very kind. She gives the _ couple (夫妇) a bag of gold.3. I need to buy some _ for the art lesson. 4. The beautiful painting of horse is by Xu Beihong, a great _.5. The boy is making a _ now. 6. The girl is making the brick (积木) very _.看图,根据所给首字母补全单词。16 . p_17 . t_18 . c_19 . a_20 . p_单词拼写。21 . What are the_(鸭子)doing?22 . 用单词描述图片:_四、汉译英23 . 根据汉语补全句子。1.我喜欢红色。I _2.这顶帽子怎么样?_this hat?3.我不喜欢绿色。I _ like _ .4.咱们去购物啊。Lets _.5.这条连衣裙是红色的。The _ is _ .根据汉语意思,补全英文句子。24 . 我们都喜欢它。We _ it.25 . 我想买一列玩具火车。I _ to buy a toy _.26 . 上课不要迟到。Dont be _ for _.27 . 要积极地提问和回答问题。_ and _ questions actively.28 . 你必须帮助老人。You must _ old _.29 . 汉译英1.回来_2.在周末_3.步行去学校_4.分发_5.起床_30 . 小狗帮助了我们。The dog _.五、判断题看图,判断正(T)误(F)。31 . The pencil box is on the bag.(_)32 . The pencil is under the chair.(_)33 . The book is on the chair.(_)34 . The bag is in the desk.(_)35 . The ball is under the chair. (_)36 . Read and write (T) or (F): Well go to school. (_)37 . 看图片,判断下列的对答是否与图片意思一致。用“”或“”表示。1. -Lets go to school. -OK. Lets go. ( )2. -How many flowers? -Five. ( )3. -Good morning. -Good morning. ( )4. -Goodbye! -Bye! ( )5. -John, this is my brother, Sam. -Hi, Sam. ( )6. -Have some fish, please. -Thank you. ( )读一读,判断句子意思是(T)否(F)与图片相符。38 . Look, the bag is heavier. (_)39 . They stayed at home yesterday. (_)40 . The family went boating together. (_)41 . Its evening. The sun is getting lower and lower. (_)42 . The goalkeeper is not taller than the goal. (_)判断下列句子描述与图片是(T)否(F)相符。43 . My sister is watching TV. (_)44 . My brother is playing with a toy train. (_)45 . He is reading a book. (_)46 . My brother is taking pictures. (_)47 . He is playing basketball.(_)48 . 判断图片与句子是(T)否(F)相符:Im going to sing a song.(_)判断图片与句子内容是(T)否(F)相符。49 . Itssummer.Itsveryhot. (_)50 . Itscoldinfall.Zoomenjoys it. (_)51 . Whatstheweatherlikeinspring? Itswarm.Ilikeit. (_)52 . 根据图片判断句子正误:Today is Sunday(_)53 . Look and write (T) or (F):She looked after sheep. (_)判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。54 . I often do some washing. (_)55 . This is our living room. (_)56 . My sister often dances. (_)57 . Jack is listening to music. (_)58 . It is winding outside. (_)六、改错改错。59 . Look at the bird. What nice!A B C(_)_60 . Wheres the bird? Itson the tree.A B C(_)_61 . Is thisyour crayon, Mike? Yes, this is.A B C(_)_62 . The orangesarein the tree.A B C(_)_63 . Itbehind the box.A B C(_)_64 . Circle and correct.Mimi has a fish just now._65 . 选出每句中错误的一项,并在题后的横线上改正。(_) 1. Howdo Amy feel now? _A B C(_) 2. Does she likewatch TV? _A B C(_) 3. Whatshould I doing? _A B C(_) 4. He teach students tomake robots. _A B C(_) 5. They pull Robin outfor the mud. _A B C改错,把正确答案写在横线上。66 . Miss Liwillisour new teacher. (_)_A B C67 . Therearea villagein the nature park. (_)_A B C68 . Do youoften playsport? (_)_A B C69 . Not eat toomuch. (_)_A B C70 . Whatcan youdoto the party? (_)_A B C七、连词成句71 . 连词成句。【小题1】have can I please bread some (?)_【小题2】cant you have fruit some sorry (.)_【小题3】nice they are very (.)_【小题4】dark, very, is it (.)_【小题5】want you some do noodles (?)_连词成句。72 . do, how, you, to, go, school (?)_73 . far, here, is, it, from (?)_74 . she, your, teach, does, math (?)_75 . he, in, car, factory, works, a (.)_76 . mother, does, your, What, do (?)_77 . 连词成句。【小题1】six it oclock is. (.)_【小题2】is, it, time, what (?)_【小题3】you, are, old, how (?)_【小题4】time, cake, its, for (.)_【小题5】Its ,dinner, time, for (.)_78 . 连词成句。1.Im your to room coming_2.are a you picture drawing_3.Science is today homework my it_4.for isthis you_5.he what doing is_八、连线题79 . 英汉对对碰( )(1)I come from New Zealand.A你的小妹妹几岁了?( )(2)Whats your brothers job?B她很漂亮。( )(3)Shes beautiful.C你来自哪里?( )(4)How old is your little sister?D你哥哥的工作是什么?( )(5)Where are you from? E. 我来自新西兰。80 . 连一连, 选出句子的答语。1. What time is it, Dad?AI have a hamburger and ice cream.2. Yangyang, what do you have?BYes, Here you are.3. Can I have fish and rice, please?CThank you.4. Have a glass of water, please.DHave an orange first.5. Im hungry.EIts six thirty.6. Im thirsty.FSure.7. Meat and noodles for me, please.GHave a glass of water, please.81 . Read and match.1. What do you want?AI am going to buy a book.2. Here you are.BShe wants to buy a book.3. What are you going to do?CNo, there arent.4. Are there any cakes?DI want some fish and chicken.5. What does she want?EThank you.82 . 找朋友,给下列短语或句子找到对应的汉语意思并连线。1.learn words and sentenceA玩游戏2.email my friendsB送出问候3.Im late.C起床4.send greetingsD学习单词和句子5.play gamesE我迟到了。6.get upF学习写作7.find out about countriesG做她的家庭作业8.wave goodbye H.给我的朋友发电子邮件9.learn writing I.挥手告别10.do her homework J.了解国家的信息第 16 页 共 16 页


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