英语:Unit4 A cushion or a kiss教案(上海新世纪版S1B)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Module 2 Unit4 A Cushion or a Kiss?一、 单元分析(Unit Analysis)(一)单元地位(Unit Position)1本课讲述了几位外国游客在买靠垫时,由于对当地语言的不了解而引发的尴尬事。由此告诉我们语言学习和发音的重要性。2围绕本课主题“语言语音”,教师可设计活动让学生参与找一找同音词近音词,体会读音的重要性。3本课中所出现的语法现象it作形式主语和形式宾语。本单元主要学习以下句型和带有形式宾语的动词,It is + adj.+ to do; It is + adj. + that clause 和 动词 + it + adj. + that clause (or: + to do)。对于本课语法现象教师有必要在课堂教学中加以一定的句型操练,并将可带有形式宾语的动词加以归纳。4设计对话,小品等形式,让学生在任务型教学模拟情境中反复操练本单元出现的?定语从句语法现象。(二)单元目标(Unit Target)1了解形式主语和形式宾语语法现象,并能熟练运用这一语法结构。2能对本人所经历的事件进行简单描述。(人物、场地、时间、经过)3 能够叙述自己一次有趣的购物经历或一次与外国人交往的经历。4 掌握it作形式主语和形式宾语的用法,并学会此类句子的翻译。(三)单元重点(Unit Points)1 关键词:u 语言知识类go round to, return empty-handed, in plain figures, make oneself understood, with a little effort, stare at, as if, make sure, put a question to sb, at this point, get behind, stand up on tiptoe, bury ones face in her apron, in ones confusion, his sort of thing, on exhibit u 交际功能类1)旅游购物:go round to that shop, exhibit sth in the window, for sale, ask for a feather-bed, be labeled in plain figures, 2)人体动作:look across at, look admiringly at, come up to, stare at, giggle, be steady to move, push sb. towards sb., put ones hand on ones shoulder, stand up on tiptoe, burry ones face in , 2功能:1) start an interview, end an interview and make a report(开始和结束“一次调查”或作一次调查报告) 参考课本第71页 Useful Languagel Excuse me, can I have a moment of your time, please?l My name is I am doing a survey for Would you mind answering a few question on ?l Excuse me, can you spare me a few seconds, please?l Thank you very much for helping me with my research.l Well, those are all my questions. Thanks a lot for your time.l Now Id like to say something about .l What impressed / interested me most was that l What he / she said is very interesting / important / impressed 2语法点:本课出现了it 用作形式主语和形式宾语,应作为本课的教学重点。二、 教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考1 Reading在本课的引入时,教师可利用“小组活动”教学手段,让学生在小组活动中充分发挥各自的想象力。可以让学生以小组就课前的图片编小故事,看看学生对这幅图的理解。在此基础上,阅读并讲解课文,对课文有一个整体的把握。链接1 有关语言故事几则 上海话中的外来语和英语中的同音异义词课本第60页Highlights 部分。2 Listening作为教材第69页的听力部分,可让学生了解各种语言之间的差别,就是同为英语,也会因地而异。同时建议教师可利用上海外语教育出版社出版的英语(新世纪版)听力,开展相关主题的听力活动作为对教材的补充。课文第69页Listening Practice3 Speaking以“语言学习”为主题设计口语活动。活动一:根据图片60简要讲述本课故事活动二:情景对话。请学生自行把课文改变成小短剧并表演。活动三:采访。采访本班或其他班级的同学,了解同学的学习时间和学习兴趣,采访结果可先在组内进行交流,后由小组推选代表在班内进行汇报。链接2 采访任务的一些具体教学建议。课文第70页Speaking Practice4 Writing本部分内容写公务信函,包括求职信,投诉信,给编者或官员的信链接3练写公务信函的教学建议课文第73页Writing部分5 Structure作形式主语和形式宾语是本课的语法教学内容。教师可通过“句型操练”、“动词归纳”、“中译英”三个层次循序渐进,使枯燥的语法讲解与学生的实际运用相结合。链接4 形式主语和形式宾语操练的教学建议。课文第67页Structure 部分6 Additional Reading本部分建议放在最后一课时。本文出现的重要词汇与词组: through eye contact, walk over to, lean forward, give sb. a broad grin, pay attention to, read sth. in ones eyes, spark ones attention, base on, in low voice, go down well, to mention the worst, call for 课文第75页Additional Reading链接1说明:利用“头脑风暴” 找一找上海话中外来语和其他语中的汉语,看看语言的相互渗透。“头脑风暴”是提供学生积极思维的好机会。这一环节的运用既能发挥学生的积极主动性,又能使学生在小组活动中互帮互助。利用“ 幽默小故事”和同音异议词以引起学生对语言发音的重视。A: 幽默小故事1. 打电话;A: Whos that speaking?B: Hu.A: Whos that?B: Im Hu A: Who are you?B: Im Mr. Hu.A: Who do you wish to talk to?B: Watt.A: What?B: Watt A: Whats his name?B: David Watt2. Keys or Kiss?A friend of mine was giving an English lesson to a class of adult who had recently come to live in the United States. After placing quite a number of everyday objects on a table, he asked various members of the class to give him the ruler, the book, the pen and so on. The class went very smoothly and the students seemed interested and serious about the work that they were engaged in until when my friend turned to an Italian student and said, “Give me the keys.” The man looked surprised and somewhat at a loss. Seeing this, my friend thought that the student hadnt heard him clearly, so he repeated, “Give me the keys.” The Italian shrugged his shoulders. Then, he threw his arms around the teachers neck and kissed him on both cheeks.3. A: My grandfather was a Pole.B: North or South?甲: 我的祖父是波兰人.(也同:我的祖父是地极.)乙: 北极还是南极? 注: Pole可作波兰人也可做地极.4.Little Girl: Id like to buy a puppy, sir. How much do they cost?Store Owner: Ten dollars a piece.Little Girl: How much does a whole one cost?小女孩: 我想买一条小狗,先生.请问它们卖多少钱?店主: 十美元一只(音同:十美元一片)小女孩: 一整只卖多少钱? 注:apiece - 每个音同 a piece - 一片.B. 老上海话中的外来语在汉语中有不少来自英语的外来语, 如: 沙发sofa, 可乐cola, 咖啡: coffee, 巧克力: chocolate, 保龄球bowling, 引擎engine, 汉堡包: hamburger, 脱口秀talk show, 沙龙: salon. 教师补充老上海话中的外来语, 如: 司的克(拐杖) stick, 水门汀(水泥) cement, 斯别林(弹簧锁)spring, 斯达特(启动器)starter, 老虎窗(天窗)roof等, 英语中的汉语, 广东话: kung-fu (功夫) , tea(茶), 英语中的法语,拉丁语, 告诉学生语言的力量能够反映一个国家的综合实力. C. 某些同音异议词rite(礼仪) / write, right / Wright or / ore / oar / awe敬畏 cent(美分) / sent / scent(气味), cite(引证) / site(地点) / sight peak(山峰),peek(偷看),pique(愤怒) rain(雨),rein(缰绳),reign(统治) there / their/ theyre pare / pair / pear where / wear / ware for / fore / fourBy / buy / bye here-hear flew-flu sore-soar strait(海峡)/straight(直的) wait(等待)/weight(重量) way/weigh v.(称)some/sum, son/sun, one/won(win 的过去式) boy / buoy(浮筒) know/no knot n.(结)/not knew/new knight n.(武士)/night made/maid 女仆 reed 芦苇/read rode/ road male/mail 邮件peek/peak 峰 week/weak 弱的 sale/sail 航行 meet/meat tale/tail 尾巴 so/sew,waste/waist 腰 steel/steal 偷窃 see/sea die/dye 染料 toe 脚趾/tow 拖 new/knew,bare / bear 熊 fare / fair 博览会;公平 hare 野兔 / hairheel 脚后跟/heal 治愈 hey / hay due / dew, blue / blew stare 凝视/stair hire / higher flower/flour 面粉 led / lead 铅fowl 家禽/foul 犯规 red / read hall/haul 拖 ball / bawl 咆哮)Taylor(泰勒)/ tailor(裁缝) Rice(赖斯)/rice(米) 注:教师可先让学生列举他们所知道的外来语和同音异议词, 再做一些补充, 写在黑板上, 然后学生分成四人一组. 请每一组学生随意从黑班上选取4个词或一组同音词, 要求他们即兴编一个故事, 必须把这所选的词都用到故事中去. 鼓励学生发挥想象力, 每小组派一位学生想全班讲述他们小组编的故事. 故事要讲得既有趣, 又符合逻辑. 链接2 说明:采访是一个让学生接搜集所需信息的一种与人沟通的技巧。该活动是一个能体现语言社会交际功能的活动,是贴近学生生活、真实的任务。通过采访同学这一环节,了解同学不同的学习英语体会和经验等。在小组交流过程中,信息交流也为学生提供了一个语言学习、语言锻炼的机会。A:1)交流学习英语的体会和经验。 首先在组内进行交流。 可以参考Speaking practice B 的问卷中的12 个问题自己先回答一遍, 当然也可以补充其他的内容。2)小组成员挨个轮流发言, 然后评出学习方法最佳的一名学生。请其他同学向全班介绍这位学生学习英语方法和态度。 用第三人称单数形式。若介绍不完整,还可以请组内其他同学补充。B:1)首先参照Speaking practice B 制作一张问卷表。NameTotalTimeArrangements Results ReadingWritingListeningABCStudent AStudent BStudent CStudent DStudent EStudent FStudent G注:1. 调查 Reading, Writing 和Listening 分别所花费的时间 2成绩 A为10075,B 为7460, C 为60以下(教师可以根据情况调节此项)2) 就英语学习的时间、内容和成绩在小组内进行一次调查采访。3) 每采访一个对象,必须使用采访用的开场语或结束语(参照本课 Useful Language),在采访的过程中,做好必要的笔记。4)可以就采访对象的自我介绍发表一些意见,提出至少一条如何改进学习方法的建议。5)在组内汇报采访结果。然后,教师可请几对学生在全班演示采访全过程。链接3说明:这次写作可以作为学生一次练笔,目的是让学生了解一些写公务信函的基本知识。教师应尽量为学生多提供一些素材。A Letter of Application A July 30, 2006Dear Sir,Your advertisement in todays Times said that you needed a salesman. I am a salesman, but not an ordinary one. I have had twenty years experience on world market. I am 42 years old and graduated from York University where I studied Management and Sales. I have been working with a few companies abroad, but now I want to do business in the country. I am tired of spending time alone in a foreign country and leaving my family in England. I think I have the qualifications you require. Ill be glad of an interview at your convenience if you think Im qualified. Looking forward to your reply. Sincerely yours, John ReedBSept. 25, 2006Dear Mr. Director,I am a student of Senior Three, Blue Star Senior High School, China. I am very much interested in your university. To further my study in such a world-famous university like Columbia is a childhood dream of mine. Some of my friends are now studying in your university. I want to become one of them.I will be much obliged if you will be kind enough to send me the application forms and the other related materials. Thank you. Best wishes.Yours sincerely,Jian NingA Letter of Complaint AFeb.17, 2006Dear Sir, Im writing to complain about the poor quality of the Playstation I bought in Bright Department Store. It was made by Sooky Electron Factory. It worked quite all right for the first two days. Then it made a strange noises. Besides, the screen danced when it was on. We called the store. The man in charge told us that the factory should be responsible for the quality and that we should call the factory. So we did. The factory promised to get a man to check the Playstation. But this man has never turned up. We have called again and again. They seem very polite and patient. Now two moths have passed, and we are still wondering when the repairman will appear. I hope that you the Consumer Protection Association will make them understand their reputation and qualification. Sincerely, John Black BMarch 22, 2006Dear Sir. I bought a lamp in your shop on Mar. 13th. It was a good-looking lamp and it cost me 800yuan. When I came back, I tried every means to make it bright, but it doesnt work. So yesterday I went to your shop again, and asked to return the lamp and get my money back. A young lady received me. She treated me coldly and no matter what I said, she kept on refusing my request. At last, I got the lamp replaced but I was rather angry about the service. I think the service of the assistants should be improved. Sincerely, Joan Smith 链接4说明: 语法的学习除了教师的精讲之外,离不开学生的实际语言练习与运用。创设不同的活动让学生积极参与,使语法学习不再被动接受、死记硬背。1. 句型操练同桌二人或前排与后排A、B二人进行。A 准备一句没有 it的句子 B把这句子改成含有it 的句子例 A: Crying over spilt milk is no use.B: Its no use crying over spilt milk.1) To help the disabled is our duty.2) Not to be dependent on anybody is nice.3. To get ones meanings across is more important than follow grammatical rules.4) Playing with fire is dangerous. 5) Just memorizing lists of words is no good.6) That you should be so different from your sister is quite queer.7) Whether they will like the idea is doubtful.8) The young boy speaks English so well. It is really a surprise to us. 2. 教师回顾名词性从句的知识点,并让学生广泛阅读英语报刊杂志(Shanghai Students Post, Studio Classroom, etc),每人找出一句名词性从句。课堂上进行汇总,删除找错的句子,并讨论错误的原因。课后欣赏并记诵这些好句子。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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