英语:module1 unit2 global drinks教案(新世纪上海版高二第一学期)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!New Century (Book Three )Unit Two Global DrinksTeaching Aims:1. To get some knowledge about some popular drinks such as tea , coffee , etc. As well as the culture and customs that are related to them .2. To finish the exercise A and B .3. To make the students more creative , active , and purposeful .4. To enable the students to have the ability to cooperate with each other.Teaching method : Communicative approachTeaching aids: video , bottles and boxes of different drinks , arranged materials for group work .Procedures:I. A short play : showing the importance of water to us human beings .II. By asking students some questions , teacher leads the students to todays topic : global drinks .III. Discuss the conditions when we need a drink , types of drink .IV. Picture Talk .V. Finish the exercise A and B .VI. Homework .New Century ( Book Three)Unit Two Global Drinks School : Zhujiajiao senior High School Teacher : Yuxiaoying Place: Senior 2 , Class 7Period OneAims : 1 To get some knowledge about some popular drinks such as tea , coffee , etc. 2. to know the culture and customs that are related to them3. to finish the exercise A and B .Procedures:I. A short play .(Now we know money is not everything . Water is essential to our life . We can not live without water . Our body needs it at any moment , so we must drink water constantly . In general , we should supply a glass of water every hour.)II. When will we have drinks?1. we are thirsty2. playing basketball , or doing other physical exercise or training3. having a picnic4. having dinner5. having a reunion party6. meeting friends7. having meeting8. a kind of custom , etc.( Ask the students to give as many suitable occasions as possible.)( Supply the pictures )III. What kind of drink do you like best ? 1. fruit juice ,such as apple juice , orange juice ,etc. 2. Mineral water 3. coca-cola , pepsi 4. sprite Soft drink 5. coco-nut juice 6. tea 7. veggie-fruit juice . 8. coffee ,etc. 1. wine Liquor 2. brandy 3. whisky 4. cooktail ,etc.( We can divide them into two types . That is :soft drink , alcoholic drink or liquor . Since we are senior high school students , we mustnt drink liquor . It is against the rules of our school . So in the following period , we will mainly talk about soft drink.)IV. Picture talk .( A small group consists of four students . Give them 3 minutes to talk about it with each other . The teacher should give them help when necessary . The students should try their best to speak English .)1. Where are these people ? What is the relationship of the people in each picture ?2. What are the people doing in each of the picture ?3. Which picture fascinates you most ? Would you like to try what the people are drinking in that picture?V. Give the students 4 minutes to skim the text and match the heading in column I with the paragraphs in column II . Note that there are more headings than paragraphs. (A2 , on page 19 )VI. Scan the paragraphs and then answer the questions on the right margin of the text.( Teacher should cut down the five paragraphs . Give them to each group , and let the students decide who does the easy one and who does the difficult one . Ask the students to try to cooperate well to finish them all for the first.)1. Which words refer to drink in the context?2. From the context , what do vegetables provide us with?3. Why shouldnt we drink tea with meals?4. What are the two main kinds of Chinese tea introduced here?5. Does deprived carry a happy or sad feeling?6. The Japanese use a powdered green tea in their Tea Ceremony ,what do the Chinese and British use?VII. Ask the students to scan the text and answer the following questions.1. When and where was the tea first described as a health drink that prolongs life?2. What kind of tea contains more antioxidants?3. What kind of tea do people in Chinas Yangtze River regions prefer?VIII. Finish the exercise B. (Getting on to read )IX. Homework1. Preview the text .2. Review the vocabulary .教学反思1 本节课是第一教时,通过四十分钟时间,对课文进行导入,并完成Skim ,Scan 两种阅读技能的训练,以达到基本了解文章内容。由一个Short play来引出课文的主题,由waterdrink ,较为自然。提前一天,让学生围绕水对生命的重要性编一个短剧,让其自由组合,自己编剧本,分角色排练来完成任务,可以体现出学生的组织能力、创造能力及表达能力。2 整堂课容量较大,任务也很多,不仅学生了解生活中与饮料有关的知识,了解世界上不同国家对饮料的不同偏好及习惯、文化,还要懂得如何来表达。要求学生做一个生活的有心人,在日常生活中注意观察和积累知识经验。在活动中注意激发学生的想象力。需要学生主动、积极地参与教学活动。要让学生充满自信、敢于创新。3 本课的Reading Skills这一关,通过小组分工来完成,体现了同学间的合作精神,这也是素质教育对培养学生能力的一个要求。4 教学应以学生的发展为本,教学方式应去陈革新,有创新精神,适合学生的才是最好的。本节课,采用了多个活动,设置了多个方位的任务贯穿整个教学过程,课的结构及教学的过程由学生控制,因而具有较大的弹性,最终教学任务的完成情况不是看知识讲授多少,而是看学生的能力得到了多大的培养和提高。同时,对教师的课外知识、临场发挥和控制能力、引导和点拨提出了更高的要求,这也是对自身的挑战!客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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