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福州市2019-2020学年英语二年级下册Module1单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Lets _ some fruit. ( )AdrinkBbuyCbuys2 . 选出单词中不同类的一项:( )AteacherBmotherCpupil3 . Peter is _. ( )AwriteBwritingCwrites4 . house work ( )A家庭作业B家务劳动C集体劳动5 . What is the shape of the table? ( ) AIts a square.BIts a rectangle.CIts a round6 . Its 7 oclock. Grandma _. But she often _ at 8 oclock. ( )Ais drawing a picture; is drawing a pictureBis drawing a picture; draws a pictureCdraws a picture; is drawing a picture7 . ItsXihu Road. ( )AonBatCin8 . She goes _ once a year. ( )AswimBswimingCto swimDswimming9 . Sally likes school life. She would like to be a _ in the future.( )AdoctorBhead teacherCfarmer10 . Today well _ some kung fu. ( )AlearnBlearnsClearning11 . Would you mind _ me a new dress, Mum? ( )AbuyBto buyCbuying12 . _ they near the phone?AWhoBAreCIs13 . That _ mother.AyourBisCyouDare14 . She can _in English. ( )AwriteBwritesCwriting15 . 找出不同类的单词。(_) 1. A. doctorB. driverC. computer(_) 2. A. twoB. sevenC. second(_) 3. A. mathsB. warmC. music(_) 4. A. sunnyB. lunchC. cloudy(_) 5. A. libraryB. coolC. cold(_) 6. A. breakfastB. studentC. teacher二、选内容补全对话从方框中选择合适的句子,补全对话。AYes, I did.BWhat did you do there?CWhere did you go?DI came back on Sunday.EHow did you go there?A:Hi, Tom. You look happy.B:Yes, I went on a short trip last Saturday.A:16 . B:I went to the East Lake.A:17 . B:I watched insects and picked up leaves.A:18 . B:I went there by bike.A:Did you take any photos?B:19 . A:When did you come back?B:20 . 三、匹配题21 . 给下列英文词组,选择合适的汉语意思。( )1.some ducks( )2.fly away( )3.in the tree( )4.on the pond( )5.clean my room( )6.on the sea( )7.in China( )8. in the photo( )9.in the mountain( )10.in the supermarket四、看图题选出正确的单词。22 . _ (soft/hard)23 . _ (shirt/skirt)24 . _ (elephant/elephants)25 . _ (autumn/spring)26 . _ (vegetables/salad)27 . 根据句意,结合单词和右图提示,选择正确的词。提示:bookstore,cinema,doctor,John,hospitalMy name is1._. I am a 2._. On Monday I go to the3._. I like reading. I go to the 4._on Tuesday. I like seeing a film, too. I go to the 5._on Wednesday.28 . 根据图片回答问题。1. Did you go to a football game?_()2. Did you travel by bus?_()3. Did he visit New York?_()29 . 选出正确的选项(_) 1 A. book B. ruler(_) 2.A. rubber B. pencil(_) 3.A. ruler B. rubber30 . 仔细看图,在空缺的地方填上合适的词_ is the capital of China. Its in the _._ is a beautiful city in China. Its in the _.WashingtonAC is the _ of _. Its in the _.San Francisco is a famous city in _.Its in the _.31 . Look and circle(看图,圈出正确的单词):12345boygirlbigsmallMarybaggirlspigballKitty给图片选择相应的句子,并把所涂颜色写在横线上AIts a red balloon.BLook at my green cap.CThe clock is yellow.DI like the black pen.EThis is a blue chair.32 . (_)_33 . (_)_34 . (_)_35 . (_)_36 . (_)_根据图片提示选词(填序号)补全句子。A. cinema B. want C. plane D. bear E. high37 . Excuse me, where is the_?38 . I am going to Shanghai by_. 39 . I am hungry. I_some bread. 40 . They can jump_.41 . There is a_ in the photo. 五、抄写题42 . 把下面的句子抄写在四线格上注意书写格式:Im at the beach with my family.43 . 正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号。【小题1】danny what shape is it it is a triangle_抄写。44 . Did you see a film?_45 . I read it last weekend._46 . I had a cold._47 . Was it interesting?_在四线三格中规范地抄写句子。48 . Howwasyourweekend?49 . Whatdidyoudo?第 9 页 共 9 页


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