河南省2020版英语五年级下册Unit 1 Cinderella 单元测试卷B卷

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河南省2020版英语五年级下册Unit 1 Cinderella 单元测试卷B卷_第1页
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河南省2020版英语五年级下册Unit 1 Cinderella 单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题Read and choose.找出不同类的单词或词组。1 . AmathBcoldCEnglish2 . AsunnyBplaygroundCgarden3 . AlunchBhotCwarm4 . AballBgo to schoolCgo home5 . AsnowyBweatherCrainy6 . - _ skirt is this? ( )- Its Jennys,I think.AWhatBWhosCWhose7 . did it take you to get there? ( )AHow muchBHow longCWhat8 . - Will the children go home together? ( )-_.ANo, they willBYes, they wontCYes, they will9 . _ that your bag? ( )AItBAreCIs选出下列每组单词划线部分的发音不同的一项。10 . AfatherBappleCfamilyDanimal11 . AtreeBdressCdriverDdream12 . AboatsBfruitsCinsectsDbeds13 . AboxBofficeCwrongDonly14 . AmuseumBusefulCuponDusually15 . Bob_ good at sports. ( )AisBamCareDbe16 . -Yes, there is. ( )AIs there a bird?BIs it on Green Street?CAre there any shops?17 . Cinderella has to come back _ 12 oclock. ( )Ain front ofBbeforeCafter18 . There _stone animals. ( )AisBamCare19 . Do you want to speak more English? Please keep on _ English every day. ( )ApractiseBpractisingCpractises20 . Excuse _,How can I get to the post office?AIBmeCmy21 . Where is the Italian restaurant? ( )Its _ the bookstore.Anext toBfromCcrossing二、阅读选择阅读理解。A Foolish DogA dog has a large piece of meat in his mouth. When he is walking on a small bridge, he looks down and sees himself in the water. He thinks it is another dog. That dog has also a large piece of meat in his mouth. He says to himself, “I want to get his meat. Then I can have two pieces of meat.” He opens his mouth to bark at the dog in the water, and his meat falls into the water.22 . The dog is standing _. ( )Aon the grassBin the waterCon a small bridges23 . There is a _ of meat in the dogs mouth. ( )ApieceBbottleCglass24 . The dog looks down and sees _ in the water. ( )AyourselfBmyselfChimself25 . He opens his mouth to _. ( )AlaughBcryCbark26 . The dog gets _. ( )Aa piece of meatBtwo pieces of meatCno meat三、完形填空完型填空。Im Sandy. Im_ eleven-year-old girl. I think my parents are strict(严格的). Do you know _? Now let me tell you. There are too many rules at my home. I have to _for 15 minutes (分钟)every morning. My parents think running is good for me, _ I dont like running. My things_ be here and there. I must keep my room_. After school, I cant play with my friends. I _ to go home to do my_.I often ask my mother, “Mom, can I watch TV?” She always_, “Do you finish your homework? If you do, its time for_to play the piano.” I have to play the piano for an hour(小时)every evening. I dont like the rules at my home. Are there any rules at your home?27 . AaBanCtheD/28 . AwhatBwhoCwhyDwhere29 . AwalkBrunCplayDswim30 . AsoBorCbutDand31 . AcantBdontCcanDdo32 . AinterestingBsadCbusyDtidy33 . AwantBhaveCmustDhas34 . AshowerBdinnerChomeworkDshopping35 . AtellsBsaysCspeaksDtalks36 . AyouBmeCherDhim四、填空题37 . Today is_(Mother/Mothers)Day.五、单词拼写根据中文意思,完成句子。每空一词。38 . I cant _(理解)you , would you like to say it again?39 . This pair of shoes _(适合)me very well, I want to take them.40 . Today Jims father is ill, He cant drive Jim to school, so Jim _(必须)to go to school by bus.41 . Look, two _(仙女) are helping them.42 . This year Mrs Yan teaches _(我们)English.六、任务型阅读阅读理解。判断正( T )误 (F )。Johnson has a parrot(鹦鹉). Its a beautiful bird. Every day Johnson says to it, “Hello! I can see you!” Soon the bird can say, “Hello! I can see you!” too.One day Johnson is at school. A thief(贼) comes into Johnsons room. He wants to steal(偷) something. A voice(声音) comes, “Hello! I can see you!” The thief puts the things on the floor and runs away.43 . Johnsons bird is a parrot. (_)44 . Johnson often says “Hello! I can see you!” to the bird. (_)45 . Johnson is a policeman. (_)46 . When the thief hears the voice, he puts the things down. (_)47 . The thief steals the bird. (_)七、汉译英根据中文提示,完成句子。48 . 迈克不得不坐公交车去上学。Mike _go to school by bus.49 . 灰姑娘留下了什么?她留下了一只鞋子。-What _Cinderella leave _? -She _a shoe _.50 . 因为这些蘑菇对我们有害。_the mushrooms are _us.51 . 灰姑娘什么时间必须回来?她必须十二点之前回来。-_does Cinderella have _come back?-She _to come back _12 oclock.52 . 莉莉拜访了她的爷爷。Lily _grandpa.八、英汉混合53 . 英汉互译1.好看的_2.一间卧室_3._new4._everyone5.一个浴室_九、句型转换54 . 按要求写句子。1. Are you free now?(作否定回答)_2. us, Let, shopping, go, OK (,) (?)(连词成句)_3. My skirt is yellow and white(对画线部分提问)_4. I can go with you(变为一般疑问句)_5. Hello! Whos that?(根据实际情况回答)_十、填内容补全对话看图完成对话。55 . Bobby and Sam are in the _ .Bobby: Do you have _ snacks, Sam? Im very _ .Sam: No, I dont.56 . Bobby _ some _ under a tree.Sam: Hurry up, Bobby. Its _ .Bobby: Look! There are some _ .We can _ them.57 . Bobby _ a big red _.Bobby: _you like one ?Sam: No, Bobby! We cant eat them.58 . Bobby does not _ .Bobby: Why? They _ so nice.Sam:_ these mushrooms are _ us!Bobby: Oh, what a pity!十一、匹配题匹配题。AIts green.BNo, it isnt.CThats right.DYes, it is.EIts a book.59 . Is it a clock?(_)60 . What color is this?(_)61 . Whats that?(_)62 . Is that a black pillow?(_)63 . Its B3.(_)十二、书面表达64 . 根据提示,用下面的几个词组写一篇短文。注意语句通顺,意义紧凑。Keys: drive me to school be ill have to by bus be late for school _第 9 页 共 9 页


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