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济南市2019-2020年度六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ Tuesdays maths class, Sam helps Tim. ( )AInBAtCOn2 . I _ last month. ( )Ago campingBwent campCwent camping3 . Please write _me soon. ( )AinBonCto4 . Its _ in the morning. Its time _ go to school. ( )A7:10; toB5:00; forC11:05; to5 . There _ some water on the table ten minutes ago . ( )AwasBwereCareDis6 . Whatsyourfavouritefruit,Amy?( )Ilikestrawberries.Theyare_.AsweetBsaltyCyellow7 . I dont live in China, _ I like Chinese. ( )AandBbutCso8 . My mother wants to sleep. Please dont . ( )AtalkBsitCsleep9 . Tom sings _ song on Childrens Day. ( )A/BaCanDthe10 . 看电影( )Ain the seaBsee a filmCwatch TV11 . Is this _ bedroom?AyouBherCyoursDme12 . A nice skirt! Where did you buy it? ( ) Oh, its a present. My aunt _ it to me for my last birthdayAwas sendingBhad sentCwill sendDsent13 . _ is the soup? ( )Its nice. I love it.AHow longBHow oldCHow14 . -Look at my new toy boat! ( )-AI have two cars.BHow nice!CI dont like it.二、完形填空完形填空。My grandmother _ shopping every day. She _ work, so she has time to go _. She usually _different things. She goes from shop to shop with her basket. _ the grocery store, she buys many things, such as milk, fruit, vegetables _meat. They are very _. She likes music. She usually goes _ the music store. She often buys many things _my grandfather.She goes to a small coffee shop after shopping. She likes to have a rest there. Some _her old friends are usually there. They drink coffee together.15 . AgoBgoesCto go16 . AdoesBdontCdoesnt17 . AshoppingBshopCfish18 . AbuyBto buyCbuys19 . AOnBToCIn20 . AandBbutCor21 . AoldBsweetCfresh22 . AtoBforCcross23 . AforBtoCon24 . AoffBforCof三、填空题25 . 将下列单词归类。pencil, brother, pen, blue,panda, yellow, mother, cat,book, sister, red, dog(1)动物_(2)文具_(3)颜色_(4)家人_26 . 根据提示写单词。每空一词。1.I always _at weekends.2.What does Peter like?He likes _.3.No one can _stpme from doing it.4.Sam and Amy spoke very l_ Chinese when they came to China four years ago.四、任务型阅读27 . 阅读短文并判断正(T)误(F)。Tomorrow is Childrens Day. Our school will have a concert. Anna, Ken and David will play together at the school concert. Everyone is excited. Anna will play the piano. Ken will play the guitar and David will play the drums. Kens parents will come to the concert. They are excited, too.( ) 1. Tomorrow is Teachers Day. ( ) 2. Everyone is boring.( ) 3. Anna will play the piano.( ) 4.Davids parents will come to the concert.( ) 5. Kens parents are excited, too.五、填内容补全对话28 . 看图, 完成句子Look! This is Miss Green. She goes to work 1._ . She 2._in our school. She is our 3._. She is young and kind. She 4._at school. She 5._at five in the afternoon.根据图片和上下文提示写单词,补全短文。Today is29 . .Its30 . . I have some31 . and32 . for breakfast. Then I read a33 . , watch34 . and play35 . games. Tomorrow is36 . . 星期-. We will have37 . and music. I like38 . very much.六、选内容补全对话39 . Read and choose. 看图,选择合适的句子补全会话,只填字母标号即可。AThanks. BBye, Miss. White.CExcuse me. DHi, Miss. White!E. Is this the teachers office?1. (1) _. Wheres the teachers office?Its on the second.OK. (2) _2. Hi. (3) _No, it isnt. The teachers office is next to the library.3. (4) _ Heres my homework.Thank you, Mike.(5) _40 . 选择句子,完成对话AYes, I did.BThis is Mike.CWhat did you do there?DHow was your holiday?EWhere did you go?Amy: Hello, 83346621.Mike: Hi, Amy! _Amy: Hi, Mike! How are you?Mike: Fine. _Amy: It was great,thanks.Mike: _Amy: I went to Hangzhou with my parents.Mike: _Amy: I rode a bike,bought gifts, took many pictures and ate good food.Mike: Sounds great! Did you go to the West Lake?Amy: _. Its so beautiful!Mike: Wow! Im going to visit there one day. OK,see you.Amy: Bye!第 7 页 共 7 页


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