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河北省2019版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(三)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The children are _ their plans _ the National Day holiday. ( )Atelling about; ofBtalk about; forCtalking about; for2 . The red pen is _ than the green one. ( )AlongBlongerClongest3 . Whose English book is that? ( )Its_.AmineBmeCI4 . _ I have come soup? ( )ADoBAmCCan5 . Open the door! ( )A把窗户打开!B把门打开!读单词,找出下列每组单词中不同类的选项。6 . AsmallestBshortestClonger7 . AcakeBjuiceCmilk8 . ApractiseBhimselfCthemselves9 . AwroteBlookClearnt10 . AgreetBsometimesCreceive11 . -_is the fan? ( )-Its twenty yuan.AHow muchBHow manyCHow选出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项12 . AfirstBthirtyCfire13 . AherBslipperCsilver14 . AsadBwaterCcap15 . AhowBsnowCshow16 . AblueBhutCcup17 . -_ does Sam feel?-Hes very well .AWhatBHowCWhen18 . She has got _small ears. ( )Aa pinkBpink19 . He had _ for breakfast at about ten past seven. ( )Aeggs and breadBegg and breadCeggs and breads20 . 选出不同类词:( )AsunnyBparkCcloudy21 . Mikes mother is English . She English. ( )Aa; teacher; teacherBan; teacher; teachCan; teacher; teaches22 . 这是一张中国的地图。( )AThis is a map of China.BThis is a picture of China.23 . ln(行;排;列) ( )Aa; eBi; eCi; a二、阅读选择阅读表格的内容,选择正确的答案。If you are riding a bike in foreign countries, you need to know what these traffic signs mean. 1 This sign means “walk”, you can cross the street along with other people. 2 This sign is the “dont walk” sign. It means you should stop to wait for a while until the sign of “walk” is showing. 3 This sign means that there is a bike lane. If you see such a sign, you must use the bike lane. 4 Car drivers and bike riders must come to a complete stop at “STOP” signs. 5 This sign means you are coming to a zebra crossing. You must slow down to allow people in the zebra crossing to cross the street. 6 This sign means parts of the road are rough*. Be careful! Rough roads make you fall off your bike. 24 . Which of the following signs means “walk”? ( )ABC25 . What should bike riders do when they see the sign ? ( )ATo ride on the right side of the road.BTo ride on the left side of the road.CTo ride on the bike lane.26 . Which of the following sign has the same meaning as the sign? ( )ABC三、情景交际27 . -What day is today?( )-_AIts a sweater.BIts Tuesday.28 . 当你想告诉别人“在银行后面有一个公园。”,你要怎么说_ ( )AThere is a bank behind the park.BThere is a park behind the bank.四、填空题29 . 选词填空。visit open long come about1. This book is _ London.2. I want to _ my grandpa this weekend.3. Youll see the Tower Bridge. It can _.4. _ to my house. Youll see my new toys.5. This river is River Thames. Its very _.五、单词拼写30 . 根据图片和首字母提示,补全句子:There are many ducks in the river. Lets g_ and feed them. 六、任务型阅读31 . 阅读理解Hello! My name is John, I have a happy family. There are four people in my family. Theyre my father, my mother, my baby sister and I. We have a beautiful garden. There are two trees and some flowers in it. There are some apples on the tree. Do you like apples and flowers? Welcome to my home.(1)My name is Mike.(2)There are four people in my family.(3)I have a small farm.(4)There are apple trees and flowers in the garden.七、句型转换按要求完成下列各题。32 . I often do some washing. (改为一般疑问句)_33 . Can you fly a kite?(作肯定回答)_, _.34 . Jack often draws pictures. (对画线部分)_ Jack often _?35 . She is going to the bookstore. (改为一般疑问句)_36 . are in there people park many the (.)(连词成句)_八、选内容补全对话根据上下文选择合适的句子把对话补充完整。A. She is very tall.B. Really? An English friend?C. Is she tall?D. Whats her name?E. She is a Chinese girl.A: Dad, I have a new friend.B: 37 . A: No, she isnt.38 . B: 39 . A: Her name is Lily.B: 40 . A: Yes.41 . 九、连词成句42 . 连词成句:interest, are, places, many, There, of (.)_十、书面表达43 . Speak and write. 说一说,写一写。1.Did you go on a trip?2.Where do you want to go?Take about a trip and make a trip plan.第 7 页 共 7 页


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