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广州市2020年六年级下册名校小升初冲刺训练英语试卷(六)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Look! My sister is very _. ( )AexcitedBexciteCexciting2 . Its 12:00. Its time for_.( )AbreakfastBlunchCdinner3 . , fold the card. , draw a picture., write your name. ( )AFirst; Next; FinallyBNext; Then; FinallyCFirst; Next; FinalDThen; First; Finally4 . Danny and I _ friends. _ like making paper balls. ( )Aam, IBare, WeCis, he5 . 动动脑。(选择相应的答语,只填序号)( ) (1)Where are you?( ) (2)Can you see it ?( ) (3)What are you going to do ?( ) (4)What is it ?( ) (5)What are they doing?AYes , I can .BIt is a horse.CIm on the station.DThey are turning around.EI am going up a hill.6 . Is the man your teacher? ( )_AYes, he doesBNo, he isnt.CNo, he can t.7 . _ is Bobby? ( )He is in the shop.AHowBWhatCWhere8 . You _ eat sweets before bedtime. Theyre _ for your teeth. ( )Ashouldnt, badBshould, goodCcan, bad9 . We _ the games now. ( )AwatchBwatchingCare watching10 . - Can Kitty fly? ( )-ANo, he cant.BYes, she is.CNo, she cant.二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Hello! My name is Amy. I am eleven years old. I like yellow. Thats my favourite colour. I like to draw pictures, and thats my favourite school work. My favourite food is hamburgers. I like hamburgers for lunch. I like my Chinese teacher, so my favourite subject is Chinese. I like my yellow dress very much.11 . Amy is _ years old. ( )A. eleven B. seven C. twelve12 . Amys favourite colour is _. ( )A. red B. blue C. yellow13 . Her favourite food is _. ( )A. hot dogs B. hamburgers C. donuts14 . _ is her favourite subject. ( )A. Music B. English C. Chinese15 . She likes her _ very much. ( )A. dress B. skirt C. shirt三、阅读回答问题阅读下面的材料,并按要求完成下列各题。My name is Lucy. My family has five people. My grandma is a teacher. She is very friendly.My grandpa is a doctor. He is quiet. My father is a cook and my mother is a nurse. I am a student. I have no job.16 . 请给短文用英文起个题目:_.17 . Is Lucys grandma friendly?_18 . Whats Lucys fathers job?_19 . Whats Lucys mothers job?_20 . Is Lucy has a job?_四、填内容补全对话21 . 请根据所提示的内容,补全对话。A:Look! What _ it?B:Its a _ .A:Its ears are _ .B:Yes, its tail is _ .A:I like _ .B:Me ,too.五、选内容补全对话选择正确的句子完成对话On the streetAAre there any good bakeries nearby?BWhat can I do for you?CIs it near or far?DIt tastes very good.EWhere are the two bakeries?Lady: Excuse me, girl. Im new here. Can you do me a favour?Linda: Of course, Miss. 22 . Lady: I want to buy some bread for breakfast. 23 . Linda: Of course, Miss. I like the croissant in Toms Bakery.24 . And I like the butter cookies in Judies Bakery too. Lady: That sounds great! 25 . Linda: They are on the same street, Pink Street.Lady: 26 . Linda: Its very near. You can walk along this street. About five minutes. Lady: Thank you, girl. Its so kind of you.Linda: Its my pleasure. Have a nice day!In Toms bakery.六、书面表达27 . 书面表达。参照下面的表格,用英文帮小文描述一下家里及学校里的情况吧。不少于40个单词。familyschoolclassHimself5 people90 pupils15 pupils12 crayons第 5 页 共 5 页


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