呼和浩特市2020年(春秋版)英语五年级上册 Module10单元测试卷B卷

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呼和浩特市2020年(春秋版)英语五年级上册 Module10单元测试卷B卷_第1页
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呼和浩特市2020年(春秋版)英语五年级上册 Module10单元测试卷B卷_第3页
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呼和浩特市2020年(春秋版)英语五年级上册 Module10单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . He can _ four languages. ( )AspeakBtellCknow2 . Its rainy. I will _ my umbrella.AbringBboughtCsleeping3 . “我很累!”这句话怎么样翻译?AI am very hot!BI feel tired!4 . ( )AAre they ready for the trip to the US?BAre they ready for the trip to the UK?5 . -Is he a tall boy? ( )-_.ANo, he is a short boy.BYes, he is a short boy.6 . I have _ old house. ( )AaBanCthe7 . your brother at home last Sunday? ( )No, she went to the shopping mall with my mother. ( )ADidBDoesCWasDWere8 . Lets _ with his father on Sunday. ( )Ago swimmingBgo to swimmingCgo swimDgoing to swim9 . I am looking _ the window.( )Aout ofBoutCof10 . This Tuesday is Lisas _ birthday. ( )AtwentyBtwenty-firstCtwenty-one11 . _ do I get to the station? ( )AWhatBHowCWhich二、填空题12 . 用is , are填空1. There _three cats in that house.2. Look, there _ a kite in the sky.3. Daming _ going to swim in the sea. 4. _ you going to dance in the party?13 . 按要求写单词。give(过去式)_city(复数)_drink(过去式)_sing(名词)_eat(现在分词)_study(过去式)_dangerous(反义词)_shop(现在分词)_know (同音词)_wear (同音词)_same(反义词)_三、英汉混合14 . 词组中英互译1.给她一些鱼_ 2.talk about your hobbies_3.住在澳大利亚_ 4.visit their grandparents_5.等一会儿_6.have a dancing lesson_7.帮助许多病人_ 8.send a picture_9.在圣诞节_10.have no arms or legs _四、句型转换15 . 按照要求完成句子。1. There is a peach on the tree.(用seven变成复数)There _ seven _ on the tree.2. Look! Here is my hand.(变成复数)Look! Here _ my _.3. There are fifteen arms on the monsters body.(用How many提问)_ are there on the monsters body?4. Ill fly my kite on Monday.(变成一般疑问句)_ fly _ kite on Monday?5. Will Dongdong watch TV this afternoon?(做肯定和否定回答)Yes, _. No, _.五、连词成句16 . 连词成句。1. can for I what you do (?)_2. hand use with your the chopsticks right (.)_3. food I love very Chinese much (.)_4. dont too computer play many games (.)_5. time you watch TV what do (?)_第 4 页 共 4 页

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