黑龙江省2020年英语四年级下册Module 2单元测试卷A卷

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黑龙江省2020年英语四年级下册Module 2单元测试卷A卷_第1页
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黑龙江省2020年英语四年级下册Module 2单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Let me_ my parents_ you. ( )Aintroduces; toBintroduce; toCintroduce; of根据汉语意思,选择正确的单词。2 . 朋友 ( )AboyBfriendCgirl3 . 矮的 ( )AshortBlongCthin4 . 今天 ( )AchildrenBteacherCtoday5 . 家庭 ( )AfatherBbrotherCfamily6 . 中国 ( )AChinaBUKCUSA7 . Whats wrong with your brother? ( ) Hes ill. He is not _.AwellBgoodCgreat8 . It is . ( )AsweetBsourCcandy9 . This soup is just _. I can have it. ( )AhotBcoldCright10 . Im so sorry, Lingling. ( )Im so sorry, _.AtoBtooCon11 . you going towith her this evening?( )Yes, I am.AWhat; doBIs; swimmingCAre; play12 . Whats favourite food? ( )AJohnBJohnsCJohns13 . The movie is very _ and I like it.AboringBinterestCinterestingDdifficult14 . My sister is agirl and she doesnt like talking with people.AquietBquiteCactive二、情景交际15 . 想知道对方有多少块橡皮,你可以说:_( )AHow many rubbers do you have?BI have nineteen rubbers.CHow many rulers do you have?16 . 你的同学Lingling是一个聪明的女孩,你会这样介绍她:_.AShe is nice.BShe is clever.17 . 当你准备去野餐时,你可以对朋友说:_ ( )AWe need food for our picnic.BWe need fruit for lunch.CWe need food for our breakfast.18 . 老师问你晚餐吃了什么,她应说:( )AWhat do you like for dinner?BWhat did you have for dinner?三、填空题19 . 按要求写单词。1. sing(名词)_2. give(过去式)_3. city(复数)_4. drink(过去式)_5. dangerous(反义词)_四、单词拼写20 . 读一读,根据单词提示,在表格中圈出相应的单词。1. father 2. woman3. mother 4. dadawomanydrtoughmfatherosfhodjncgepakbvnrldx21 . bottle (复数) _五、任务型阅读22 . 根据短文内容判断,用“T”或“F”表示:Hello! Im Wendy. Im a girl. Im eight. Im tall, but Im not thin. My eyes are big. I have a friend. His name is Jim. He is five. He is short and thin. We like Tom. He is a little dog. He is one. He is yellow and brown. He has two long ears. Wendy is a boy.Wendy is fat. Wendy has two big brown eyes. Wendy is short.Jim is Wendys brother.Jim is five. Jim is big. Jim has a dog. Tom is one. Toms ears are long.六、汉译英23 . 吉米,祝你生日快乐!这是你的蛋糕。Happy _to you, Jimmy! _is your cake.根据中文提示,完成句子。24 . 阅读可以使人聪明。_ can _ people _.25 . 下周我打算去公园钓鱼和放风筝。We _ and fly _ in the park next week.26 . 莉莉你应该把你的东西整理得井井有条。Lily, you should _ your things in _.27 . 李明有时在课上感到困倦。Li Ming sometimes _ in class.28 . 这个小女孩正在伤心的哭。The little girl is _.29 . 我的姐姐打算买些新衣服。My sister is going to _.根据中文完成句子,每空一词。30 . Helen放学后通常做什么?她通常做家庭作业。What _Helen usually_after school? She usually _ homework.31 . 你怎么来到学校?坐出租车。_ do you _ to school? _.32 . 用你的右手触摸你的左脚。_ your _ hand _ your left foot .33 . 你怎么啦?让我检查下。你应该喝水。Whats_ with you? Let _ check. You should _.七、改错选出错误的一项,并改正。34 . Itshoton summer. (_)_A B C35 . Wherecan you see? (_)_A B C36 . You can see amountains. (_)_A B C37 . There is some bookson the desk. (_)_A B C38 . There area penin the pencil-case. (_)_A B C改错。选出有错误的一项,把正确的写在后面的横线上。39 . I can play football either. (_)_A B C40 . Can you swim? Yes, I do. (_)_A B C41 . They can play table tennis very good. (_)_A B C42 . Hecanswims. (_)_A B C43 . Hecantfly. (_)_A B C下列句子中各有一处错误,请选出并改在后面横线上。44 . Look atyoumouth.(_)_A B C45 . Itfiveoclock.(_)_A B C46 . Whatsaboutyou?(_)_A B C47 . ImonClass One.(_)_A B C48 . ExcuseI, Miss Liu.(_)_A B C49 . 下列句子中均有一处错误,找出并改正。1. Who umbrella is this ?_2. Its time go home._3. Is this shes crayon?_4. Where do your mother live?_5. Its Peter peach._八、连线题50 . 连一连下列单词的反义词或对应词。1.new a. weak (虚弱的)2.he b. small3.big c. short4.tall d. old5.strong e. she第 8 页 共 8 页


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