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内蒙古自治区2019-2020学年英语五年级上册期末专项训练:用单词适当形式填空B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、填空题从括号中选择正确的单词填空1 . How many_(box, boxes) do you have?2 . _(Her, She) is Nancy. _eyes are big, (Her, She)3 . I like_(robot, robots). Look! This_(robot, robots) is cool.4 . Her hair_(is, are) long, and her eyes_(are, is) big.5 . -How much_(is, are) the shoes?-_(Its, Theyre) 45 yuan.6 . I like_(that, those) pears in the box.7 . 读一读,写一写。(用所给单词的适当形式填空)(10分)(1) Look at the woman. _ job is a nurse. (2) _ are my pencils. (3)Look!The bird is _(4)_ are my rulers.用所给词的适当形式填空。8 . Why _ (do not) your sister go to the party?9 . Many girls are at _ (Yang Ling) house.10 . Can I eat _ (they), Dad?11 . Look! The shoe _ (fit) _ (good).12 . Liu Tao has to _ (make) a cake for his sister.13 . The gloves _ (be) too big.14 . Let _ (I) _ (have) a try.15 . I like _ (fairy) because they can help people.16 . I dont have _ (some) new clothes.17 . Who _ (try) on the dress?My sister.18 . The students_(be)having an English class.19 . 用There be的正确形式填空。_ a soccer and a basketball on the floor._ a bike behind the tree._ some flowers in the vasie._ seven days in a week._ a cartoon on TV last night._ any water in the fridge._ much cheese on the big pizza._ a lot pf sheep on the farm._ a cap, a book and two magazines on the sofa._ no swimming pool in my school last year.用所给词的适当形式填空。20 . We should brush our _ (tooth) before bedtime.21 . Leo always _ (watch) too much TV every day.22 . He dont take _ (some) medicine.23 . Whats wrong with _ (she)? She has a cough.24 . Please dont eat too many _ (sweet).25 . What should they _ (do)? They should _ (have) a rest at home.26 . My sister doesnt like _ (drink) water.根据句意,用给单词的正确形式填空。27 . It _(be) in March.28 . My mum will _(make) zongzi then.29 . She _(have) a few fun things in spring.30 . We have _(an/a) Easter party.31 . What about you and _ (you) partner?用所给词的适当形式填空。32 . _ (there be) two apples and a cake on the table. Can you see it?33 . _ (there be) some soup or apples in the kitchen. Can you find it?34 . _ (there be) two bowls of soup on the table.35 . I _ (see) a little girl on the street.36 . We often _ (walk) to school.37 . 读一读,根据常规情况圈出正确的单词: You(should/shouldnt)say hello to your teacher.38 . I_ (be) ill. Im staying in bed.第 4 页 共 4 页

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