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兰州市2020年(春秋版)五年级上册第四次月考英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I get up _ 6:30. ( )AinBonCat2 . Helen never eats sweet food. She often eats at a time.Atoo many; a littleBtoo many; a fewCtoo much; a littleDtoo much; a few从下列每组单词中选择不同的一项。3 . AangryBwouldCshould4 . AscientistBgymCcoach5 . AdictionaryBnotebookCpicture6 . AtaxiBsubwayCfoot7 . AstraightBhospitalCmuseum8 . What day is it today? ( ) _AIts February 10th.BIts a Wednesday.CFriday.9 . “_ is that girl over there?” “Shes my new friend Jenny.” ( )AWhatBWhoCHow old10 . ( )ALondon is the capital of English.BLondon is the capital of England.CLondon is the capital of the USA.看图,选择恰当选项补全对话。11 . Whats this? ( )_AIts a lion.BIts a tiger.12 . Is that a birds home? ( )_ANo, it isnt.BYes, it is.13 . _ ( )A storybook.AWhats on the desk?BWhats on the chair?14 . Whos that? ( )_AThats my sister.BThats my brother.15 . _ ( )Yes, it is.AIs this your sweater?BIs this your coat?16 . Whats in your bag? ( )AAn English book.BA desk.CA classroom.17 . There are two men. _ playing chess.ATheyreBHesCShes18 . What would you _ drink?( )AlikeBlike toCto二、阅读回答问题19 . 阅读短文,回答问题Xiao Peng had a long holiday last month. He went to Hangzhou and visited her grandparents. He went there by train.Xiao Peng played with his cousin on the first day of the holiday. The next day, he visited the West Lake. It was very beautiful. He went boating. He climbed a mountain, too. He stayed in Hangzhou for five days. For the last day of the holiday, he came back home and did his homework, then prepared to go back to school.1.Where did Xiao Peng go on his holiday?2. How did he go there?3.What did he do there? 4. When did he go back home? 5. Did Xiao Peng visit his grandparents last month?三、句型转换20 . It will be sunny in Hangzhou tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句)_四、改错21 . 改错,找出错误的一处,写在后面的横线上并改正。1. She is a English teacher. _2. I go home by foot. _3. Does your parents like China? _4. My father work near the sea. _5. Im go to be a writer. _五、匹配题给图片选择恰当选项。A. go shopping B. go fishing C. read a book D. watch TV E. go swimming22 . (_)23 . (_)24 . (_)25 . (_)26 . (_)匹配题。A Nice to meet you, Mike.B. Wow! Its so tall.C. Good afternoon.D. No, he is my PE teacher.E. She is my friend, Chen Jie.27 . Whos that girl? (_)28 . Good afternoon. (_)29 . Look at that giraffe. (_)30 . This is my friend, Mike. (_)31 . Is he your brother? (_)六、看图题32 . 看图片,选择正确的句子。1. _2._3._AIts a cute monkey.BThis is a tiger.CLook, its a horse.第 7 页 共 7 页

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