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合肥市2020版四年级下册月考英语试卷二B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 让我来关上窗户。( )ALet meclosethewindow.BLetsopenthedoor.CLetstumonthelight.2 . Froggy is good at _. ( )AswimBswimmingCswims3 . Chinese have meals _tables. ( )AaroundBinsideCin4 . What time is it? _. ( )AIts nine oclockBIts nine clockCIt nine thirty找出不同类的单词。5 . AcoldBclassCcool6 . AfunnyBsunnyCwindy7 . ANew YorkBLondonCChina8 . AlunchBsoupCbreakfast9 . AweatherBhotCwarm10 . _ eggs do you need?Nine.AHow muchBHow manyCHow often11 . I must pay attention the traffic lights.( )AonBinCto12 . What should Nancy do? ( )She should _ some medicine.AeatBhaveCtake13 . are these potatoes? ( ) They are twelve yuan.AHow manyBHow muchCHow old14 . 根据汉语意思,选出正确的英文单词: 孩子们 ( )AchildBchildren15 . 你可以用电脑。( )AYou can borrow the computer.BYou can use the computer.16 . 她在星期一踢足球。( )AShe play football on Monday.BShe plays football on Mondays.17 . 这是我们的新教室。( )AThere is our new classroom.BThis is our new classroom.CThis is new our classroom.18 . I met two _ in the street yesterday morning. ( )AGermanBAustralianCAmericanDJapanese19 . He _ have money to buy a gift.AisntBdoesntCnot二、情景交际20 . 按实际情况回答问题,将答案写在相应题号后面的横线上。1. What is your hobby?_2. Can you swim very fast?_3. What is the weather like today?_4. Do you want dumplings or chips?_5. What do you want to be when you grow up?_6. What do you like to have for breakfast?_21 . 你不喜欢唱歌,你会说:“_”。( )AI dont like sing.BI dont like singing.CI doesnt like singing.22 . Mike找不到球了,他会问:( )AWhere is my ball?BWhere is my cap?CWhere is my pen?23 . 你想寄信给你的朋友,你来到商店,你会问:_ ( )ADo you have a watch?BDo you have some stamps?24 . 今天我们班来了两位新朋友,应该怎么表达:( )AI have a new friend!BWe have two new friends today!三、填空题用所给单词的正确形式填空。25 . Look! The bus is_ (come).26 . My sister_ (have) a red skirt.27 . Can you_ (put) the apple on your head?28 . What_ (do) he have?29 . I like_ (draw) pictures.看图,完成句子。30 . I usually _ on the weekend. 31 . My birthday is on _ 1st. 32 . I can _ in spring. 33 . I often _ at 6:00. 根据图意写出单词所缺的字母。34 . Its s_ and hot. The boy is w_ a pair of shorts. 35 . The i_ c_ looks good. 36 . The boy doesnt like W_ food. He likes C_ food. 37 . The man is using a k_ and f_ to eat a meal. 38 . Its 12:05. Its l_. The girl is h_ lunch. 39 . 根据句意及图片提示完成句子:Shes _ a picture. 四、排序题40 . 给下列句子排序:_Thats OK._Here you are._Some milk, please._Can I help you?_Thank you.五、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Lingling and Amy are in the park in London. Theyre talking about it.Lingling: Amy, there werent any swings or flowers near the house before. But there are many flowers everywhere now. I like them.Amy: Look there, Lingling. There is a pond.Lingling: Great!Amy: Do you like the park now, Lingling?Lingling: Yes, I do. Its a lovely park. I like swings, slides, ponds, flowers and birds.Amy: I like swings, too.41 . There is nothing (什么也没有) in the park.(_)42 . There werent any flowers before.(_)43 . Lingling doesnt like slides.(_)44 . The park looks the same now.(_)45 . Amy likes swings.(_)六、判断题46 . 判断图片与句子是(T)否(F)相符:Here are your sandwiches. (_)47 . 判断下列图片与句子是否相符:(用T和F表示并填入括号内。)(_) 1. I like reading.(_) 2. Do you like tigers? Yes, I do.(_) 3.I can hear a train.(_) 4. We have some candy.(_) 5. What colour is your ball? Its white and black. (_) 6. I like toy bears.48 . 读一读,判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。( )1.Touch your face.( )2.Touch your mouth.( )3.This is my head. ( )4.Show me your ear.( )5.Touch your eye.49 . 判断题。(T or F)1. How can we do? ( )2. Ill miss her. ( )3. Why dont take some photos? ( )4. Good idea. ( )5. We can put our names on the book. ( )判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。50 . Let me open the door. (_)51 . The pencil box is under the chair. (_)52 . I see a picture on the wall. (_)53 . I have a new computer. (_)54 . The teachers desk is red. (_)七、改错改错,将正确答案写在横线上。55 . There wasno gyms in my school. _A B C56 . I goto school by a bus. _A B C57 . There wereno computers on my time. _A B C58 . I looked itaton the Internet. _A B C59 . Could you seestar at night? _A B C改错。60 . They often finishthey homework on time. (_)_A B C61 . Mike, you should work hard and listens to your teachers at school. (_)_A B C62 . I feel sleep. Im going to sleep. (_)_AB C63 . Thats a goodhabits. (_)_A B C64 . Please put on your booksin order. (_)_A B C65 . 找出错误并改正(_) 1. Whatmusicdoes you like? _A B C D(_) 2. LinglingisbetterDaming. _A B C D(_) 3. Tom and Sam isworsethan the girl. _A B C D(_)4. Ilikespopmusic. _A B C D(_) 5. Daming and Lingling theycanplaythe flute. _A B C D66 . Read and circle:Whatisit that?A B C改错。67 . Hasagoodtime!(_)_A B C68 . Whereareyougoingtodotomorrow? (_)_A B C69 . Turntherightattheschool. (_)_A B C70 . Limingusuallycometoschoolonfoot. (_)_A B C71 . Iwantbuyapostcard,(_)_AB C八、连词成句连词成句,注意大小写标点符号。72 . Miss Im Fang (.)_73 . Kitty hello Im (, .)_74 . are how you (?)_75 . my are you father (?)_76 . me is this (.)_77 . 连词成句。1. many / clubs / there / childrens / America / are / in ( . )_2. come/ after / children / to / the / club / usually / school ( . )_3. can / club / who / the / come / to (?)_4. do/ after / activities / you / lunch / what / do (?)_5. think/ the / geography / difficult / I / subject / is / most ( . )_78 . 连词成句。1. does What sister do your (?)_2. like Do you potatoes (?)_3. we Shall to the zoo go (?)_4. show Please that me jacket (.)_5. look twins like We (.)_连词成句79 . are, How, you, old_?80 . you, are, Here_.81 . four, old, Im, years_.82 . friend, is, my, John, This_.83 . see, many, I, so, candles_.连词成句。84 . can you table seat the ?_85 . is a park there river in the ?_86 . English is who teacher your ?_87 . day is what today it ?_88 . he like whats ?_第 13 页 共 13 页


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