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南昌市2019版六年级上册期中测试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The whole family _ together. ( )AgetBgetsCgetting2 . _ is Robin? ( )In the museum.AWhatBWhereCWho3 . Can_gowith_?( )Aher,meByou,meCyou,sheDI,she4 . - Did you go to Beijing? ( )- No, .Awe didntBwe didCwe do5 . Well good time in Hainan. ( )AhaveBhave aCa6 . You can see kangaroos in_. ( )AChinaBthe USCAustralia7 . This _ my mother. ( )AamBisCare8 . Look _ the pictures. ( )AatBinCon9 . I happy!AareBamCbe10 . He always _ at the party. Now, he _. ( )Asings, singsBis singing, singsCsings, is singingDis singing, is singing11 . -_she_got a big room? ( )-Yes.ADoes; haveBDoes; hasCDo; have12 . A nice panda. ( )AB13 . They took photos the mountains. ( )AofBinCfor14 . Linglings email isEnglish food. ( )AatBtoCabout15 . 选择题1. _ are you doing? ( )A. What B. Where C. Who2. They are _ to music. ( )A. listens B. listening C. listened3. There _ many people in the Park. ( )A. is B. the C. are4. Listen! Alice is _.( )A. singing B. sing C. song5. What is _ doing? ( )A. you B. she C. him6. They are listening _ music. ( )A. a B. at C. to7. They are drawing _.( )A. picture B. pictures C. music二、阅读选择16 . 阅读下列表格,选出正确的选项,将其标号填入题前的括号内。Pen Friend Club(1)Bruce lives in_.A. Sydney B. New York C. Paris(2)Bruces father works in a _.A. bank B. school C. hospital(3)Rose has_.A. long black hairB. short brown hair C. short black hair(4)-How many bedrooms does my house have? -It has_.A. three B. five C. four(5)How many people are there in Bruces family?A. Five. B. Six. C. Four.三、完形填空17 . 完形填空。There are _1_ seasons in a year in most parts of China. Spring often _2_ from March _3_ May. The weather becomes warmer and warmer. The _4_ of the trees are green. We can see many beautiful and colourful _5_. Summer is very _6_. Many people like to _7_ in the water. Autumn often comes in September. It becomes _8_. The leaves fall down from the trees. We can eat many kinds of fruit. _9_ is cold. It comes from December to February. It sometimes _10_. Children like to play in the snow. ( ) 1. A. threeB. fourC. five( ) 2. A. comeB. comingC. comes( ) 3. A. toB. inC. on( ) 4. A. leafB. leavesC. flowers( ) 5. A. flowers B. fruitC. grass( ) 6. A. cool B. warmC. hot( ) 7. A. swimB. swimmingC. swims( ) 8. A. warmB. coolC. cold( ) 9. A. FallB. SummerC. Winter( ) 10. A. rainB. snowsC. snowy四、任务型阅读阅读理解。It was Childrens Day last Friday. There were many balloons and flowers in the school. The students didnt have lessons. All of them were very excited. Some girls sang and danced in the music room. Some boys had a basketball game in the playground. It was exciting. Yang Ling and her friends played games in the classroom. They played with yo-yos. It was great fun. Miss Li was in the school, too. But she was not in class. She played with her students and took many nice photos for them.18 . 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。1. It was_last Friday. (_)A. Teachers DayB. Childrens DayC. National Day2. Many students were_.(_)A. at schoolB. in the parkC. in the zoo3. There was a_game in the playground. (_)A. volleyballB. footballC. in the zoo4. _played with yo-yos in the classroom. (_)A. Miss Li and her studentsB. Yang Ling and her friendsC. All of the students5. Miss Li_for the students. (_)A. sangB. dancedC. took many photos19 . 根据短文内容,回答下列问题1. Whens Childrens Day?_2. Did the children have lessons last Friday?_3. What did some girls do on Childrens Day?_4. Where was Miss Li last Friday?_5. How were the children on Childrens Day?_五、汉译英翻译。20 . 你最喜欢在学校干什么?_21 . 我喜欢唱歌,并且我也喜欢玩游戏。_22 . 李明喜欢打篮球,但是Danny喜欢打乒乓球。_六、填内容补全对话根据上下文完成对话A: 23 . is Chinese New Year?B: Its24 . February this year.A: What do you often do25 . Chinese New Year?B: We26 . a27 . of food and new clothes in the shops. We clean our28 . . The night before Chinese New Years Day, we have a29 . dinner.A: Sounds interesting. What do you do30 . Chinese New Years Day?B: I31 . my grandparents. They give me some red32 . .A: Oh, thats nice. I want to stay here for Chinese New Year.B: Great!33 . 阅读短文,根据短文内容写出动词的正确形式。Last Sunday, Dad _ (take) me to the park. In the park, I _ (see) a little girl crying. She _ (tell) us she _ (cant) find her parents. We _ (help) her look for her parents. After a while, we _ (see) her parents. The girl _ (run) to them. The girl _ (is) happy, and her parents _ (are)happy too. They _ (thank) us, and we _ (say)goodbye to each other.第 7 页 共 7 页


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