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银川市2020年四年级上册期末检测英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . What are you going to bring for the picnic? ( )I will bring some _.AhomeworkBfruit2 . There are some lovelyat the zoo. ( )AdeerBdearCa deer3 . Its cloudy. ( )AB4 . How many _are there? ( )AhorseBhorses5 . April comes after_ . ( )AMayBJulyCMarch6 . it watermelon juice? ( )ADoBAreCIs7 . Were there _cups in the bag yesterday? ( )AsomeBanyCmuch8 . -What time is it? ( )-Its _.AhotBwarmCseven oclock.9 . I have_ new friends. ( )AsomeBaCthe选择正确的答案10 . What do you see? ( )A你看见了什么?B我看到一只鸟。11 . Whats this? ( )A这是什么?B你好吗?12 . I see a butterfly. ( )A我看见一只蝴蝶。B我看见一只小狗。13 . Here is my hair. ( )A这是我的铅笔。B这是我的头发。14 . Hear the bird. ( )A看那只鸟。B听那只鸟。15 . The fish can _. ( )AswimBjump16 . _ is your rabbit sleeping? ( )In its house.AWhatBWhereCWhose二、排序题17 . 给下列句子排序,掌握情景逻辑。(_) What are you doing?(_) I write “Best wishes to you.”(_) Im writing goodbye messages to my friends.(_) What a good idea!(_) What are you writing in your messages?三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。Today is Saturday. I want to go to the park with my friend Jane.I ask my mother, May I go to the park, Mum.? Yes, you may, my mother answers. May I go there on my bicycle? I ask. My mother says, No, you may not. There are many cars and trucks in the street. So we go to the park by bus.18 . Today is Sunday. (_)19 . I want to go to the park. (_)20 . I may go there on my bicycle. (_)21 . We go to the park by car. (_)四、英汉混合英汉互译。22 . 生气_23 . 等待_24 . 交朋友_25 . 在办公室_26 . 进展顺利_27 . 有趣的东西_28 . pick some oranges_29 . come back to._30 . by bike_31 . fly kites_32 . try on_33 . make new clothes_五、判断题34 . 判断每组划线部分发音是()否()相同1.maths cake(_)2.he we(_)3.kite pig(_)4.notebook home (_)5.duck cute(_)六、填内容补全对话35 . 补全对话Tom: May, come and look at my old 1. _!May: Thats funny. You are wearing a pink 2. _.Tom: Yes, but I dont like pink now.May: We are all different now!Tom: Right. Before, I was quiet. Now, Im very 3. _ in class. How about you?May: Before, I was 4. _. Now, Im tall. Before, I couldnt ride my bike well. Now, I go 5. _ every day. I like it very much.Tom: That is good exercise. 七、匹配题36 . 读一读,选择合适的答语。AOK. Lets go.BMy favourite sport is basketball.CYes, they are.DOh, they are playing badminton.EWere watching the long jump.(_) 1. Are the students watching the games?(_) 2. What are you doing?(_) 3. Look at Miss Zhang and Mr. Liu!(_) 4. Lets go and play ping-pong.(_) 5. Whats your favourite sport, Peter?八、看图题看图,补全对话。37 . What are your hobbies? I like _.38 . What are his hobbies? He _ sports.39 . What are Martins hobbies?_ likes _.40 . _ Marys hobbies? She likes _.九、连词成句41 . 连词成句。(1)Im, an, to, my, pen pal, sending, email (.)_(2)Does, Zhang Peng, going, like, hiking, (?)_(3)be, also, Can, I, her, friend (?)_(4)doesnt, He, in, Canada, live (.)_(5)Tell, something, your, about, me, hobby (.)_第 7 页 共 7 页


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