高二英语外研版选修7同步练习《Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year》2-4Cultural Corner

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高二英语外研版选修7同步练习《Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year》2-4Cultural Corner_第1页
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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Module 2 第4课时.单词拼写1The sweater is made of wool. That is to say, its w_.2F_ means two weeks.3We should obey the school r_.4We should be p_ for class. Dont be late for class.5Your shoes are dirty. P_ your shoes with a brush.6Do what he wants, or youll _(使心烦意乱)him.7He was_(无罪的)of the crime.8Every time an English runner won a race the crowd_(欢呼)9Flowers a_ bees.10He is a_(热心的)student of politics.答案:1.woollen2.Fortnight3.regulations4.punctual5.Polish6.upset7.innocent8.cheered9.attract10.keen.短语翻译1入睡;睡着_2使我非常失望的是 _3一种解放感 _4寄宿学校 _5幼儿园 _6except for _7play an important part in _8a teacher of botanical science _9look forward to _10be prepared for _11表达思想 _12说实话 _13希望 _14与相处 _15关心 _16be attractive to _17make mone _18take part in _19play an instrument _20those with a love of clothes _答案:1.fall asleep2.to my great disappointment3.a sense of liberation4.a boarding school5.a nursery school6.除了7.起重要作用8.植物学老师9.期望,期待10.为做好准备11.express thoughts12.tell the truth13.hope for14.get on with.15.be concerned about16.对有吸引力17.挣钱18.参与;参加19.演奏一种乐器20.热衷于服装的那些人.完成句子1他是个好人,只是脾气暴躁而已。He is a good man_ _hot temper.2令我失望的是,我没有受到邀请。_ _ _, I wasnt invited.3她没有时间观念。She has_ _ _time.4尽管很累,他们还是继续往前走。_ _they were, they walked on.5音乐在我们的生活中起着重要的作用。Music _ _ _ _in our life.6我很担心母亲的病情。I was very_ _my mothers illness.7就我看来,他是故意做的。As far as Im _, he did it_ _.8染发开始流行起来。Dyeing hair has _ _ _.答案:1.except for2.To my disappointment3.no sense of4.Tired as/though5.plays an important part6.concerned about7.concerned, on purpose8.come into fashion.单项填空1_is important to a person is_he must know what he is fit for.AIt; whatBThat; whatCIt; that DWhat; that答案:D解析:what引导主语从句,that引导表语从句。2_gone is gone. _no use talking about it any more.AThats; Its BWhats; ItsCIts; Thats DThats; Thats答案:B解析:what引导主语从句,it作形式主语。3_his dream of going to college will come true is uncertain.AThat BWhetherCIf DEven if答案:B解析:whether引导主语从句。4There is no doubt_Mr Zhang will sign the contract with us.AwhenBwhetherCifDthat答案:D解析:There is no doubt that.“毫无疑问”为固定句式。5What did your parents think about your decision?They always let me do_I think I should.Awhen BthatChow Dwhat答案:D解析:what引导宾语从句。6The weather isnt good enough for an outing, is it?Not in the least. We cant have_at this time of the year.Aa nicer day Bsuch a bad dayCa worse day Dso fine a day答案:C解析:此题是用比较级形式表示最高级含义。not in the least“一点也不”;表示同意对方的意见。“再也找不到更糟的一天”,即今天天气是最糟的一天。7As youre getting a better job, youll be paid more.No, that doesnt necessarily_.Aappear BhappenCshow Dfollow答案:D解析:此题考查动词辨析。follow“接下来的;随之而来的”;答语意为“好工作并不是一定会有好待遇”。8They decided to leave the waiter a big_because the food and service had been excellent.AnoteBtipCgiftDprice答案:B解析:此题考查名词辨析。tip“小费”符合句意。9Heres a new pair of shoes for you.Thank you, but theres no need_a new pair for me.Ato have bought Bto buyCbuying Dto be buying答案:A解析:此题考查非谓语动词辨析。此处用作定语,修饰need。因为动作已经完成,故用不定式的完成形式。10After the girl put up some pictures, the classroom_a holiday appearance.Aput on Bcarried onCtook on Dturned on答案:C解析:此题考查动词短语辨析。take on“呈现出”;说教室呈现出节日的气象。11Why? Wheres my passport? Maybe I left it on the plane.My Goodness! You_things behind.Ahad never left Bdidnt leaveCnever left Dhavent left答案:C解析:“你以前可从来没落下过东西”。12Hi, Tony! Its been a long time.Jessica! Yes, it must be over six months? The last time we met was at Grehams wedding, _it?Adidnt BwasntCmustnt Disnt答案:B解析:此题考查反意疑问句。主句谓语是was,故反意疑问句用wasnt。we met是定语从句。13I dont know why most young people spend whatever free time they have_rather than_sports.Asleeping; do Bslept; doCsleeping; doing Dslept; doing答案:C解析:此题考查动词句型。spend后要用doing;rather than后面跟的成分要与前面的一致,故也用doing。14(2010天津市梅丁中学高二期中考试)Is it true_the rain stops, it will be as hot as in the summer here?A. when B. that whenC. whenever D. that答案:B解析:本题考查学生分析句子结构的能力。It is true that构成一个主语从句,而主语从句内部又有一个以when引导的时间状语从句。15Oh, must you? Stay a bit longer. Its been such fun having you._. Ive got an early start tomorrow morning.ANo problem BAll rightCNever mind DThanks anyway答案:D解析:此题考查交际用语。因为后者并没有接受对方的挽留,所以回答“还是谢谢你”。.完形填空(2010湖北部分重点高中春季联考高二试题)Who has deprived the childrens happiness of learning Children are born with a natural desire of learning. They are Curious and concerned about_1_around them. They are_2_to learn anything that amazes them. They have so many_3_that they keep on asking. They can bore the_4_all day long with many_5_questions which they will never feel bored with. Why? This is because learning is their_6_, perhaps an instinct of human beings. They just cant help. But_7_, they feel bored with learning, especially when learning becomes a boring_8_for them, especially after school has become a_9_of their life, especially when they have to_10_teachers who tell them again and again to_11_to recite and memorize things they dont want to learn, and especially_12_they realize school is not what they once_13_to be but something that, according to their parents, they must rely on in order to_14_a good fame or a good job or a good future. That is to say, learning has become a_15_, which they are forced or_16_to face. So it is the teachers and parents who have thrown the heavy_17_on the children. And meanwhile, the competitive society is also to blame. The children have been_18_of their pleasure and happiness that they could have enjoyed from the natural learning. Therefore, my_19_to the students learning is that they_20_enjoy learning, enjoy the pleasure that they could feel from learning itself. Find back the long lost desire and curiosity of learning in their childhood. 文章大意:学习本来是孩子们天生的、本能的、自然的、快乐的求知过程,孩子们应该因为学习而感到满足和幸福,他们本来渴望了解自然,喜欢探索他们感兴趣的领域,他们本来可以因为学习而废寝忘食,乐此不彼,因为学习对于他们本来是件幸福和快乐的事情。可是是谁剥夺了他们的快乐?是谁让他们在面对书本的时候不再感到幸福而是莫大的压力?1A.nothing BanythingCeverything Dsomething答案:C解析:解答该题的关键是要准确区别anything与everything在肯定句中所表达的意义。关心一切事情,含有整体性,应用everything,anything用于肯定句时,表示强调,该句没有强调之意。2A.curious BproudCnervous Deager答案:D解析:eager渴望的,be eager to do sth.渴望作某事;curious 好奇的;3A.questions BreactionsCproblems Dtroubles答案:A解析:question 有疑而问,并且有待回答的问题; reaction(to)对.的反应;problem“问题、习题”,着重指客观存在的亟待解决的“问题”,尤其指棘手或难以解决的“问题”。Troubles“麻烦”,不合题意。4A.students BadultsCparents Dteachers答案:B解析:adults包括parents和teachers;显然不是students。5A.funny BboringCbored Dpractical答案:B解析:boring指的是“令人厌倦的”,指事物让人觉的厌倦;tired意为“疲劳的,厌倦的”,通常是由于过度疲劳等引起的疲劳;practical“实际的”。 6A.ability BexcuseCcharacteristic Dnature答案:D解析:nature“本性;性质”;excuse“借口,理由”;characteristic意为“特征;特色”,比较注重外在的; ability “能力,才干;技能”。意思为“学习是他们的天性”。7A.gradually BeventuallyChowever Dtherefore答案:A解析:gradually“逐渐地;逐步地”,表示事态的发展;eventually“最后,最终”,表示某事的结果;however “然而;仍然”,表转折;therefore“因此,所以”,表示因果关系。8A.duty BexerciseCtask Dremark 答案:C解析:task“任务, 工作”;duty“义务,责任;职务”;exercise“运动,训练”;remark 非正式评论。9A.pleasure Bpart Coccasion Dsuccess答案:B解析:part“部分,角色,作用”;.pleasure“愉快,快乐,乐趣,乐事”;occasion“场合,时刻;时机”;success“成功,成就,成功的人或事”。10A.face BfollowCescape Dimitate 答案:A解析:face“面对”;follow“遵照,采用,仿效;听懂”;imitate“模仿,仿效”;escape“逃跑,逃脱”;control“控制”。下文也提到。11A.repeat BcopyCreport Dreply答案:A解析:repeat“重复,重说,重做;背诵”copy “抄写;复印”; report“汇报,报告”;reply“答复,回答”。句意为“重复背诵一些记忆性的东西。”12A.before BsinceCafter Dwhen答案:D解析:when“当时候”;when,before和after都是从属连词,表示时间先后;since既可表时间,也可表原因。根据句意,可知选when。13A.forbidden BattractedCintended Dexpected答案:D解析:expect“期望”;forbidden“禁止”;attract“吸引,引起”;intended“想要,打算”。14A.require BachieveCearn Dindicate答案:B解析:“为了获得好的荣誉,工作和将来”。achieve“得到,获得,多指成就、目标、幸福的取得”,正合题意;require“需要;要求”;earn“赚;挣得”,指因工作等而得到报酬或待遇;indicate“表明”。 15A.promise BserviceCmust Dchoice答案:C解析:“学习成了一种必须做的事情”。must此处为名词“必须做的事情”;如To learn English well is a must. 学好英语是非常必要的。promise“承诺”;service;“服务,帮助”;choice“选择(机会),抉择”。 16A.pleased BrecommendedCobliged Dexperienced答案:C解析:obliged:迫使,用于be obliged to do sth.被迫干某事;recommend“推荐,介绍;劝告”;please“使高兴,请”;experience“经历”。 17A.burden BconfidenceCdifficulty Dchallenge答案:A解析:根据上文“是老师和父母把沉重的担子加在了他们身上”。burden“担子,重担”;confidence“信任;信赖;信心”;difficulty“困难;难事;困境”;challenge“挑战”。18A.informed BdeprivedCaccused Dapproved答案:B解析:“孩子们被剥夺了幸福和快乐”。deprive sb. of sth.剥夺某人某事;be (well) informed of(about)“对.消息灵通”;accuse sb. of. 控告某人犯有.;approve(of)“赞成, 满意”。 19A.encouragement BpersuasionCsuggestion Ddecision答案:C解析:根据上下文看,此处应是作者的建议(suggestion)。Encouragement“鼓励,激励”;persuasion “劝说,说服”;decision“决定,决议”。20A.must BshouldCmight Dcould答案:B解析:根据上文既然是建议,学习就应该(should)是享受学习,。其他不合语境。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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