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武汉市2020版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(四)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题从下列每组单词中找出画线部分发音不同的一项。1 . AdadBdateCstamp2 . AmissBfineCwrite3 . AmuseumBmumCmuch4 . AdearBnearCpear5 . AleftBforgetCwrite6 . cake( )AappleBmake7 . My father and mother _ watching TV. ( )AareBisCam8 . Alivingroomisntaplace_meals. ( )AcookBcooksCtocookDcooking9 . -_is the library ?-Its over there .AWhenBWhatCWhere10 . It is raining hard. Mr. Black is very because his car is stuck in the mud. It cant move. ( )AhappyBexcitedCworried11 . This is my friend. He _ short hair and big eyes. ( )AisBhasChave找出不同类的单词。12 . AangryBsadCgo13 . AhurtBearChead14 . ASaturdayBnoseCSunday15 . AgoesBdoesChave16 . AcoldBfluChot17 . We dont like . ( )Aa busBbusesCbus18 . There_ five books. ( )AamBisCare19 . Dont_.Youshouldtakeadeepbreath.( )AhappyBafraidCbe angry20 . 你的朋友小明有小眼睛,应说:( )AHe has got small eyes.BHe has got a small eyes.21 . 找出画线字母发音不同的选项(_)1.A.penB.niceC.leg(_)2.A.soonB.foodC.bookD.room(_)3.A.cowB.nowC.blowD.how(_)4.A.wetB.merryC.he(_)5.A.comeB.brotherC.go22 . 选出划线部分读音不同的一项。(_) 1. A. penB. bed C. me(_) 2. A. kiteB. bikeC. pig(_) 3. A. armB. warmC. car(_) 4. A. appleB. like C. look(_) 5. A. schoolB. lunchC. chair23 . A: _ season in Beijing _ you like best?B: I like autumn best. Its cool and sunny.AWhat; doesBWhich; areCWhich; doDWhat; are24 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AsadBhappyCplay25 . eight-four=_AfourBfiveCsix26 . Sam and Amy_ students. ( )AareBisCam二、阅读选择阅读理解。Assistant:CanIhelpyou,MissWhite?MissWhite:Yes. Iwantapairofshoes,please. Assistant:Whatsize?MissWhite:Sizenine. Assistant:Howaboutthispair?Theyareblack. Theyaregood. MissWhite:Howmucharethey?Assistant:Theyare60yuanMissWhite:Oh. Theyaretooexpensive. Assistant:Thesebrownshoesarecheaper. Theyre30yuan. MissWhite. OK. Iwilltakethem.27 . MissWhitewants _. ( )AashirtBapair ofshoesCadress28 . Theshoesaresize _. ( )AsevenBeightCnine29 . Theblackshoesare _yuan. ( )A30B40C6030 . Thebrownshoesare _yuan. ( )A30B40C6031 . MissWhitetakesthe _shoes. ( )AblackBbrownCgreen三、完形填空32 . 完形填空。I am Tom. Im ten 1. _ old. Im 2. _ Hangzhou primary school. Im 3. _ Class One, Grade Four. I like English very much. Im good 4._English. I like my English class and 5. _ English teacher. She is tall 6._ pretty. I have lunch 7. _ my teacher at school. I like 8._ and rice. She likes 9. _with beef. I finish my class at 4:20. I play football with my friend, Dave. Dave is my good friend. He likes 10._ football. We go home at 5:30.( )1.A. year B. years C. years( )2.A. from B. to C./( )3.A. in B. on C. at( )4.A. in B. at C. with( )5.A.usB. we C. our( )6.A.but B. and C. or( )7.A. with B. and C. to( )8.A. chickens B. chicken C.chickenes( )9.A. noodles B. noodle C. dumpling( )10.A. playing B. plays C. play四、填空题33 . 根据图片提示,补全句子:My favourite animal is the_. 五、排序题34 . 给下列对话排序。(_) Its in spring.(_) Which month? In March?(_) My birthday is on the National Day.(_) When is your birthday?(_) Yes. How about you?35 . 对话排序。(_) Is it anything serious?(_) My head hurts. I feel terrible. (_) Please sit down. Let me have a look at you. (_) Whats wrong with you, young man? (_) No, nothing serious. Take this medicine and you can be better soon.六、任务型阅读36 . 阅读短文,判断下列语句的正误,正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”。Hello! My name is Tom. I like English very much. My favourite food is beef, eggplant and tofu. Im very helpful at home. I can do the dishes, set the table and water the flowers. Today is Saturday. I often read books, do my homework and watch TV on Saturdays. What do you do on weekends?My home is near a river. There are some mountains behind my house. There is a road in front of my house. You can see two bridges over the river. I like my home.( ) 1.Tom likes beef, eggplant and tofu.( ) 2.Tom can sweep the floor.( ) 3.Tom often waters the flowers on Saturdays.( ) 4.There are some mountains in front of Toms house.( ) 5.There are two bridges over the river.七、选内容补全对话从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。AIm hungry.BHere you are.CYoure welcome.DGood morning, Mum.ECan I have some juice, please?Chen Jie: 37 . Mum: Good morning, dear(亲爱的).Chen Jie: 38 . Mum: Have some cake, please.Chen Jie: OK. But Mum, Im thirsty(渴的). 39 . Mum: 40 . Chen Jie: Thank you.Mum: 41 . 八、匹配题42 . 图文配对。(_)1.painting(_)2.studying(_)3.skating(_)4.playing(_)5.swimming(_)6.runningABCDEF43 . 选择与图意相符的句子,把其字母编号写在相应图下的括号内1. (_)2. (_)3. (_)4. (_)5. (_)6. (_)AThere are many tall buildings in the city.BThe woman likes eating candy.CHe has a toothache.DHe felt happy yesterday.EThe baby is sleeping, please be quiet.FThe boy is milking the cow.九、书面表达44 . 快乐写作。Zhang Mei是你最好的朋友,请你根据下面的要求把她描写出来,让大家认识她。要求:写出她的外貌特点;写出她的喜好。_第 9 页 共 9 页


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