Book 8 Module 1 Deep SouthPeriod 1

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教学无忧http:/专注中小学 教学事业!李林中学高三年级英语导学案班级_ 姓名_学生使用时间_第_周课题主备审核使用教师编号编写时间Book 8 Module 1 1. 课前导学 Goals To learn something about the North pole and South pole To learn to read with strategies To learn and master some useful words and expressions in the textProceduresStep 1: Warming up1. Warming up by questionsHello, class. Today were going to learn Module 1. This module is a common knowledge about Antarctica. Well, do you know the differences between the South Pole and the North Pole? Now lets try a quick quiz. Work in pairs and find out the differences between the South Pole and the North Pole. Keys: 1. The North Pole has no land. 2. The South Pole has more ice. 3. The North Pole has polar bears. 4. The South Pole has penguins. 5. The South Pole has the longest period of total darkness. 6. The South Pole has no inhabitants. 7. The North Pole was reach first by explorers. 8. The South Pole is protected by an international agreement.2. Warming up by studying new wordsBefore we read the text, we should firstly study some new words which appear in the passage. Well, look at these words and try to read them, and then practice the spelling exercises.polar penguin explorer Antarctica annual rainfall state depth gravity inhospitable extreme flower moss algae lichen trap meteorite extraterrestrial mass balance exploration rivalry treaty commercial nuclear test radioactive promoteSpelling exercises1. Do you know the _(一年的) course of the sun?2. The well is ten meters in d_.3. France made a peace t_ with a neighboring country.4. She left her purse on the table as a t_ of the childs honesty.5. The house was in a dirty _(状况)6. The football team was _(晋升) to the first division.7. She _(适应) herself quickly to the new climate.Keys: 1.annual 2. depth 3. treaty 4. test 5. state 6. promoted 7. adapted2.课堂识真Step 2: Reading1. Reading and find a heading for each paragraphAntarctica: the last ContinentPlants and animalsThe Antarctic TreatyThe landThe discovery of AntarcticaA great place for researchers2. A text organization of AntarcticaAntarcticaPart 1 The landAntarctica is an inhospitable place to live in because it is the coldest and the driest continent on earth and is permanently covered with ice.Part 2 Plants and AnimalsAs a result of its extreme conditions, only few types of plants can survive there, but it is full of wildlife.Part 3 A great place for researchersAntarctic ice and rocks can give researchers lots of useful information.Part 4 The discovery of AntarcticaAntarctica was the last continent to be discovered and Carstens Borchgrevink was the first man to set foot on the Antarctic mainland.Part 5 The Antarctica TreatyThe aim of the treaty signed by 12 countries is to protect Antarctica and Antarctica and it has become the most successful symbol of mans efforts to work together for progress and peace.3. Reading and answering questions1. Which of the following sentences is WRONG about Antarctica?A. Antarctica is not only the coldest place but also the driest place on earth.B. Antarctica is the fifth largest continent in the worldC. A high mountain range, the Trans-Antarctica range, cuts the continent in twoD. Antarctica holds 70% of the worlds ice and 90% of the worlds fresh water.2. Which of the following descriptions is RIGHT about the wild life in Antarctica?A. There are flying birds, seals, whales and one type of penguins.B. The long Antarctica winter night, the extreme cold and lack of rainfall make few types of penguins.C. There are some trees on the large continent.D. Only two types of flowering plants are found and no forms of algae can grow on ice.3. Antarctica rocks are very important for research because _.A. the rock has become a window on the past B. gases and minerals trapped in the rocks can tell us a lot about the weather in the pastC. most of the rocks are meteorites from outer spaceD. most Antarctica rocks are dark in color4. _crossed the Antarctica Circle in the late 18th century.A. The British explored James CookB. The explorer called NorwegianC. The explorer called CarstensD. The explorer called BorchgrevinkKeys: 1-4 DBCA3.课后见功 4. Complete the article with one word in each blankAntarctica is the coldest and driest place in the world. It is technically a _. It _ 90% of the worlds ice and most of its fresh water is in a frozen _. In some places it reaches a _ of five kilometers. The wildlife in Antarctica has _ its extreme conditions, but few types of plants can survive there because of the long winter night, the extreme cold and _ of rainfall.Researchers can get a lot of _ from the ice, gases, minerals and rocks there. Rocks in dark color which _ _ against the white are easy to find and collect.In 1895, a Norwegian called Carstens Borchgrevink became the first man to _ _ _ the Antarctica mainland. Today scientists from many countries travel to Antarctica to study its _. A spirit of international friendship has replaced the _. In 1961, 4.拾遗补缺 Useful Expressions on earth, close to, from east to west, cutin two, in a frozen state, on average, be full of, adapt to, as well as, lack of, the rest of, be made up of, as a result, in the form of, in colour, stand out, the first/last to do sth., set foot on, nature reserve, aim to do sth., keepfree from, make an effort to do sth.5.拓展空间GoalsTo master the grammar by practisingProcedures1. Choose the best one from A, B, C, and D to fill in the blanks1. The teacher is very slow to _ the unusual rules of the school.A. adapt for B. adapt to C. adapting for D. adapting to2. I can hardly imagine Peter _ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.A. sail B. sailing C. to sail D. to have sailed3. Though _money, his parents managed to send him to university.A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lack4. She _ a new idea for increasing sales.A. came out B. came up C. came up with D. came on5.-Can you tell me where they live?-Look, they live just _ the road from us.A. along B. across C. on D. beside6.-Please dont make any noise.-_. Ill be as quiet as possible.A. Yes, I wont B. No, I wont C. Yes, I dont D. No, I dont7. -Let me drive home, OK?-Thanks, but I have to _ your offer as I have to do some shopping.A. turn down B. turn over C. turn up D. turn off8. He said he had lost the book, _ I think, was untrue.A. however B. it C. which D. that9. I hope _ the world from disease.A. free B. freely C. to free D. freeing10. This book is said to be a special one, which _ many events not found in other history books.A. writes B. covers C. prints D. reads11. Not until the early years of 19 th century _ what heat is.A. man did know B. man knew C. didnt man know D. did man know12.-We quarreled with the waiter about the dishes.-How silly! You _to the manager. A. would have talked B. should have talked C. could talk D. must talk13. You must be careful . Silk _ fire easily.A. catches B will catch C. is catching D. has caught14. He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldnt risk _ the good opportunity.A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost15. Yao Ming _ as a basketball star and is loved by basketball fans _ and abroad.A. stands out, home B. stands up C. stands out, at home D. sticks out, home16. On a _ cold night, the little match girl was _ to death in a street corner.A. frozen , frozen B. freezing, freezing C. frozen, freezing D. freezing, frozen17. In the dark forest _, some large enough to hold several football pitches.A. stand many lakes B. lie many lakes C. many lakes lie D. many lakes stand18. The sign reads “_fire, break the glass and press the red button.”A. In case of B. Instead of C. For fear of D. In search of 19. I was caught in the rain on my way home. _, I had a bad cold.A. As a result B. After that C. Any way D. Otherwise20. The Hope Project aims _ the poor children in remote area to receive education.A. to help B. to be helped C. help D. to helpingKeys: 1-5 BBCCB 6-10 BACCB 11-15 DBABC 16-20 DBAAA2. Translate the sentences into English1.签字之前最好先详细地研究一下合同。(in detail)2.做父母的应该劝子女不要吸烟。(discourage from)3.很多年前,她的丈夫去世了,留下大量的债务。(leave behind)4.岛屿看上去象个大石头,寸草不生。(with)5.他们搬到加拿大的时候,孩子们很快就适应了这一变化。(adapt to)Keys:1. Youd better study the contract in detail before signing.2. Parents should discourage their children from smoking.3. Many years ago her husband died, leaving behind a lot of debts.4. The island looks like a large rock, with nothing growing on it.5. When they move to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well. 客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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