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总经理元旦中英文致辞亲爱的朋友,欢迎访问广州xx科技有限公司网站,感谢您对我公司的关注。 暮然回首,锐新已过十余春秋。历经十年洗礼,锐新完成了由单一触控液晶显示器生产到集研制、生产、销售、服务为一体的综合性产品供应的转变。目前,我公司产品不仅遍布全国,而且远销欧美、东南亚等地区。十年生聚,锐新已然成为业内最具竞争力与影响力的触摸产品供应商之一! 十年磨一剑,锐新始终坚持“互利共赢、以人为本、追求卓越”的企业精神。 雄厚的技术力量、先进的生产设备、高效的管理团队、一流的服务理念为本公司产品品质、交期、服务提供了强大的保证。 做一流产品,配之以中等价格,这是我公司为实现与客户互利共赢而做出的庄严承诺;面对未来,我们将继续以客户为关注点,我们的目标“锐新品牌三年做到国内触摸产品第一,五年做到世界知名品牌。” 选择锐新,就是选择一份信任。我们将继续以过硬的品质、优良的性价比、完善的售后为客户服务。XX年是锐新公司发展和创新的一年。站在新的十年起点,我们坚信锐新一定会做出辉煌的业绩,以实力创造奇迹。 广州xx科技有限公司 总经理: 庞汉忠 guangzhou ruixin touch control technology co.,ltd general manager speech dear friends, wele to visit guangzhou ruixin touch control technology co.,ltd. website, thank you for your attention. when i look back, ruixin has spent more than 10 years. go through the baptism for 10 years, ruixin pleted the transformation from single-touch lcd monitor products to prehensive products supply by putting research and manufacture, production,sales and service together. at present, our pany products not only spread all over the country, and in europe, america, southeast asia and other regions. between ten years, ruixin has bee one of the best petitive and the biggest influence of the touch products suppliers! ruixin always adhere to the enterprise spirit of mutual benefit, people oriented, pursuit of excellence for 10 years. strong technical strength, advanced production equipment, high efficient management team, the first-class service concept for this pany product quality, delivery and service provide a powerful guarantee. to make the first-class products, match with moderate prices, this is a solemn promise of our pany in order to achieve mutual benefit with customers; face to the future, we will continue to take the customer as the concern, and our goal is ruixin brand will bee number one of domestic touch products in three years and the world famous brand in five years. choose ruixin is to choose a trust. we will continue to provide the high quality, excellent cost performance and perfect after-sale service to clients. XX is the year of ruixin pany development and innovation. standing at the starting point of a new ten years, we believe that ruixin will make refulgent achievements in the future, with the actual ability to create miracles. guangzhou ruixin touch control technology co.,ltd. general manager:hanzhong pang第 3 页 共 3 页


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