高考英语总复习 第1部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 1 Learning to Be高效演练跟踪检测 重庆大学版必修2

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高考英语总复习 第1部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 1 Learning to Be高效演练跟踪检测 重庆大学版必修2_第1页
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高考英语总复习 第1部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 1 Learning to Be高效演练跟踪检测 重庆大学版必修2_第2页
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Unit 1 Learning to Be 单句语法填空1I hope that the (friend) between you and us will last forever.答案:friendship2Bad habits are easily picked while good ones are hard to develop.答案:up3Mary got off the bus, got into a car and then disappeared in the (distant)答案:distance4The boy became (confuse) and was unsure about what to do next. 答案:confused5It is (general) considered that terrorism is a danger to society.答案:generally6Im very (caution) about expressing my opinions in public in case I may make mistakes.答案:cautious7. Nurses do all they can to make patients feel ease.答案:at8Washington,a state in the United States,was named honour of one of the greatest American presidents.答案:in9We cant figure out the reason for more and more animals are dying 答案:out10No one would like to risk (get) caught in a storm,for it is dangerous.答案:getting 单句改错1If you try to learn too many things at a time,you may get confusing.confusingconfused2The way in which you taught me was not practical.去掉in3As she was young,so she was not equal to the task.去掉so4John was dismissed last week because of his casual attitude at his job.attowards/to5I feel that my honour to give you a speech.thatit 完成句子1布朗先生很失望地看到他让人修理的洗衣机又坏了。Mr.Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine went wrong again.答案:he had had repaired2即使你丢失了纸质文件,登录www.sohunt.com这个网站,那里你能够下载你所有想要的东西。 the paper document,sign in www.sohunt.com, you might download all you need.答案:Even if you lose;where3我认为你应该抱怨当然,除非你对现状比较满意。I think you should complain, ,of course, 答案:unless;you are happy with the way things are4经理贴了个布告,使员工们知道本周该干什么。The manager put up a notice to keep the staff what to do this week.答案:informed of【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文, 并背诵成文。 1汤姆和他的朋友玛丽的友谊结束了,这是一件令人失望的事。2局外人不知道为什么会出现这种情况。3毕竟他们有共同的兴趣,他们的友谊经过了长期的考验。【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文) One possible version:The friendship between Tom and his companion Mary ended,which was disappointing.The outsiders didnt know why the situation came into being.After all,they had common interest and their friendship went through longterm trial.


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