高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解新编(二)21

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湖北浠水县2017高考英语一轮阅读理解新编(二)阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。(2014泰安复习质量检测)University of Maryland student Ben Simon and his friends couldnt stand to see good food thrown out on their campus.“We basically noticed that some of the extra food from the dining hall was going to waste at the end of the day.And we met with the dining services and asked them whether it would be okay if instead of throwing out the food we would donate it.And they were on board,” he said.So 18 months ago,the students began what they call the Food Recovery Network.Each night,volunteers would show up at a campus dining hall to pick up leftovers and deliver them to area shelters and food banks.So far,they have donated more than 23 000 kilos of food that would otherwise have been thrown out.Nationwide,$165 billion worth of food is wasted each year,according to the National Resources Defense Council.Spokesman Bob Keefe says that is about 40% of the countrys entire food production.“If we can reduce our waste in this country by 15%,we can feed 25 million hungry Americans.That is a huge benefit.That is what programs like this Food Recovery Network are doing,” he said.Christian Life Center is one of the beneficiaries (受益者) of the students efforts.Ben Slye,the senior pastor (牧师),said,“It has been just amazing to see these students take their own time,their own vehicles and own gas money and be able to make an effort like this.Each week we are able with this food probably to feed over hundred people.”The University of Marylands Food Recovery Network now has 200 volunteers and the program has expanded to 18 schools across the country.“I want to grow 18 chapters to a thousand chapters within five years.And once we get to the Food Recovery Nation being at every college campus in America,we want to expand to restaurants and farms.” said Simon.The volunteers are committed to making that happen.1The dining services in University of Maryland_.Athrew out good food on the campus Bsupported the volunteers jobCenjoyed the talk with the students Ddonated their leftovers to the poor2Volunteers from the Food Recovery Network_.Astarted the Food Recovery Network two years agoBdelivered leftovers as well as money to sheltersChelped to solve the hunger issues in AmericaDdonated leftovers to avoid food waste3Ben Slyes attitude toward the volunteers effort was that of_.Aunconcern Bdoubt CappreciationDopposition4We can learn from the text that_.Aover 40% of the countrys entire food is wasted each yearBaltogether 25 million Americans suffer from hunger nowadaysCSimon aims to expand the program to restaurants and farmsDevery college has started the Food Recovery Network5What can be the best title for the text?ACollege Students Rescue Leftover FoodBBattles Against the Problem of HungerCHow to Pick up Leftovers on College CampusesDWaste Problems in University of Maryland语篇解读本文是一篇新闻报道。每天都有人在浪费粮食,如果把这些粮食收集起来,供给那些需要的人,那将会帮助很多饥饿的人们。美国一所大学的学生们正在做这样的事情。他们建立了“食物回收网络”,收集学校餐厅里的残羹剩饭,将其送到有需要的地方。1解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句中的“And they were on board”可知,学校的餐饮服务部参与其中。此处on board为短语“take sth.on board”的简写,意为“采纳,接纳(主意、建议)”。答案:B2解析:推理判断题。根据对文章第二段的整体理解可知,志愿者们到学校餐厅去收集剩菜,然后把它们运到收容所等,以避免浪费。答案:D3解析:观点态度题。根据文章第四段第二句“Ben Slye,the senior pastor (牧师),said,It has been just amazing to see these students take their own time,their own vehicles and own gas money and be able to make an effort like this.”可知,Ben Slye对志愿者们的努力是持“支持,赞许,欣赏”的态度。答案:C4解析:细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段最后一句中的“And once we get to the Food Recovery Nation being at every college campus in America,we want to expand to restaurants and farms”可知,答案C符合文意。 答案:C5解析:标题概括题。根据文章第一段的开篇点题和对文章的整体理解可知,本文主要介绍了美国大学生建立组织,收集学校餐厅里的剩饭,身体力行把它们运到收容所的事。由此可知,答案A最适合做文章的标题。答案:A.黑龙江省大庆市喇中2016高考英语阅读练习新闻报道类Leon, 12, was born without fingers on his left hand.That didnt -stop him from being able to do many tasks. But Leon could not grasp more than one object at a time. So Leons father, Paul, created a prosthesis(假肢),using a 3D printer. Now Leon has fingers that open and close.It was a do-it-yourself, father and son adventure, says raw. When Leon was a baby, his doctor advised his parents not to give him a prosthetic hand until he was in his early teens. The doctor said Leon should first learn to get full use out of the hand he was born with, says Paul. As Leon got older, his father looked into buying a prosthetic hand, which can cost as much as $30,000. Paul found a more affordable solution. One day, Paul discovered a video on the Internet about Robohand, a prosthesis created with a 3Dprinter. He downloaded the free instructions and called Robohands creators for advice. They told him all he needed was a 3D printer一which costs around $2,000- and some materials. Luckily, Leons school had recently purchased a 3D printer and it offered to help Paul build the hand for Leon.“We used a soccer shin guard(护胫),cardboard, and tape. They cost about10, says Paul. With his new hand, Leon can do things better. I can help my mom more, because now I can carry two grocery bags,”he says. Leons father has already built .several hands for Leon. Leon helps design each one. He says theres one thing in particular that he wants to do with a future prosthesis.“The goal, he tells the reporter from the local evening paper,“is to be able to tie my shoelaces:【小题1】Why did Leons doctor disapprove of his using a prosthesis in his childhood? AThe prosthetic technology was underdeveloped then.BA prosthesis was very expensive at that time.CTo master the disabled hand was important.DThe original hand could do many tasks.【小题2】Leons father managed to get Leon a new hand by Acollecting money on the Internet.Bbuying a prosthetic handCpurchasing a 3D printerDprinting a hand【小题3】The materials used for Leons hand can be described as Acheap and common Bstrange and valuableCpersonal and lovelyDbasic and solid【小题4】Where can the passage be taken from? AAn advertisementBA newspaperCA posterDA travel guide社会生活型阅读理解(一)- (二)Life is to be enjoyed. Theres no point in giving up something you enjoy unless you get something back thats even better. When people eat more healthfully, exercise, quit smoking, and manage stress better, they find that they feel so much better that it reconstructs the reason for making these changes from fear of dying to joy of living. The latest studies show that when you exercise and eat right:YOUR BRAIN receives more blood flow and oxygen, so you become smarter, think more clearly, have more energy, and need less sleep. Two studies showed that just walking for three hours per week for only three months caused so many new neurons (神经细胞) to grow that it actually increased the size of peoples brains!YOUR FACE receives more blood flow, so your_skin_glows more and wrinkles less. You look younger and more attractive. In contrast, an unhealthy diet, chronic emotional stress and smoking reduce blood flow to your face so you age more quickly. Smoking accelerates aging because nicotine causes your arteries (动脉) to narrow down, which decreases blood flow to your face and makes it wrinkle earlier. This is why smokers look years older than they really are.YOUR GENES change. In May, a study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showing that changing your lifestyle changes your genes.YOUR TELOMERES (染色体端粒) get longer. Telomeres are the ends of our chromosomes (染色体) that control how long we live. As telomeres become shorter, then cells age more quickly, thus shortening our lives.Besides, one of the most interesting findings in the study was that the mothers awareness of stress was more important than what was really occurring in their lives. The researchers gave the women a questionnaire and asked them to rate on a threepoint scale how stressed they felt each day, and how out of control their lives felt to them. The women who were aware that they were under heavy stress had significantly shortened and damaged telomeres compared with those who felt more relaxed. On the contrary, some of the women who felt relaxed despite raising a disabled child had more normalappearing telomeres.In other words, if you feel stressed, you are stressed; if you feel fine, you are fine.1Which of the following are good for lengthening ones life, according to the passage? eat healthy food drink plenty of water take exercise get up early go to sleep early release ones stressABCD2The underlined words “your skin glows” in Paragraph 3 are closest in meaning to “_”Ayour skin becomes white as there is plenty of sunshineByour skin becomes smooth as there is much blood in itC your skin looks pink as you are healthyDyour skin becomes soft as you exercise enough3In the authors opinion, when you exercise and eat right, you will experience some changes EXCEPT _Abrains becoming clevererBfaces having fewer wrinklesCarteries turning narrowerDgenes being changed4From the last but one paragraph we learn that _Amothers will have more damaged telomeres if they raise a disabled childBmothers dont know how to handle stress effectivelyCsome women were asked to fill out a questionnaire about educating childrenDmothers positive attitudes are the key to managing their stress5The best title for the passage would be “_”AEat better, live betterBFeel better, live longerCLess stress, fewer diseasesDSmoke more, age sooner(二)【要点综述】 本文是一篇调查报告,讲述了生活方式对健康的重要性。1A细节理解题。根据文章第一段“When people eat more healthfully,exercise,quit smoking,and manage stress better”可知答案。2C词义猜测题。根据前文信息“YOUR FACE receives more blood flow”可知,glow 在文中的意思为“脸色红润”。故选择C项。3C推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Smoking accelerates aging because nicotine causes your arteries(动脉) to narrow down”可知,尼古丁使动脉变窄。故C项错误。4D推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段第一句话以及后面的调查结果可知,母亲们对压力的态度对成功应付压力起着重要的作用。故D项正确。5B主旨大意题。综合文章第二至五段可以看出,当心情好时,新的神经细胞不断生长、动脉变宽、基因改变、染色体端粒变长,因此人的寿命也会相应地变长,所以选择B,其他选项都是片面的。黑龙江省大庆市喇中2016高考英语阅读练习新闻报道类Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage. Chinese and Nigerian media should pay more attention to their own growing roles and strive to present a reliable image of China to African audiences and vice versa(反之亦然). Agreement on this important step in ongoing cooperation between the two sides was reached by media representatives attending a media forum on September 19 in Abuja, Nigeria.The agreement comes in the wake of increasing attention being paid by the international community on Africas deepening relationship with China. This presents an important opportunity for media in China, Nigeria and other African countries. We should seize the moment to expand cooperation between Chinese and Nigeria media, increase our say, and contribute to cooperation between China, Nigeria and Africa as a whole, said Li Wufeng, Vice Minister of the State Council Information Office at the China-Nigeria Media meeting. The media meeting was jointly held by the State Council Information Office, the Chinese Embassy in Nigeria, and the Federal Ministry of Education, Nigeria. It formed part of the Experience China program, which aims to increase cultural exchanges and mutual understanding between China and other parts of the world. In the past, due to poor communication facilities, China and African countries could only learn about each other through third parties, in particular Western media, which may have given rise to and perpetuated misunderstandings. China is still not a constant feature or subject on the front page and prime time in the news media in Nigeria unless there are disasters and alleged human rights abuses to be reported, said Martins Oloja, Editor of The Guardian. Major Western media continue to promote a Cold War mentality and view Sino-African ties through the lens of geopolitics, framing everything as competition between East and West, Chinese and Nigerian media professionals said at the forum. Some Western media outlets accuse China of ignoring mutually beneficial solutions or sustainable development of African people, while robbing the continent of its natural resources. Nigerians cannot expect Aljazeera or BBC to report on Africa, and indeed Nigeria and China relations, the way we want, said Oloja. Mutually objective coverage will generate more cooperation and better understanding between China and Nigeria, said Li Xiaohua, a representative from China. org.cn, a leading multi-language website in China.【小题1】What is the purpose of this media forum on September 19 in Abuja? AMore international community should pay attention to Africas deepening relationship with China.BPeople should seize the moment to expand cooperation between China and African countries.CChinese and Nigerian media should pay more attention to their own growing roles and strive to present a reliable image to each other.DLet more Chinese people know about the culture of Africa.【小题2】Whats the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph 4? AdefeatedBcontinuedCdisappearedDdecreased【小题3】Which of the following is right? AThe State Council Information Office and Experience China program attended this China-Nigeria Media meeting.BIn the past, China and African countries could learn about each other very well.CChinese people and Chinese events has been well reported through African media.DNowadays, some African media still cannot give the true stories of China.【小题4】What is the attitude of the major western media towards the Sino-African relationship? AThey think highly of it.BThey report it as it is.CThey view it through the angle of geopolitics.DThey view it as a competition between two countries.【小题5】What is the best title for this passage? AHaving a bigger sayBA Media Forum between China and NigeriaCHelping the African MediaDImproving our report in Africa

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