高考英语一轮复习 完形填空训练(三)11

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山西孝义市2017高考英语完形填空一轮训练(三)完形填空。A young girl,Hattie,stood outside a small church from where she had been turned away because it was too crowded.A kind pastor carried her_1_and found a place for her to sit in the back.He also told her they could build a_2_Sunday school by raising money.The pastor didnt see_3_again until he heard from her parents some two years later.Hattie had sadly died and her parents called for the kindhearted pastor,who had treated their daughter_4_,to handle the final arrangements.As her poor little body was_5_,a worn and wrinkled purse appeared in front of them.Inside was found 57 cents and_6_,reading“This is to help to build the little church bigger_7_more children can go to Sunday school.”For two years she had saved for this offering of _8_.When the pastor_9_read that note,he knew immediately what he would do._10_this note and the cracked,red pocketbook to the pulpit,he_11_the story of her unselfish love and devotion.He challenged his deacons(助祭)to get busy and raise enough money for the larger building._12_the story doesnt end there!A newspaper learned of the story and_13_it.It was_14_by a rich man who offered them a parcel of land worth many thousands.When told that the church couldnt pay so_15_,he offered it for a(n)_16_payment.Church members made large donations.Checks _17_from far and wide.Within five years the little girls_18_had increased to $250,000.00.Her unselfish love had paid large shares.When you visit Philadelphia,look up Temple Baptist Church,with a_19_capacity of 3,300.In one room may be seen the_20_of the sweet face of the little girl,whose 57 cents made such remarkable history.1A.away BoffCinside Dout答案:C根据上文中outside,crowded以及空格后的found a place for her to sit.可知这个好心的牧师把她领进了教堂。2A.new BlargerChigher Dmodern答案:B根据第二段最后一句中bigger,可知此处的答案是larger。募捐建一所更大的周日学校。3A.Hattie BchildrenCchurch Dschool答案:A根据上文提到的女孩子的名字,以及下文她的父母给牧师写信,可知牧师两年没有见到Hattie。4A.fairly BbadlyCwell Dequally答案:C根据上文一个好心的牧师把她领了进去,她的父母又给这个好心的牧师写信,可推知这个牧师当时对小女孩很好。5A.buried BhiddenCburnt Dmoved答案:D根据后文,当把女孩瘦小的尸体_以后,露出了一个磨损的有褶皱的钱包,可推知是把她的尸体移开,故用moved.6A.a note Ba letterCa purse Da box答案:A根据第三段第二句中的that note,可推知在钱包里有57美分和一张纸条。7A.in case Bnow thatCeven if Dso that答案:D根据空格前后出现的build,bigger和more children可知,建造更大的学校的目的是让更多的孩子来上学,所以用so that“目的是”。now that“既然”;in case“以免”;even if“既使”。8A.money BloveCfriendship Ddonation答案:B根据第五段最后一句话中的love得出答案。9A.hopefully BtearfullyCquietly Dexcitedly答案:B根据文章的整个内容,可知小女孩为了扩建教堂学校,已经攒了57美分,牧师被小女孩的爱感动地流下了热泪,因此牧师是泪流满面地在读那张小纸条,故用tearfully。hopefully“满怀希望地”;quietly“静静地”;excitedly“激动地”。10A.Carrying BHoldingCSeizing DCatching答案:A根据空格后的宾语this note,可推知牧师拿着纸条朝教坛走去。carry“携带,拿着”;hold“举着,举起”;seize“抓住,夺取”;catch“抓住”。11A.stated BannouncedCspoke Dtold答案:D根据文章提供的情景,牧师站在教坛上向众人讲述了这个故事,故用tell。state“陈述,说明”;announce“宣布”;speak“说”。12A.So BButCAnd DOr答案:B根据空格后的doesnt end there以及下文发生的故事,可知此句与上句构成的是转折关系,故用but。13A.published BinterviewedCbroadcast Dreleased答案:A根据空格前的a newspaper,可推出用publish发表。broadcast“广播”;interview“采访某人”;release发行”。14A.discovered BheardCread Dwatched答案:C根据上文,这个故事在报纸上出现了,因此它应该是被人们读到,故用read。15A.much BlittleCmore Dless答案:A根据空格前的many thousands以及couldnt,可推知付不起那么多,故用much。16A.$1,000 B57centCnothing D$100答案:B上文中提到在女孩的钱包里有57美分,此处又说教堂无力承担此费用,可知这位富人只要了57美分。17A.filled BpaidCran Dflied答案:D根据空格前的large donations,可知捐款的支票就像雪片一样飞了过来,故用flied,同时它用在这里又非常生动形象。18A.gift BhelpCidea Dthought答案:A根据上文女孩捐出了57美分,这是她献给教堂的一份礼物,可推知现在这份礼物已扩展到了很多很多。19A.sitting BcoveringCseating Dincluding答案:C现在小教堂已经变成了大教堂,能容纳3,300人,表示“容纳”的是动词seat。20A.memory BpictureCbill Dexpression答案:B根据下文的the sweet face,可知女孩的照片被挂在了其中的一间屋子里,故用picture。天津市北辰区2016高考英语【完形填空】完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意.然后从1一15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。These days, my husband and I have found a new hobby apartment hunting. Were 1 _ a second-hand apartment because wed like to have a place of our own. Actually, weve been devoting all our spare time 2 _ the city, visiting various apartments . And the real estate (房地产)ads, which used to be 3 _ paper in our eyes, have suddenly become so precious.After our honeymoon, the idea of having our own home was only 4 _. We are tired of the traffic 5 _ every night while we sleep in a rented house. We need our own 6 _ ,not big or luxurious (奢侈的),but certainly neat and comfortable.However, buying a home is no 7 _ task. Since neither my husband nor I have many 8 _ we are looking at buying a second-hand apartment because it is cheaper. Also, we want to live in a place that is in a clean yet 9 _location.During the first weekend of May, we 10 _ set out to look for our future home. However, the first day turned out to be a 11 _First, we looked at an apartment that was conveniently located near a bus line that could take me directly to work. The inner structure of the building was good. Without a second thought, my husband paid the real estate agent (中介)5,000 yuan as a down 12 _But we overlooked one important aspect of the neighborhood the location. When we went back for a second look, we found that the area was full of noise and confusion with all the traffic and passers-by. And we were too 13 _ to get our money back, so we lost a large sum of money. However, this 14 _ has brought my husband and me closer together. Now we are both more determined than ever to find the 15 _ apartment that will suit our needs.1.【答案】C【解析】考查现在分词及语境的理解。A。看;B。调查;C。寻找;D。看,着眼于。由“apartment hunting”可知我们在找房子。故选C。2.【答案】A【解析】考查非谓语动词及语境的理解。A。搜索;B。检查;C。游览;D。目击。因为要找房子,就需要搜索整个城市,参观各种公寓住宅。故选A。3.【答案】B【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A。无价的,极贵重的;B。不值钱的;C。贵重的;D。难以忍受的。由后半句“have suddenly become so precious.”突然变得如此珍贵,可知过去我们觉得它没有价值。4.【答案】B【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A。不可能的;B。自然的;C。困难的;D。敏感的。第一段说他们在找房子,说明蜜月之后拥有一个属于自己的家的想法是自然的。故选B。5.【答案】D 【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A。信号,标志;B。噪音;C。拥挤,堵塞;D。事故。由“But we overlooked one important aspect of the neighborhood the location. When we went back for a second look, we found that the area was full of noise and confusion with all the traffic and passers-by.”可知,我们厌倦了的应该是交通事故。故选D。6.【答案】D【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A。家庭;B。住处,膳宿;C。生活;D。家。由“the idea of having our own home was only 4 natural .”可知我们需要自己的家。故选D。7.【答案】A【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A。简单的;B。吸引人的,有魅力的;C。感到满意的;D。艰苦的,坚韧的。由“Since neither my husband nor I have many 8 _ we are looking at buying a second-hand apartment because it is cheaper.”可知买房不是一项简单的任务。故选A。8.【答案】B【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A。财产;B。储蓄,存款;C。邻居;D。支票。由“we are looking at buying a second-hand apartment because it is cheaper.”可知,我们都没有存款。9.【答案】C【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A。始终如一的,一致的;B。不变的,恒定的;C。方便的;D。传统的,惯例的。由“First, we looked at an apartment that was conveniently located near a bus line that could take me directly to work. The inner structure of the building was good. Without a second thought, my husband paid the real estate agent (中介)5,000 yuan”可知我们要找一个干净而方便的位置。10.【答案】B【解析】考查副词及语境的理解。A。自动地;B。高兴地;C。不情愿地;D故意地,慎重地。由“However,so we lost a large sum of money.”可知他们本来是高高兴兴出去找房子的。故选B。11.【答案】A【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A。噩梦;B。想像;C。故事,传说;D。印象,效果,影响。由下文可知第一天原来是一次梦魇般的经历。故选A。12.【答案】B【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A。提议,出价;B。付款,支付;C。费用,掌管;D。报酬,奖赏。由“First, we looked at an apartment that was conveniently located near a bus line that could take me directly to work. The inner structure of the building was good.”可知我们对这房子挺满意,所以丈夫就给了房产中介5000元作为订金。”down payment”意为“预付定金”。13.【答案】D 【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A。使人尴尬的;B。顽固的,顽强的;C。害羞的,胆怯的;D。晚的,迟的。由后半句“so we lost a large sum of money.”可知我们要把钱要回来已经太迟了。故选D。14.【答案】C【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A。交易;B。购买;C。经历;D。方式。由上文可知这是一次购房的经历。故选C。15.【答案】B【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A。便宜的;B。正确的,直接的,正当的,合适的;C。耀眼的,灿烂的,杰出的;D。有计划的,故意的。由“that will suit our needs.”可知我们决心找到合适的寓所。故选B。完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。One sunny afternoon,a sevenyearold girl went for a walk.She crossed a large area of grassland into the woods _21_ she realised that she was lost. Sitting on a rock and _22_ what to do,she began crying.After a while,she _23_ to walk along a wide path lined with tall trees and thick bushes. _24_ it was getting dark,she saw a small,dark wooden house.She opened the door and _25_ stepped in.Suddenly,she heard a strange noise,and she ran out the door and back to the _26_.Cold and tired,she fell asleep near a _27_.The girls parents were out and her dog,Laddy, was at home.Laddy _28_ that his mistress(女主人) was in danger.He jumped _29_ a window,breaking the glass.He looked in the fields,but he couldnt find his mistress anywhere.However,from the ground came a _30_ scent(气味)as he lowered his head.He _31_ the scent and walked across the grassland.Barking _32_ into the air,the dog _33_ through the woods until he found the _34_.But the girl was not there,so he headed back to the woods.Much to his _35_,he saw his mistressblue shirt in the distance.He _36_ over some bushes and saw the little stream,where the girl was _37_.When she opened her eyes and _38_ her dog standing beside her,the girl said,“You _39_ me, Laddy.”and she kissed him several times.Seeing their daughter and dog coming back,the parents burst into tears of _40_.That night Laddy had a heros supper:a huge meal of steak.【语篇解读】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个小女孩在树林迷路了,家中的狗感觉到她有危险并成功找到她的故事。21A.before Bsince Cwhile Das解析女孩穿过一大片草地进入树林后才发现自己迷路了。 答案A22A.wondering Bforgetting Cremembering Dregretting解析女孩坐在石头上,想知道她该怎么办,于是开始哭了起来。wonder“想知道”。 答案A23A.preferred Bexpected Cfailed Ddecided解析过了一会儿,她决定沿着一条大路走下去。decide to do sth“决定做某事”。 答案D24A.When BUntil CIf DBecause解析天渐渐黑了,她发现了一个小木屋。when引导时间状语从句。 答案A25A.carelessly Bcautiously Chopelessly Dunwillingly解析她开了门,小心翼翼地走进去。cautiously“谨慎地”。 答案B26A.trees Bbushes Cwoods Dgrasses解析根据第一段中的“She crossed a large area of grassland into the woods”可知,她返回树林中。答案C27A.stream Brock Ctree Dhouse解析根据第三段中的“saw the little stream,where the girl was _37_.”可知A项正确。答案A28A.found Bsensed Cheard Dsmelt解析狗感觉到女主人有危险。sense“感觉到,觉察出”。答案B29A.at Bthrough Cin Donto解析狗撞碎了玻璃,跳出窗户。through“穿过”。答案B30A.terrible Bstrange Cpleasant Dfamiliar解析狗从地面发现了它熟悉的气味(女主人的气味)。familiar“熟悉的”。答案D31A.missed Bdiscovered Cfollowed Dignored解析狗追随着气味,走过草地。follow“跟随”。答案C32A.calmly Bloudly Cmerrily Dgently解析狗为了寻找女主人,大声地叫着。答案B33A.searched Bwandered Clooked Dtravelled解析狗大声地叫着,在树林里寻找女孩,直到发现了木屋。search“搜索,搜寻”。答案A34A.window Bgirl Chouse Dhero解析参见上题解析。答案C35A.satisfaction Bdisappointment Cembarrassment Ddelight解析让狗高兴的是,它发现了远处女主人的蓝色衬衣。to ones delight“让某人高兴的是”。答案D36A.jumped Bclimbed Cwalked Dflew解析狗跳过一些灌木丛。jump“跳跃,跳过”。答案A37A.awake Babandoned Cavailable Dasleep解析第二段最后一句暗示答案为D。答案D38A.spotted Bwatched Cobserved Dsaw解析当女孩儿睁开眼睛时,看到她的狗站在旁边。see“看见,看到”。答案D39A.disturbed Bcomforted Crescued Dscared解析狗救了它的女主人。rescue“营救,援救”。答案C40A.pain Bshock Csorrow Drelief解析女孩被找到了,她的父母宽慰地流出了眼泪。答案D

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