高考英语一轮复习 语法填空和阅理选编11

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辽宁东港市2017高考英语一轮语法填空和阅理选编语法填空。阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。【全国新课标卷题型】One day, about ten years ago, while working at the cash register in the gift shop at my University Museum of Natural History, I saw an elderly couple come in with a little girl in a wheelchair. As I looked_1_(close) at this girl, I found that she was fixed on her chair. I then realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, a neck and upper body,_2_(dress) in a little white skirt. As the couple wheeled her up to me, I turned my head toward the girl. When I took the money_3_her grandparents, I looked back at the girl, who was giving me the most optimistic, largest smile I had ever seen. All of _4_sudden, her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl,_5_smile just melted me_6_almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of_7_life is all about. She took me from a poor, unhappy college student and_8_(bring) me into her world; a world of smiles, love and_9_(warm). Im a successful business man now and whenever I think about the troubles of the world, I think about that little girl and the remarkable lesson about life that she taught_10_.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._答案:1closer/closely更近地看,表示与上文比较,或直接用副词。2dressedbe dressed in“穿着”。3fromtake.from“从拿”。4aall of a sudden“突然”。5whose引导定语从句,并在从句中做定语,修饰smile。6and连接并列谓语melted和gave。7what引导宾语从句,且在从句中做about的宾语。8brought因为是并列谓语,所以应与前面谓语动词took时态一致。9warmth抽象名词,与前面的smiles,love并列。10me考查短语teach sb. a lesson,这里缺少间接宾语。2016高考训练题。阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。A: Good morning, can I help you?B: Id like to make 61_ complaint about my holiday in Hawaii last week.A: Im sorry to hear that. What 62 _ (exact) was the problem?B: First of all, the bus 63_ (take) us to the hotel broke down and we had to wait for over two hours in the terrible heat before a replacement arrived. Then when we got to the hotel we found our room 64_ (tidy).A: Oh dear, did you complain to the hotel?B: Of course, 65_ we were told all the waitresses were off duty. Thats not all. The people in the room above sounded like they were having all-night parties, every night. I demanded 66_ room, but to my disappointment, the receptionist told me the hotel was full.A: Oh, I see.B. And 67_ (bad) of all, all the food in the hotel restaurant was awful. It was so bad 68_ we had to eat out all the time despite the fact that meals 69_ (include) in the price of our holiday.A: I do apologize on behalf of our travel agency. Id like to offer you a 20% discount(折扣) as a gesture of goodwill, that is , you can get 400 dollars 70_.语法填空 61a 62Exactly 63Taking 64Untidy 65But 66Another 67Worst 68that 69were included 70back【语法填空】Chaplin-A Great Master of Humour Chaplin was an extraordinary performer who _1_(star) in and directed many outstanding comedies. Few were bored _2_(watch) his moustache, his gestures or his entertaining reactions when _3_(chase) by detectives. Being drunk, sliding on a banana skin or whispering _4_ own failures to nobody, he made us feel more content with our life without any verbal explanation. His particular sense of humor has astonished everybody throughout the world up to now. In _5_ small budget film, he played a badly-off and _6_(home) person wearing worn-out shoes and messy clothes. _7 _ one occasion, he was trapped by a snowstorm in a vast mountainous area. _8_ he overcame many difficulties, he wasnt fortunate enough. With all the porridge eaten up, he picked out a shoe and boiled it to eat. He cut _9_ the leather bottom and chewed it like a pancake. According to an actress, his acting was so convincing and amusing _10_ everybody couldnt help bursting into laughter.【参考答案】Keys: 1. starred 2. chased 3. his 4. a 5. homeless 6. On 7. Though 8. eaten 9. off 10. that2016高考训练题。阅读下面材料,在空白处填人适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Red is used in many Arnericwi expressions. It can be used to show 61 (happy).as in “a red一letter day”. This is a day 62 something special happens. The expression is probably based on church customs. For almost six hundred years, church calendars(日历) 63 (mark) with red to indicate special holidays. Todays calendars are still marked that way with the 64 (mean) of holidays and special days printed in red. The expression “a red-letter day” is often heard in everyday life. A red-letter day is 65 day that people are feeling quite happy. It may be a day that youve long waited for, a wedding day, for example, 66 it may be a day with a happy surprise. You might tell your friend that yesterday was a red-letter day, 67 you won sonic money in the state lottery (彩票). “Rolling out the red carpet is another 68 (common) heard expression, which 69 (represent) a Warm welcome of any kind. A city may roll out the redcarpet” for its baseball team when the team arrives home after winning the championship. Red is also used in some expressions that are not happy. Red-handed is one. To be caught red handed is to be caught 70 (perform) a wrong act.语法知识填空 (每小题1.5 分;满分15分)61.happiness 62. when 63. have been marked 64. meanings 65. a 66.or 67. because/when 68. commonly 69. represents 70. performing【语法填空】A Misunderstanding In general, spoken statements are the major way of communication, _1_ body language and facial expressions also have such kinds of function. For example, yawning means being not interested and turning _2_ back to someone or swinging your fist _3_(show) your anger. But _4_ those gestures really mean is subjective in different cultures. Thus, misunderstandings happen now and then in todays world of cultural crossroads. Once _5_(represent) the Adults Education Association, I went to the airport to meet _6_ official of high rank from Columbia and take him to his dormitory and then to the canteen. After the flight arrived, I saw a man looking around _7_(curious). So I approached to greet him. _ 8_ suddenly dashed to hug me and kissed me on both cheeks. _9 _ a young girl, I felt truly embarrassed and put up my hands to defend myself. His false smile told me that he had lost face.Later, I received a cassette from him, in which he recorded his apology. On hearing that Columbians were more likely to kiss others, I soon felt _10_ ease.【参考答案】Keys:. 1. but 2. ones 3. shows 4. what 5. representing 6. an 7. curiously 8. He 9. As 10. at语法填空。阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。【辽宁卷题型】Alan:Do you have anything_1_on this evening?Joe:No, Ive got a lot of time_2_(kill)Alan:Well, then. Wont you come over to dinner and have a game of Mahjong afterwards?Joe: With pleasure.Alan:You were not so eager about Mahjong before.Joe:Thats _3_ I didnt know the fun of_4_(play) it then. Why is Mahjong such a popular game, do you know?Alan:Ive got no idea. I only know that foreigners are beginning to take_5_ interest in it, besides their old card games.Joe:Thats right. Some of them are already_6_(expert)Alan:Indeed they are. But the trouble about Mahjong is once youre_7_(interest) in it, you cant shed it off. Joe:Yes. Once I went crazy over other hobbies such as stamp collecting and reading, but I find them very_8_ (bore) now.Alan:Im sure your former hobbies are more beneficial.Joe:I cant deny that, and I cant help it,_9_.Alan:The bells ringing. That_10_ be our partners.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._答案:1particular此处用形容词作后置定语,修饰anything。2to killhave got a lot of time to kill中to kill作状语。3because考查名词。此处表原因,故用because。4playing介词of后应用ving,所以填playing。5an考查冠词。take an interest in.对感兴趣。6experts考查名词。此处指专家(experts)。7interested考查形容词。be interested in 对感兴趣。8boring此处boring作find的宾语补足语。9either由I cant help it,可知,此处表示也不(either)。10must/may考查情态动词。阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。A classical guitarist was excited to hear from New York City police that his valuable guitar had been found. It disappeared almost a year ago when he got out of a cab and forgot to take the guitar with him. Laurence Lennon, 44, said he was running late that day. He was talking to his manager on his cell phone when he dashed out of the taxi. He said that he gave the driver $ 60 and told him to keep the change. He walked through the front doors of the concert hall still talking on the phone to his manager.Upon discovering his loss, Lennon used his cell phone to call the police. The policewoman asked him for the name of the cab company, the number of the cab, and the name of the driver. He said that she had to be kidding.She told Lennon that he could file a missing items report at the police station or online. Lennon asked for the online address. She told him that finding the guitar might take a couple of yearsfinding guitars was not as important as finding murderers and marijuana smokers. Then she told him to have a nice day.“This year has been depressing,” said Lennon. “I had to postpone the recording of two new CDs. Ive been using borrowed guitars. And I was losing hope of ever recovering my guitar.”Lennon was reunited with his $ 100,000 musical instrument yesterday. The case and the guitar had been discovered in the corner of a coffee house only two blocks from where Lennon had lost it in the first place. Lennon had offered a $ 10,000 reward for its return. He said he would give the reward to the coffee house owner, who had informed the police.1It can be inferred from this reading passage that_.ALennon gave the driver much more money than what was actually neededBLennon couldnt give any useful information about the driver and his cabCLennon was too busy talking to his friend to remember to pay the cab driverDLennon used to work at the concert hall in New York City答案:B推理判断题。根据第二段第二句“The policewoman asked him for the name of the cab company.and the name of the driver. He said that she had to be kidding.”说明他对出租汽车公司和司机的情况一概不知,认为警察这样问他简直是在开玩笑。2The policewoman told Lennon_.Anot to worry about the guitarBto have a nice day in New York CityCto find the cab driver and talk to himDto wait with patience答案:D推理判断题。根据第三段第三句“.finding the guitar might take a couple of years.”说明警察认为寻找这把吉他会很难,大概需要几年时间,因此他得耐心等待。选项A“不要着急这把吉他”不符合警察的本意和事实;B“祝他在纽约市玩得愉快”,原文中这是警察对他的安慰和祝福,不是事情的最重要内容;C“去找出租车司机跟他谈一下”这显然不可能,只有D“耐心等待”符合警察的本意。3Which of the following is the most important according to the policewoman?AFinding a lost guitar.BFinding the cab driver.CFinding murderers.DEnjoying ones own life答案:C细节题。根据第三段“.finding guitars was not as important as finding murderers.”说明在警察看来寻找杀人犯比寻找吉他(当然和其他任何事相比都)更重要。4The underlined word“depressing”can be best explained by“_”Amaking people feel sadBmaking people unfortunateCmaking people losing moneyDmaking people losing good luck答案:A词义理解题。根据第四段第二句“I had to postpone the recording of two new CDs. Ive been using borrowed guitars. And.”可推测出Lennon度过了一年很痛苦的日子,主要是丢掉了心爱的吉他和由于此事给他带来的种种事业中的不顺畅,因此可推测出depressing在这种的意思相当于making people feel sad。阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。Education in the United States is compulsory for children up to about the age of sixteen. Most young people stay in school longer than that. Most graduate from high school at the age of 17 or 18.Almost half of these high school graduates continue their education at a college or university. Education for most young people in this country is free up to the time they graduate from high school. There are private schools, but most parents send their children to public schools, where students do not pay tuition. When young people go to college, however, they must pay tuition at a public university or a private university. University costs are going up a lot:private universities have become very expensive because the government does not help them.Who pays? The parents of children in college may have to pay more, or often students may have to find jobs. These students have to worry about assignments and grades and also about their jobs. If they work too much at their jobs they may be absent from class or miss assignments or make too many errors on tests. They may even fail their courses and have to leave the university.For many students, the problem of getting an education is not just a problem of homework and exams. They also have to make money to pay for tuition. And professors dont teach them how to do that!1In the United States, almost half of the high school graduates_.Ago to colleges and universitiesBneed not pay any tuitionChave to enter open universitiesDwork hard to avoid errors on tests答案:A本题考查细节题。由文章第二段第一句“Almost half of these high school graduates continue their education at a college or university”可知,几乎有一半的中学生毕业都在大学或学院里继续深造。2Which of the following statements is NOT true?AMost parents prefer to send their children to public schools rather than to private schools due to tuition.BEducation is not free until the students graduate from high school.CUniversity costs are on the increase.DThe students may be absent from class if they work overtime.答案:B本题考查细节理解。由文章第二段第二句“Education for most young people in this country is free up to the time they graduate from high school.”可知,在这个国家,大多数年轻人接受的免费教育可持续到中学毕业,而这正与B的意思相反,因此B是正确答案。3The private university students have to pay more money for tuition because_.Athe government does not finance the private universitiesBnone of companies support the private universitiesCthe teaching quality of the private universities are superior to public onesDthey have some trouble in passing the exams答案:A本题考查细节理解。由文章第二段第五句“University costs are going up a lot; private universities have become very expensive because the government does not help them.”可知,私立大学学费高昂的原因是政府不资助私立学校。4The main idea of the passage might be_.Aselecting a good university costs in the United StatesBthe increase on university costs in the United StatesCthe argument about education in the United StatesDthe problem of getting an education in the United States答案:D本题考查主旨大意。纵观全文,一直谈论的都是在美国教育中遇到的问题,因此D项是正确答案。

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