高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Life in the future(讲)新人教版必修5

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Unit 3Life in the future单元知识预览项目单词及其词性变化(语法填空必备)重点单词1impression n印象;感想;印记impress v给某人深刻印象impressive adj.给人深刻印象的2constant adj.时常发生的;连续不断的constantly adv.不断地3previous adj.在前的;早先的4guide n指导;向导;导游 vt.指引;指导5surrounding n周围的事物;环境 adj.周围的surround vt.围绕6tolerate vt.容忍;忍受7lack vi. & vt.缺乏;没有 n缺乏;短缺的东西8adjustment n调整;调节adjust vt.调整;使适应9press vi. & vt.按;压;逼迫n.按;压;印刷;新闻pressure n压力10fasten vt.系牢;扎牢11switch n开关;转换 vt.转换12optimistic adj.乐观(主义)的pessimistic(反义词)13desert n沙漠;荒原14typist n打字员typewriter n打字机15instant n瞬间;片刻 adj.立即的;立刻的instantly adv.马上16greedy adj.贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的17representative n代表;典型人物 adj.典型的;有代表性的represent v代表18settlement n定居;解决settle v定居;解决settler n定居者重点短语1take up拿起;接受;开始;继续2be back on ones feet (困境后)恢复;完全复原3lose sight of 看不见4sweep up 打扫;横扫5slide into (快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进6speed up 加速7as a result 结果8be similar to. 与相似9in all directions 向四面八方10show.around. 带领某人参观经典句型(高考书面表达必备)1At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.起初,我的新环境很难忍受。2However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.然而,当我们到达一个看上去像是大市场的地方时,由于太多的客车朝四面八方飞奔,我看不见王平了。3Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.太疲倦了,我爬上床很快就睡着了。必备语法(高级句型)非谓语动词晨读范文背诵背诵这篇范文【山西省长治二中、忻州一中、 临汾一中、康杰中学、晋城一中2017届高三上学期第一次联考】 假定你是高中学生李华,你的美国朋友Jim即将升入高中,想让你给他一些学习建议。请你给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括: 1. 与老师交流,征求老师意见; 2. 上课积极参与讨论,专心听讲,做好笔记; 3. 课后积极完成作业,巩固知识。注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。语言知识精析重点单词精讲考点1impressionn. 印象;感觉;感想;印记【教材原句】first impressions第一印象【例句研读】(1) What was your first impression of London?你对伦敦的第一印象是什么?(2) I have a good impression of him.我对他的印象很好。【归纳拓展】make/leave/give an impression on给留下印象impress vt.给以深刻的印象impress sth.on/upon sth.impress sb.with sth.使某人对有印象;使某人铭记某事;某物/事给某人留下印象impress on(upon)使铭记be impressed by/with为所感动;对有印象impressive adj.给人深刻印象的,感人的【即时巩固】(1) The new teacher made a good impression _the students.新老师给学生们留下了一个好印象。(2) My first _of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.我对他的第一印象是他是一个善良、体贴的年轻人。(3) It is an _ achievement.那是个了不起的成就(4) His trip to India a strong impression on him.他的印度之旅给他留下了深刻的印象。【答案】(1) on (2) impression (3) impressive(4) made 考点2previous adj.在前的;早先的;先前的;以往的;(时间上)稍前的【教材原句】This is similar to the “jet lag” you get from flying,but it seems you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period. 这有点像坐飞机时的飞行时差,但不同的是,你的脑海中似乎在不断闪现以前的时光。【例句研读】(1) No previous experience is necessary for this job.这一工作无需相关的经验。(2) I couldnt believe it when I heard the news.I had only seen him the previous day.听到这个消息时,我不敢相信。就在前一天我还见到过他。【归纳拓展】previous tobefore在之前(其中to是介词)previously adv.先前地;早先【即时巩固】(1) The building had _been used as a hotel.这座楼房早先曾用作旅馆。(2) Have you ever had any_ career experience?你先前有什么工作经验吗?(3)In full blossoms Im waiting in the sun, every flower carrying my _ hope.阳光下我开满了花静静地等待,朵朵都是我前世的盼望。【答案】(1)previously(2)previous(3)previous 考点3surrounding n周围的事物;环境(常用复数)adj.周围的【教材原句】At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.开始的时候,新的环境让我难以忍受。【例句研读】(1) The house is situated in very pleasant surroundings.那所房子所处的环境非常优美。(2) She has always been surrounded with fashionable friends.她周围总有许多爱赶时髦的朋友。【归纳拓展】surrounding adj.附近的;周围的surround vt.环绕;围住be surrounded by/with.由围着/包围surround sth./sb.with/by sth.以包围或环绕某人/某物【易混易错】surroundings/environmentsurroundings专指自然环境,从周围的事物这一客体着眼。environment可指自然环境,也可指精神环境。The girl grew up in beautiful surroundings,but not in a happy home environment.这个女孩生活在优美的环境中,但却没有愉快的家庭氛围。【即时巩固】(1) She _ with fashionable friends.她周围有许多爱赶时髦的朋友。(2) He likes to _with beautiful things.他喜欢生活在美的环境中。(3) As a child,I _love and kindness. 幼年时,我备受关爱。考点4constantly adv.不断地;重复不断地【教材原句】I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008.我得不断提醒自己,我真的已经进入到公元3008年了。【例句研读】(1) He talked constantly about his work.他不断地谈到他的工作。 (2) There was a constant stream of visitors to Mount Tai.泰山的游客络绎不绝。【归纳拓展】constantly经常和进行时连用,表示说话者的一种情感。与之用法相当的词还有always等。constant adj.持续的;不断的【即时巩固】(1) The English language is _changing.英语总是在不断地发展变化。(2) Im _telling her to behave herself.我不断告诉她要守规矩。(3) As we know,in our world nothing seems .我们都知道,在我们这个世界上,没什么似乎是一成不变的。【答案】 (1) constantly(2) constantly(3) constant考点5toleratevt.容忍,忍受,容许,能经受(困难条件)【教材原句】At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.一开始新的环境让我很难忍受。【例句研读】(1) The teacher can not tolerate eating in class.老师不容许在课堂上吃东西。(2) Her own mistakes made her very tolerant of/towards (the faults of) others.她因自己有错误,对别人(的错误)就概不计较了。【归纳拓展】tolerate(doing)sth.容忍(做)某事cant bear/stand (doing)sth.无法忍受(做)某事put up with容忍;忍受tolerable adj.可容忍的tolerance n容忍;忍受tolerant adj.容忍的;宽容的be tolerant of/towards sb./sth.对宽容【温馨提示】tolerate的近义词(组)有bear,stand,put up with,这些动词(词组)需要接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。【即时巩固】(1) He cant bear_ laughed at.他忍受不了被别人取笑。(2) I can not tolerate her _.我不能容忍她的粗鲁无礼。(3) The school cannot tolerate _in exams.学校不能容忍考试作弊。【答案】(1) being (2) rudeness (3) cheating考点6lackvt.& vi.没有,缺乏 n缺乏,短缺的东西【教材原句】Hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached.由于缺少新鲜空气,我的头疼。【例句研读】(1) His real problem is that he lacks confidence.他的真正问题是缺乏自信心。(2) He did not finish his schooling for lack of money.由于缺钱,他没有完成学业。【归纳拓展】for lack of缺乏;没有;因缺少(a)lack of缺乏;不足no lack of充足的lack for缺,不充足lacking adj.缺少的,不足的be lacking in不足;不够;缺少【易混易错】lack与be short of(1)lack用作动词时,常与抽象名词连用。如:She lacked the confidence to make friends.她缺乏交朋友的自信。(2)be short of 只用于表示具体事物的缺乏,译为“短缺”。如:They were short of money.他们缺钱。【温馨提示】 lack用作名词时一般用作单数或不可数名词,意为“缺乏;短缺”。后面常接介词of表示缺少的内容,构成lack of短语。lack用作动词时可作及物动词,意为“缺乏;没有;短缺”。后面直接接名词作宾语,千万不要说lack in/of sth.。也可作不及物动词,如跟宾语要加for,构成lack for sth.lacking是形容词,意为“缺少的;不足的”。常用搭配是:be lacking in.(be short in.)意为“在上不足”。【即时巩固】(1) A diet _nutritional value will not keep a person healthy.缺乏营养价值的饮食不能维持人的健康。(2) They are so rich that they_.他们非常富裕,什么也不缺。(3) They carried on with their experiment in spite of the facilities.尽管缺设备,他们还是继续进行试验。考点7switch nC开关;转换vt.& vi.(使)转换【教材原句】Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen,and a table and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.然后王平在电脑荧屏上的开关上闪了一下,于是一张桌子和几把椅子就像变魔术般从地板下面升了起来。【例句研读】(1)Switch the freezer to the extra cold setting.把冰箱的冷冻开关转到特冷档。(2)They switched the location of the movie to Hawaii.他们把这部电影的外景拍摄地换为夏威夷。【归纳拓展】switch off切断(电流、气体等)switch on打开(开关);接通(电流等)switch to更换switch.to变换为;更改为;迁移到switch over改用;换用switch sth.with sb.和某人交换某物switch sth.from sth.从某物转变到某物【温馨提示】“水龙头或煤气的开/关”用turn on/off;“电器的开/关”用turn on/off或switch on/off都可以。【即时巩固】(1)Switch _the TV before you go out.你出门前要把电视关掉。(2)A lot of banks are over to the new electronic system because its more efficient. 很多银行正在改用新的电子系统,因为它效率更高。(3)He secretly switched _ a different company.他秘密地跳槽到别的公司。【答案】(1)off(2)switching(3)to考点8instantn. 瞬间,片刻 adj. 立刻的,立即的【教材原句】You place the metal band over your head,clear your mind,press the sending button,think your message and the next instant its sent.你把这种金属带放在头上,整理思路,按下发送键,然后想着你要发送的信息,刹那间信息就发出去了。【例句研读】(1) The telegram asked for an instant reply.这封电报要求立即回复。(2) I came instantly I saw the need.我一发觉有需要马上就来了。【归纳拓展】in an instant(immediately)立刻the instant(that)(as soon as)一就(at)any instant随时;在任何情况下for an instant片刻;一瞬间【温馨提示】和 the moment 一样,the instant和instantly也可以引导状语从句,意思是“一就”。immediately,directly也有类似用法。如:Jane burst out crying the instant she came in.简一进来就大哭起来。【易混易错】for an instant/in an instantfor an instant暂时,一时。相当于for a while,for a moment,for a minute,多用于完成时态、一般时态或将来时态,常与持续性动词连用。in an instant一会儿,马上,立刻。相当于in a while,in a moment,in a minute,通常用于将来时,常与终止性动词连用。He promised to be back in an instant.他答应过一会儿就回来的。Just for an instant I thought he was going to refuse.有那么一会儿,我以为他要拒绝了。【即时巩固】(1) The police came to my help_.警方立刻来帮助我。(2) She did not hesitate but answered the question _她没有犹豫而是立刻回答了问题。(3) The machine is so advanced that it will start the you press the button.这种机器太先进了,你一按按钮它就开始运转。【答案】(1) instantly (2) in an instant/instantly (3) instant 考点9greedy adj.贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的;贪得无厌的【教材原句】A giant machine,always greedy for more,swallows all the waste available.一个巨形机器,总是贪得无厌的吞下所有可得到的垃圾。【例句研读】(1) Dont be so greedy!Leave some cake for everyone else.不要如此贪得无厌!留一些蛋糕给其他人。(2) The students are greedy for knowledge.学生们对知识如饥似渴。【归纳拓展】 be greedy for渴望得到be greedy to do sth.渴望做某事It is/was greedy of sb.to do sth.做某事对某人来说真是贪婪greed n贪婪;贪心表示“渴望获得某物”的短语有: hope for ,desire for,long for sth.,be greedy for sth.,be dying for sth.,be hungry for sth.,be thirsty for sth.,be anxious for sth.表示“渴望做某事”的短语有:be dying to do sth.,be greedy to do sth.,be eager to do sth.,long to do sth.,hope to do sth.,desire to do sth.,be anxious to do sth.【即时巩固】(1) We should be to enjoy the sunshine each day. 我们应该贪婪地享受每一天的阳光。(2) The young designer is always greedy something new. 这位青年设计师总是追求新的东西。(3) He is a greedy (贪婪的) man.Nothing can stop his (贪婪) for money.他是一个贪婪的人。没有什么能阻止对金钱的贪婪。【答案】(1) greedy (2) for (3) greed 考点10swallown燕子 vt.吞下,咽下;吞没【教材原句】A giant machine,always greedy for more,swallows all the waste available.一个巨形机器,总是贪得无厌的吞下所有可得到的垃圾。【例句研读】(1) One swallow does not make a summer.谚一燕不成夏。(2) He swallowed the pills with a glass of water.他用一杯水吞下了这些药丸。【归纳拓展】swallow up侵吞,吞掉;耗尽,用尽【即时巩固】(1) The waves _ up the little boat.海浪吞没了那条小船。(2) Chew your food properly before _ it. 咽下食物前要好好咀嚼。(3) The plane was swallowed _ by the clouds. 飞机已没入云中。考点11recycle vt.回收利用;再利用【教材原句】Nothing is wasted,and everything,even plastic bags,is recycled.什么都没有浪费,一切东西,甚至塑料袋,都被回收了。【例句研读】(1)Do you think people should recycle newspapers?你认为人们应当循环利用报纸吗?(2)All our envelopes are made from recycled paper.我们所有的信封都是由再生纸制成的。【归纳拓展】recycled paper再生纸recycling n回收利用recyclable adj.可回收利用的;可再循环的【即时巩固】(1)Researchers are developing ways to make plastics as_ as metal and glass.研究人员正在开发让塑料像金属和玻璃一样可以循环使用的方法。(2)_is important to help protect our environment. 回收利用对于帮助保护我们的环境很重要。(3)We must _the cardboard boxes. 我们必须循环使用纸盒子。【答案】(1)recyclable(2)Recycling(3)recycle重点短语精讲考点1take up拿起;接受;开始;继续;占去(时间或空间)【教材原句】I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year.我还是无法相信我是在接受去年获得的这个奖励。【例句研读】(1) When he left school he took up journalism.当他毕业后,就开始从事新闻工作。(2) She took up her first teaching post in 2008.2008年,她走上了她的第一个教学岗位。【归纳拓展】take sb up on sth接受(提议、打赌等)take in 接纳;吸收;包括;理解;欺骗take off 脱下(衣帽等);起飞;成功take on 雇用;呈现(面貌);具有(特征)take over 接管,接任,接替take ones time 不慌不忙;慢慢来take place 发生;出现take out 取出;拿出【即时巩固】(1) My grandfather _ up his own experiences.我爷爷继续讲他自己的经历。(2)Lets take the radio _and see whats wrong with it.咱们把收音机拆开看看有什么毛病。(3)Dont be _ in by his charming manner;hes completely ruthless.不要被他那副讨人喜欢的外表所迷惑,其实他冷酷无情。(4)Sales of home computers have taken _in recent years.家庭电脑的销售量近年来上升很快。【答案】(1) took(2)apart(3)taken(4)off 考点2sweep up横扫;打扫;一下抱起(某人);涌向;掠过【教材原句】He was swept up into the centre of them.他被卷入到他们(车队)中间去了。【例句研读】(1)After class we were asked to sweep up the dead leaves in the schoolyard.下课后我们被要求扫除校园里的枯叶。(2)Dont go too far into the sea, children, or the waves will sweep you off your feet孩子们不要走进海里太远,否则,海浪会把你们冲倒。【归纳拓展】sweep away 扫清;迅速消灭;彻底消除;冲走 sweep off 扫清;扫走;大量清除 sweep out 扫掉;清除 sweep over 风靡,将一扫而光【即时巩固】(1)She _the child up in her arms and stormed out.她猛地把孩子抱起来,怒气冲冲地跑了出去。(2)She was left to sweep _ after the party.聚会结束后她被留下来打扫。(3)The strong wind the tree up into the sky. 强风把树吹到空中。考点3be/get back on ones feet(困境后)恢复;完全复原;重新振作;东山再起【教材原句】Soon I was back on my feet again and following him to collect a hovering carriage driven by computer.一会儿我就又恢复了,跟着他去领取了一台由电脑驱动的气垫车。【例句研读】(1)I need to forget all this and get back on my feet again.我需要忘记这一切,然后重新振作起来。(2)We hope due to the new economic program our country would be back on its feet.我们都希望新的经济方案能让国家重新站起来。【归纳拓展】be on ones feet站着stand on ones own feet独立自主;自食其力struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起get/rise to ones feet站起jump to ones feet跳起;一跃而起【即时巩固】(1)The new chairman hopes to get the company on its feet within six months. 新董事长希望在六个月以内使新公司恢复元气。(2)The worst thing about working in the shop is that youre your feet all day. 在商店里工作的最大弊端就是你得整天站着。(3)She will never back on her feet again. 她永远也不会东山再起了。【答案】(1)back(2)on(3)get 考点4. lose sight of.看不见;忽略;失去联系【教材原句】However,I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.但是,当我们到达一个看起来像是大市场的地方时,由于太多车子朝四面八方飞奔,我看不见王平了。【例句研读】(1)When I looked up,I lost sight of the famous actor.当我抬起头时,看不见那位著名的演员了。(2)We laughed at the sight of his strange clothes.一看到他古怪的穿着,我们就笑了。【归纳拓展】catch sight of望见;看到in sight在视线内out of sight看不见;在视野之外at the sight of一看见at first sight乍一看;第一眼看到come into sight进入视野【温馨提示】sight用作不可数名词时,意为“视力;目光”。用作可数名词时,意为“景物;景象”。如:Last summer we saw the sights of Beijing.去年夏天我们游览了北京的名胜。【即时巩固】(1)At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was _ sight在火车站,那位母亲向她的女儿招手再见直到火车看不见了。(2)Finally he _ sight of the young mans light overcoat in the distance.最后他总算在远处看见了那个年轻人穿的淡色外套。(3)We fell in love with the smart cellphone_ first sight,but much to our regret,it was too dear.我们一眼就喜欢上了那部精美的手机,但非常遗憾,它太贵了。【答案】(1)out of(2)caught(3)at 考点5slide into(快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进【教材原句】Exhausted,I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.实在累坏了,我溜上床很快就睡着了。【例句研读】(1)Slide into the water slowly and walk around for a while.慢慢滑入水中,并且在水中走动一会儿。(2)Daniel slid out of the room when no one was looking.丹尼尔趁大家不注意溜出了房间。【归纳拓展】slide vt.& vi.溜走;潜行;滑动n.幻灯片;滑梯;雪崩slide along/across/down滑行slide out of.悄悄地溜出【即时巩固】(1)She slid _ the drivers seat.她溜到了司机的座位上。(2)Lets slide _this grassy slope.我们沿着草斜面滑行。【答案】(1)into(2)down考点6speed up加速;使加速【教材原句】When we wanted the hovering carriage to speed up,we pressed hard on the driving pedal and bent over in the direction we wanted to go.当我们想让气垫车加速时,我们就用力压下操纵杆并使它弯向我们想去的方向。【例句研读】(1) The rise in the cost of living has been speeding up in recent years.生活费用的上涨速度近年来一直在加快。(2) Can you try and speed things up a bit?你能不能设法加快一下事情的进度?【归纳拓展】at a speed of以速度at speed以高速at high/low speed以高速/低速at full/top speed全速地with great/good speed快速地with all speed以全速,开足马力speed limit车速限制;最高车速【即时巩固】(1) They are broadening the bridge to speed the flow of traffic. 他们正在拓宽大桥,以加速车流。(2) The police car is running a speed of 100 miles per hour to chase after the truck ahead of it. 警车以每小时100英里的速度追赶前面那辆卡车。(3) You neednt drive at speed. 你不必全速行驶。【答案】 (3) up (4) at (5) full经典句型剖析考点1 as though(if)引导的方式状语从句【教材原句】The air seemed thin,as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left.空气似乎很稀薄,好像在混合的气体中剩下很少的氧气。【句法分析】本句是一个由as though引导的方式状语从句构成的复合句。as though/if的含义是“好像;似乎”。如:The animal was walking as though it had hurt its leg.这个动物走路的样子好像伤了腿似的。as though/if引导方式状语从句或表语从句时,通常用虚拟语气,表示与事实不符或相反的情况。如果as if/though引导的从句谓语动词与主句谓语动词所表达的动作同时发生,as if/though从句谓语动词用过去时;如果as if/though引导的从句谓语动词所表达的动作先于主句谓语动词动作,as if/though从句谓语动词用过去完成时;如果as if/though引导的从句谓语动词所表达的动作后于主句谓语动词所表达的动作,as if/though引导的从句谓语动词用过去将来时;如果与事实相符合,则用陈述语气。【温馨提示】(1)当从句主语与主句主语一致,且从句谓语又包含动词be时,从句主语和谓语中的动词be通常可省去。(2)当句子的主语与as if从句的主语一致时,as if后跟动词不定式、现在分词或过去分词。【例句研读】(1) She treats the orphan as if he were her own son.她对待这个孤儿就好像对待自己的亲儿子一样。(2) He behaved as if nothing had happened.他表现得若无其事。【即时巩固】(1) She looks as if she _ angry.看她的表情,她好像生气了似的。(2) Jack wasnt saying anything,but the teacher smiled at him he had done something very clever. 杰克没说什么,但是老师向他微笑,好像他做了什么明智之举似的。 (3) They talked about the news they had known it earlier他们谈论那个新闻好像他们早就知道了。【答案】 (1) were (2) as if (3) as if/though 考点2 remind sb that . . .【教材原句】 I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008. 我不得不不断地提醒自己,我的确在公元3008年了。【句法分析】remindsbthat从句remind sb of/about sb/sth remind sb to do sth提醒/使某人想起【例句研读】(1) I reminded Gerald of his promise.我提醒杰拉尔德他(曾许下)的诺言。(2) Remind me to post that letter.提醒我把那封信寄了。【即时巩固】(1) The story _ me of an experience I once had.这个故事使我想起我的一次亲身经历。(2) He reminded me _ I should be more careful when talking.他提醒我说话时应该更加慎重。(3) What he said just now _ me of those happy times when we played together.他刚才所说的话使我想起我们在一起玩的那些美好时光。【答案】(1)reminds (2)that (3) reminded 考点3 exhausted形容词作状语【教材原句】Exhausted,I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.实在累坏了,我溜上床很快就睡着了。【句法分析】exhausted本句中是形容词作状语,表示原因,说明主语所处的状态或说明事件的原因。表原因的形容词(短语)或形容词化的分词多放在句首,句子的主语是其逻辑主语,此类结构可改为从句或并列句。【例句研读】(1) Modest and easy to approach,he soon put everyone completely at ease.他是那样谦虚,平易近人,很快使大家放松下来。(2) He arrived home,hungry and tired.他回到家里,又饿又累。【即时巩固】(1) He sat in the corner,cold and _.他坐在角落里,一言不发。(2) She spent seven days in the wind and snow,_.她又冷又饿地在风雪中度过了七天。(3) Lighthearted and ,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile. 她无忧无虑而且非常乐观,她用自己的微笑把阳光传播给人们。【答案】(1)silent (2)hungry (3) optimistic考点4 完全倒装【教材原句】Inside was an exhibition of the most uptodate inventions of the 31st century.里面展示了31世纪最先进的发明。【句法分析】表地点状语的介词短语谓语主语(名词)副词(now,then,there/here,up,down,away,in,out等)谓语(go,come,run,walk,rush,fall等)主语(名词)Therebe(live,stand,lie等表示存在的动词)主语表语连系动词主语(表语可以是:形容词、介词短语、现在分词、过去分词)suchbe主语本句为完全倒装句。正常的语序为:An exhibition of the most uptodate inventions of the 31st century was inside.【温馨提示】若主语为人称代词,而不是名词的话,则主谓语序不变。如:There he comes.他来了。【例句研读】(1) There stands a stone bridge across the river.河上有一座石桥。(2) Away went the crowd one by one.人们一个一个地离去了。【即时巩固】(1) In the center of the square a monument. 广场的中央矗立着一块纪念碑。(2) sat the old man who told us the stories about the Long March. 坐在前面的是一位老人,他给我们讲述了长征的故事。(3) are the days when my heart was young and gay. 我那有着年轻快乐的心境的日子已经消失了。【答案】(1) stands (2) Ahead(3) Gone

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