高考英语一轮复习 模块复习方略 课时作业5 新人教版必修1

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课时作业(五)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1Devoted (devote) to his teaching work all the time, and finding (find) that he was really exhausted, the teacher decided to have a good rest.2She is very weak and not equal to making a long journey.3This position is equally (equal) suitable for a school leaver or for somebody who has office experience.4Of all the things I have done in my professional career, nothing has been more rewarding (reward) than writing that book.5The time he has devoted to helping (help) the disabled is now considered to_be (be) of great value.6We all like our English teacher, from whom we have learned a lot.7The people who work here are well educated (educate) and openminded.8They rewarded the winners with gifts of fruits and flowers.9Although he made a serious mistake in his work, he was lucky to escape being_fired (fire) by his boss.10We should offer help to those who are in trouble.单句改错1After he heard the bad news,his face took on a worrying expression.worryingworried2Several hours later,with the help of the police,the students managed to escape the dangerous place,hungry and frightened.escaped后加上from3The man was sentenced 10 years imprisonment for robbing the bank.sentenced后加上to4He led the workers in fighting the war.fighting后加上against5As matter of fact,social customs vary in different parts of the world.As后加上a6That football team had won no games and it lost its heart.去掉its7Dont be worried,because there is nothing to worry.worry后加上about8Madame Curie,devoting to science,was a great woman.devotingdevoted9There are many cards for you to choose.choose后加上from10It worried the public was that Phelps should take drugs.ItWhat.阅读理解A(2016河南六校第一次联考)It is safe to say that George Bernard Shaw (18561950), the Irishborn writer, is more famous for being George Bernard Shaw than he is for his writings today.Few of Shaws more than 60 plays, novels and essays are performed or read anymore.And yet Shaw genuinely helped make our modern world.Although youd be lucky to get a chance to see one of his dramas today, in his time he turned the theater into a vehicle for the discussion of social issues, not only in Britain but on the stage of the world.In a way Shaw was someone who created the modern culture of Britain.Where the theater had been dominated by entertainment, Shaw used it to teach people the importance of paying attention to the issues of their day.The plight (苦难) of the poor and the working class, the situation of women and the institutions of society, such as the education systemShaw was among the most wellknown figures making these topics central to public debate.His first play,Widowers Houses(1892),deals with the question of slum (贫民窟) housing.His Mrs Warrens Profession(1893)brought a controversial topic to the stage.Shaw was an important mover and shaker in new political movements too.He was an early member of the Fabian Society, which argued for the socialist cause in the UK.Shaw was also the founder (in 1895) of one of the now most famous colleges in the world, the London School of Economics.If few of his works have really stood the test of time, many of his quotations have become part of the furniture of the English language.“Youth is wasted on the young,”he wrote.He also knew how to sum up a political philosophy (哲学) in a few memorable words.For instance:“A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.”语篇解读本文是一篇人物传记,主要介绍英国著名的作家George Bernard Shaw以及他的作品对英国文化的影响。1Shaws influence on the modern world comes mainly from _.Athe changes he brought to the British cultureBhis philosophies on the role of governmentChis awareness of social problems of his dayDthe support for the London School of EconomicsA细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“In a way. of Britain.”可知,他对现代的影响主要源于他对英国现代文化的影响。2Widowers Houses is a play that mainly focuses on _.Athe failure of the UK education systemBthe housing problems of poor peopleCrobbery incidents in slum areasDsocialist movements in the UKB细节理解题。根据第二段第三句话“His first play. housing.”可知,这本书反映了穷人的住房问题。3By describing Shaws quotations as “part of the furniture of the English language”, the author means that Shaws words _.Ahave become the best part of EnglishBhave greatly developed the English languageChave made the English language philosophicalDhave become an inseparable part of the English languageD推理判断题。根据第四段中的“If few of his works.Youth is wasted on the young,he wrote.”可知,假使他的作品没能真正经得住时间的挑战,许多引用他的作品的话已经成为英语的一部分了。由此可推断他对英国文化影响较大。4Which of the following about George Bernard Shaws works is TRUE?AThey should be adapted for modern readers.BThey are mostly about the lives of working class.CThey deal with important social issues of their day.DMost of them are still performed on the stage of the world today.C正误判断题。根据第二段第一句可知,他的作品通常教育人们要关注所在年代的一些重大事件,也就是关注他那个年代的重要的社会问题。B(2016密码原创)Teachers increasingly face mental health problems because of pressures in their working life,a survey suggests.More than a third of school and college staff reported a rise in mental health issues among their colleagues over the past two years.More than half said that their job had had a negative effect on their own mental health.The Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL),which conducted the survey,is to debate the topic at its conference in Manchester this week.A resolution (决议) has been put forward calling on the union to set up a working group to investigate the issue and specifically to look at the impact of performancemanagement systems on those with mental health problems or hidden disabilities. The survey,which questioned over 900 school and college staff,found that of the 55 per cent who believed their job had a negative impact on their mental health,80 per cent said they were stressed,70 per cent said they were left feeling exhausted by their work and two thirds said it disturbed their sleep.The union warned that a bad name attached to mental health issues meant that many people were afraid to tell their employers if they were suffering.The poll found that 68 per cent of those with a mental health problem chose to keep it a secret from bosses.Only 38 per cent kept a physical health issue to themselves.Dr Mary Bousted,the general secretary of ATL,said she was shocked at the rise in mental health problems.She said:“Teachers , lecturers , support staff and heads are now so overworked that it comes as no surprise that so many suffer from stress, depression and other mentalhealth issues.”Dr Bousted added:“They need to be supported better, with schools and colleges making adjustments to jobs and working conditions where necessary.”The survey questioned 925 education staff working in state and private schools and colleges in England,Wales and Northern Ireland last month.5What does ATL plan to do?ATo find out teachers health problems or hidden disabilities.BTo start a topic to inspire all teachers to have a debate.CTo make a survey to find teachers health problems.DTo look into the problem caused by job pressure.D细节理解题。根据第二段第二句中的“investigate the issue and specifically to look at the impact”可知,ATL打算调查教师队伍中工作压力和身体健康状况之间的关系,故答案为D项。6What symptoms may teachers have under work pressure?AThey may try to have debates with their employers.BThey may have physical problems or obvious disabilities.CThey may feel stressed or tired or have sleeping problems.DThey may suffer from fevers and weight and memory loss.C细节理解题。根据第三段的“55 per cent”和“a negative impact on their mental health,80 per cent”和“stressed,70 per cent”和“feeling exhausted by their work and two thirds said it disturbed their sleep”可知,C项总结了教师身上因为压力过大而存在的不同形式的健康问题,故答案为C项。 7. What does Dr Bousted advise to do for teachers? ANot to work over time especially on weekends.BTo keep their physical health issue to themselves.CTo improve the working conditions with more support.DNot to keep their mental problems a secret from bosses.C细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句中的“making adjustments to jobs and working conditions where necessary”可知,专家建议改善教师们的工作条件,并且给他们更多的支持,故答案为C项。8The passage mainly wants to tell us that teachers say_.Athey will give up their job because of the job pressureBstress is leading to a rise in mental health problemsCthey will join in a survey about health and stressDstress is making more suffer from losing jobsB主旨大意题。第一段和最后一段首尾呼应,都是围绕着教师因为工作压力而形成的精神健康方面的问题,故答案为D项。.短文改错(2016河南省普通高中高考适应性测试)Echo, my favourite teacher, is a pretty and slim lady.When she talks to us, she always has a smile on his face.I think Echo is gifted teacher because she has a lot of good teach methods.Her classes are so full of funs that you will never feel bored.To improve our grades, she usually gave us some advice about how to learn English well.Whats more, she spends much her time helping her students instead of staying with her family.Sometimes, she hardly has any time to have the lunch.Whenever I ask her questions, she will spare no effort to make me understood, with patience or care.I have never seen so a good teacher as her before.答案第二句:hisher第三句:is后加a; teachteaching第四句:funsfun第五句:gavegives第六句:much后加of或去掉her第七句:去掉the第八句:understoodunderstand; orand第九句:sosuch


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