高考英语一轮复习 完形填空选编(一)6

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山西孝义市2017高考英语一轮完形填空选编(一)完形填空。Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa in 1503.He was working _1_ a special painting for a church at that time,_2_ the church painting was not _3_ well.An Italian businessman asked da Vinci to paint a picture of his second _4_ .This is the woman who _5_ be seen in the Mona Lisa.All in all,the Mona Lisa is a very good example of da Vincis _6_and it satisfied the husband.Da Vinci used _7_ and light in a clever _8_in the painting.Da Vinci loved science and _9_.Right away a person can see that there is a lot of geometry(几何形状)in the Mona Lisa.The face of the Mona Lisa is made of many circles and _10_ shapes like _11_ even.Her _12_can be seen as a small part of a large circle.The woman in the _13_ is sitting on a balcony(阳台),and _14_can be seen behind her.Da Vinci loved to study rocks,so these can be seen _15_ in his other paintings.The woman is sitting with her knees _16_the side.Her head is turned to look out of the painting.Her hands are _17_together in front of her.This way of _18_is now used by many _19_when _20_.The Mona Lisa is a remarkable master.1A.up BinCon Dabout答案:C考查固定搭配,work on指从事某一件事。2A.but BthusChowever Dso答案:A根据the church painting was not_3_well.可知上下文意义有“转折”关系。3A.doing BgoingCmaking Dworking答案:B考查习惯用法。go well表示进展顺利。4A.servant BdaughterCnurse Dwife答案:D从后面的the husband中可以得到足够的启示。5A.must BshouldCmight Dcan答案:D情态动词can表示“能、会”。6A.works BjobsCnovels Dphotos答案:Aworks意为“作品”。蒙娜丽莎应是达芬奇的“作品”之一。7A.heaviness BblackCdarkness Doils答案:C与light相对应的是darkness。8A.way BpictureChand Deye答案:A明暗对比是绘画技巧、方法之一。9A.chemistry BmathsCgeography Dbiology答案:B在其画中大量使用几何形状,说明他喜爱“数学”。10A.square BroundClong Degg答案:B和circles相当的自然是“round”shapes。11A.balls BsticksCvases Dboxes答案:A圆形的东西,四个选项中只有balls符合。12A.smile BshoutCcry Danger答案:A根据常识,B、C、D三项无法用几何图形来表达。13A.church BpaintingCsofa Dhouse答案:Bthe woman指的就是“画”中的蒙娜丽莎。14A.trees BbuildingsCmountains Dflowers答案:C由后面的rocks可以联想到mountains。15A.by and by Bhere and thereCover and over Dup and down答案:C在其他的一些画中也能看到rocks,说明rocks“反复地,再三地”出现在他的画中。16A.on BbyCto Dbeyond答案:Cto the side指侧向一边,符合画的意境。17A.caught BheldCsupported Dhung答案:B保持身体姿势如何用hold。18A.painting BlivingCsmiling Dsitting答案:D前面谈的就是蒙娜丽莎的“坐”姿。19A.women BactressesCgirls Dmodels答案:D仿效这种坐姿的应是艺术“模特”。20A.they are being painted BpaintingCbeing painted Dthey have painted答案:A模特应该是在供人们作画时才摆出这种坐姿的。【2013界广东省茂名市一模】 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。There are many moments in life when we become angry with others because ofsomething they said or did against us. Anger is just one letter short of danger - it seems to be as _1_ inEnglish as well as in practice. In fact, those who are easy to get angry are in greater physical _2_ than those who smoke or havehigh blood pressure. One little boy said about his _3_: “When she starts to get angry,you have to look _4_ and serious. Dont laugh. When mommies are mad,they get madder when you _5_.” The good news is that _6_ getting angry does not seem to be theproblem. Well-directed anger can be a helpful _7_. But Staying angryis _8_ - to our health and to our relationships. We must have a forgiving heart for our own peace of mind. When we _9_ to forgive, that hatred eats at us little by little until we are consumedby it. We should realize that forgiveness is to our benefit just as much as itis to the one we are _10_.Here are four simple _11_ that can help move us out of the danger zone._12_ it. Uncontrolled anger will take over.Talk it out. Dont keep it in and let it go bad.Act on it. Do what needs to be done to resolve the situation.End it. Just as there is a _13_ point for anger, there must be anending. Make a _14_ not to stay angry.It can help to remember that for every minute were angry, we _15_ sixtyseconds of happiness and sixty seconds of peace. The sooner we get out ofthe danger zone, the sooner we can get back to happy life.1.A. trueB. strangeC. differentD. common2.A. angerB. appearanceC. dangerD. difficulty3.A.fatherB. motherC. sisterD. teacher4.A. scaredB. interestedC. puzzledD. surprised5.A. cryB. escapeC. quarrelD. laugh6.A. graduallyB.frequentlyC. simplyD. suddenly7.A. exerciseB.medicineC. habitD. emotion8.A.beneficialB.accessibleC. dangerousD. impossible9.A. refuseB. decideC.tendD.attempt10.A. hatingB.fightingC. forgivingD.helping11.A. rulesB. stepsC.conclusionsD. warnings12.A. HideB. AbandonC. UnderstandD. Control13.A.endingB. startingC. turningD. melting14.A. decisionB. recordC. betD. point15.A. useB. lackC. oweD. lose1. 【答案】A【解析】考查形容词的用法及上下文的呼应。A.true真实的,准确的; B.strange奇怪的; C.different不同的; D.common共同的。根据in fact后的内容可知生气就和危险少一个英文字母,似乎在英语上的拼写上和实际上中的关系都是真的(true),故选A。2. 【答案】C【解析】考查名词的用法及上下文的呼应。A. anger生气; B. appearance 出现;C. danger危险; D. difficulty困难。根据上文可知生气与危险的关系。容易生气的那些人比那些吸烟和高血压的人更危险,3. 【答案】B【解析】考查名词的用法及上下文的呼应。A.father父亲; B. mother母亲; C. sister姐妹; D. teacher老师。根据下文When mommies are mad可知他在告诉关于母亲的事情。一个小男孩谈到他母亲的时候说,故选B。4. 【答案】A【解析】考查形容词的用法及上下文的呼应。A. scared害怕的; B. interested 感兴趣的;C. puzzled困惑的; D. surprised吃惊的。当她生气的时候,你必须看起来很害怕或者很认真严肃,故选A。5. 【答案】D【解析】考查动词的用法及上下文的呼应。A. cry哭; B. escape逃跑; C. quarrel吵架; D. laugh嘲笑。根据Dont laugh可知当你笑的时候,妈妈会更生气的。故选D。6. 【答案】C【解析】考查副词的用法及上下文的呼应。A. gradually逐渐地; B.frequently频繁地; C. simply简单地,仅仅; D. suddenly突然。好消息是仅仅突然生气好像不是什么问题,故选C。7. 【答案】D【解析】考查名词的用法及上下文的呼应。A. exercise 练习;B.medicine药; C. habit习惯; D. emotion情绪。根据常识可知引导好的生气可能是有益的情绪,故选D。8. 【答案】C【解析】考查形容词的用法及上下文的呼应。A.beneficial有益的; B.accessible易接近的; C. dangerous 有害的,危险的;D.impossible不可能的。Be dangerous to对有害; 一直保持生气是对身体和我们的关系有害的。故选C。9. 【答案】A【解析】考查动词的用法及上下文的呼应。A. refuse 拒绝;B. decide决定; C.tend照料; D.attempt试图。根据上文我们必须有一个宽容的为了我们自己的心灵的安宁。当我们拒绝原谅时,憎恨就会逐渐地吞吃我们直到我们被消灭,故选A。10. 【答案】C【解析】考查动词的用法及上下文的呼应。A.hating憎恨; B.fighting战斗; C. forgiving 原谅;D.helping帮助。我们应该意识到我们应该意识到原谅别人对于我们自己和对方同样重要,故选C。11. 【答案】B【解析】考查名词的用法及上下文的呼应。A. rules规则; B. steps步骤, 步伐;C.conclusions结论; D. warnings警告。根据下文可知这里有四个步骤,能帮助我们走出危险区,故选B。12. 【答案】D【解析】考查动词的用法及上下文的呼应。A. hide躲藏; B. abandon遗弃; C. understand 理解;D. control控制。控制生气,故选D。13. 【答案】B【解析】考查形容词的用法及上下文的呼应。A.ending结束; B. starting 开始;C. turning转向; D. melting融化。根据下文ending 可知这里应是与它相反的单词。由生气的开始就有生气的结束,故选B。14. 【答案】A【解析】考查形容词的用法及上下文的呼应。A. decision 决定;B. record纪录; C. bet打赌; D. point要点。这里是make a decision 决定;做出决定不要生气,故选A。15. 【答案】D【解析】考查形容词的用法及上下文的呼应。A. use使用; B. lack缺乏; C. owe 欠;D. lose失去。我们每一分钟生气的时候,我们就失去60秒的幸福和60秒的和平,故选D。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Last Christmas while staying with my parents, I 36 across some old love letters that my parents wrote to each other. These letters were all piled up in a basket, dirty and 37 with dust. Deciding to read and sort them, I asked them if I could take the letters back to my Illinois home. They 38 .As I carefully opened each letter, 39 of them fragile with age, I discovered a new page 40 unknown to me in this private chapter of my parents lives. My father used to 41 in the army. So his letters were full of frontline 42 of the things about the war. Each of my mothers letters was marked with her 1944 dark red lipstick kiss. I was 43 to these letters like a magnet(磁铁).Just six weeks after our Christmas visit, Daddy became very 44 and was hospitalized. This time, he was fighting a 45 kind of war. As I sat by his bedside, we discussed the 46 . He told me how much receiving those lipstick-kissed letters had 47 to him when he had been so far from home.It so happened that the next day would be February 14. From the 48 letters I chose the card my father had sent Mother in 1944 and brought it to my fathers bedside.At his bedside, I joked with him, saying 49 , Today is Valentines Day, dont you want to send Mother a present? He became more 50 when I handed him the old 51 . He carefully opened it and took out the card, and when he 52 it, his eyes were filled with tears.My father, in a 53 tight with emotion (情感) read the loving message hed sent to my mother fifty-six years 54 . And this time, he could read it to her in 55 .36. A. cameB. hit C. drewD. fell37. A. hiddenB. covered C. buriedD. filled38. A. refused B. smiled C. shockedD. agreed39. A. all B. none C. bothD. neither40. A. recentlyB. usually C. previouslyD. occasionally41. A. workB. study C. serveD. report42. A. accountsB. documents C. introductionsD. occupations43. A. devotedB. addicted C. thrownD. drawn 44. A. sadB. dead C. dangerousD. ill45. A. typicalB. traditional C. differentD. familiar46. A. warsB. illnesses C. lettersD. hospitals47. A. meantB. intended C. plannedD. said48. A. dividedB. sorted C. separatedD. updated49. A. sadlyB. angrily C. softlyD. loudly50. A. curiousB. enthusiastic C. fantasticD. positive51. A. cardB. envelope C. basketD. lipstick52. A. foundB. wrote C. recognizedD. missed53. A. sound B. noise C. whisperD. voice54. A. laterB. earlier C. ago D. ahead55. A. person B. private C. dangerD. peace【参考答案】3640 ABDAC 4145 CADDC 4650 CABCA 5155 BCDBA

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