高考英语一轮复习 完形填空选编(四)31

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陕西商南县2017高考英语一轮完形填空选编完型填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从以下题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A strange thing happened to Henry yesterday. He was on a bus and to _1_. So he stood up and rang the bell. _2_ make sure the driver heard him, he rang it twice, but the bus _3_ stop. And the conductor came and shouted _4_ him.The conductor was _5_ angry and spoke _6_ fast that Henry didnt understand _7_. The bus stopped at the next bus and Henry got off. As he got off he heard someone said, “ I think he _8_ a foreigner.”When Henry got _9_, he told his wife about it.“_10_ times did you ring the bell?” his wife asked.“Twice,” said Henry.“ Well, thats the signal (信号) _11_ the driver _12_ on.” His wife explained, “Only the conductor _13_ to ring the bell twice. Thats why the conductor _14_ so angry!”Henry nodded(点头). “_15_,” he said.名师点评本文讲述了一位外国人在乘车时遇到的麻烦。当他准备下车时,因为着急按了两次车铃,结果引出一场误会,导致不能及时下车。(C)1. A. got off B. gets off C. get off D. get on【解析】C。从上下文意思可知他准备下车,故选get off。(A)2. A. To B. At C. In D. with【解析】A。他按两次电铃的目的是希望列车员能听见。这里应用动词不定式表示目的,故选to。(C)3. A. doesnt B. dont C. didnt D. wasnt【解析】C。文章主要讲述过去发生的事情。应用一般过去时,故选didnt.(D)4. A. in B. on C. of D. at【解析】D。shout at sb 意为“对某人大吵,大嚷”,故选at。(A)5. A. so B. as C. at D. because【解析】A。由文章可知,列车员很生气,用副词so来修饰“angry”与下文that 构成固定搭配,即sothat, 意思是“如此以至”。(C)6. A. so that B. that C. so D. why【解析】C。与上题同解。(B)7. A. words B. a word C. speech D. song【解析】B。根据文意可知列车员的话乘客一句也没有听懂。故选a word。(C)8. A. was B. isnt C. is D. am【解析】C。因为是直接引语,所以这里用一般现在时。故选is。(D)9. A. to home B. at home C. in home D. home【解析】D。got为不接物动词,可以直接接副词home,意为“到家”。(A)10. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How 【解析】A。分析四个选项,只有how many后可接可数名词复数(D)11. A. to B. at C. on D. for 【解析】D。这里for表示一种限定,指专门给驾驶员的信号。(A)12. A. to go B. go C. went on D. goes【解析】A。根据文意可知按两次车铃是提醒司机继续前进的信号,动词不定式在此作后置定语,故选to go。(B)13. A. allowed B. is allowed C. was allowed D. allow【解析】B。列车员与allow之间构成被动关系,这里应用被动语态,故选is allowed。(A)14. A. got B. gets C. is getting D. gotten【解析】A。列车员生气的情况已发生,所以用一般过去时,故选got。(C)15. A. I seen B. I saw C. I see D. I did【解析】C。根据文意,这位乘客知道列车员生气的原因之后, 应说“I see.”。完形填空If you make one close friend in school, you will be the most fortunate. A true friend is someone who stays with you for life. 1teaches that is right: A good friendship is not easily2. It is possible that we simply do not stay in one place long enough for a3friendship to develop. However, there can be4disagreement on the need for each of us to think carefully about the kinds of friendship we5. To most of us, 6is considered very important, but we need to be clear in our7about the kinds of friendship we want. Are they to be close or8at arms length? Do we want to9ourselves or do we want to walk on the surface? For some people, many friendships on the surface are10enoughand thats all right. But at some point, we need to11that our expectations are the same as our friends expectations. The sharing of personal experience12our tears as well as our dark dreams is the surest way to deepen friendships. But it13be undertaken slowly and carried on only if there are14of interest and actions in return. What are some of the15of friendship? The greatest is the attraction to expect too much too soon. Deep relationships16time. Another“major difficulty”is the selfishness to think one“possesses”the other, including his time and attention. Similarly, friendships17actions in return. In18words, you must give as much as you take. Finally there is a question of taking care of the friendship. Unless you spend19time together, talking on the phone, and writing letters, friendships will die20. 【文章大意】人人都渴望友谊。那么如何才能培养和发展真正的友谊呢? 现实生活中, 人与人之间的友谊又常常面临哪些困难呢? 该如何克服这些困难, 让你和朋友们的友谊不至于逐渐消失呢? 读完本文, 你就会找到这些问题的答案。1. A. KnowledgeB. TeacherC. ExperienceD. Parent【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。由语境可知。“A true friend is someone who stays with you for life. ”是由生活经验总结出来的。所以选Experience。2. A. understoodB. formedC. realizedD. produced【解析】选B。背景常识题。友谊(friendship)是form(培养)出来的, 而不是understand(理解), realize(实现)或produce(生产)的。3. A. trueB. commonC. deepD. actual【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。由上文的“A good friendship”可知, 此处应是a true friendship“真正的友谊”。4. A. noB. someC. anyD. none【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。There is no disagreement on. . . “在方面是没有分歧的”。5. A. findB. getC. wantD. receive【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。由前文的need可断定这里应该选want, the kinds of friendship we want“我们所想要的那种友谊”; 且下段有提示。6. A. disagreementB. friendshipC. wantD. receive【解析】选B。词汇复现题。全文一直在谈友谊, 下文也有暗示。7. A. heartsB. thoughtsC. actionsD. minds【解析】选B。词语辨析题。下面几句列举的都是想法, 所以用thought“思想, 想法”, 指一般概念。mind指“思维, 理智, 注意力”。8. A. remainedB. leftC. stayedD. kept【解析】选D。词语辨析题。这里表示的是“使友谊保持一定距离(at arms length)”这一状态, 只能用及物动词keep。9. A. ownB. oweC. shareD. spare【解析】选C。词汇复现题。根据下文的The sharing of personal experience可知。share ourselves“我们之间相互分享”。10. A. thatB. veryC. notD. quite【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。由下文的“and thats all right”可知, 这里要表达的是肯定的意思, quite enough“足够”。11. A. make sureB. rememberC. expectD. check out【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。由上下文可知, 确保(make sure)我们的期望值和朋友的期望值一样是获得友谊的基础。12. A. andB. orC. includingD. besides【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。including表示包括。13. A. canB. needC. willD. must【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。句意: (尽管别人分享自己的经历能加深友谊, )但这一活动必须(must)在对方表现出兴趣或有回报的活动等类似的迹象时才能慢慢进行。14. A. marksB. sightsC. scenesD. signs【解析】选D。词语辨析题。sign“征兆, 迹象”。15. A. difficultiesB. differencesC. advantagesD. things【解析】选A。词汇复现题。该部分讲述了发展友谊的两大困难: the attraction to expect too much too soon和the selfishness, 也可以从下面的Another“major difficulty”得到启示。16. A. costB. spendC. askD. take【解析】选D。词语辨析题。上文提到发展友谊最大的困难就是期望尽快得到太多的东西, 也就是说像友谊这样的深层关系需要时间, take“需要, 花费”。spend也可以指花费时间, 但主语应是表示人的词语。17. A. requireB. requestC. dependD. suggest【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。上文提到友谊的第二大困难: 自私, 想占有对方的时间和注意力。因此要发展友谊需要(require)有回报的行动。18. A. someB. manyC. otherD. different【解析】选C。固定搭配题。“you must give as much as you take”是对上句“friendships require actions in return”的解释说明, 所以用in other words, 意思是“换句话说”。19. A. enoughB. comfortableC. lessD. a lot【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。句意: 除非你们有足够的时间在一起、打电话、写信, 你们的友谊才不会停止。下文所列举的“talking on the phone, and writing letters”需要足够的时间去做, 才能使友谊经久不衰。20. A. forB. awayC. outD. from【解析】选B。词语辨析题。die away事物逐渐消失; 慢慢变弱。die for为而死; die out灭绝; die from死于, 均不符合句意。【2013界长宁区质量抽测】完形填空。Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. All over the world, people admire the beauty and grace of butterflies. Butterflies come in every color imaginable, and their 50 display an incredible variety of patterns. The largest butterfly, Queen Alexandras Birdwing, has a wingspan (翼展) of up to 280 millimeters and lives in Papua New Guinea. The smallest, the Western Pygmy Blue in the southern U.S., has a wingspan of only 12 millimeters. Sadly, some of these beautiful creatures are now 51 . Estimates indicate that between 15 and 20 thousand species of butterflies exist around the world. A number of these species are endangered, over 20 in Japan 52 . Although that number may seem small, losing even one species would be 53 . Nowadays scientists even look to butterflies as a 54 of the environments health, since they are 55 to environmental changes. Many environmentalists around the world are eager to protect the endangered butterflies from extinction. The American Museum of Natural History in New York, for example, has an unusual butterfly exhibit. This exhibit 56 the important role that butterflies play in our environment. In recent years, environmental groups have made significant progress in 57 endangered butterfly populations. Governments throughout Asia have passed laws to help protect endangered wildlife, including butterflies. An area called Butterfly Valley in Assam, India, has become the focus of conscious 58 to protect the butterflies habitat (栖息地). Other projects in Serbia, Japan, and Canada are also hoping to 59 . Some of these efforts are already starting to work. The population of the El Segundo Blue Butterfly in California, for instance, has increased by 8 percent since 2010. Finding a cure for the butterfly crisis is, 60 , not just for environmental groups. 61 citizens can plant butterfly gardens to support and enjoy these gentle creatures. A group of female prisoners in Belfair, Washington, are helping to rescue an endangered species called Taylors Checkerspot. They recognize how 62 seemingly insignificant creatures can be. The world cannot afford to lose any butterflies. As environmentalist John Muir once 63 , “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it 64 to everything else in the Universe.”50.A. colorsB. bodies C. wings D. feelers51.A. out of controlB. in great dangerC. on the flyD. out of date52.A. nearbyB. thoughC. besidesD. alone53.A. predictableB. possibleC. imaginableD. terrible54.A. factorB. pictureC. measureD. display55.A. exposedB. accustomedC. sensitiveD. resistant56.A. highlightsB. changesC. replacesD. finds57.A. preservingB. controllingC. observingD. recognizing58.A. projectsB. effortsC. stepsD. groups59.A. set an exampleB. keep the promiseC. make a differenceD. take the time 60.A. howeverB. furthermoreC. otherwiseD. therefore61.A. DistinguishedB. LeadingC. SeniorD. Ordinary62.A. gracefulB. significantC. pitifulD. mysterious63. A. proposedB. commented C. promised D. recommended 64.A. restricted B. adaptedC. contributedD. tied【参考答案】Section A5054CBDDC5559CAABC6064ADBBD【2013界上海市宝山区质量监测】完形填空。 Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Reading involves looking at illustrative symbols and expressing mentally the sounds and ideas they represent. Concepts of reading have changed 50 over the centuries. During the 1950s and 1960s especially, increased attention has been devoted to 51 the reading process. Although experts agree that reading 52 a complex organization of higher mental 53 , they disagree about the exact nature of the process. Some experts, who regard language primarily as a code using symbols to represent sounds, 54 reading as simply the decoding(解码)of symbols into the sounds they stand for.These authorities 55 that meaning, being concerned with thinking, must be taught independently of the decoding process. Others maintain that reading is inexplainably related to thinking, and that a child who pronounces sounds without 56 their meaning is not truly reading. The reader, 57 some, is not just a person with a theoretical ability to read but one who 58 reads.Many adults, although they have the ability to read, have never read a book in its 59 . By some experts they would not be 60 as readers. Clearly, the philosophy, objectives, methods and materials of reading will depend on the definition one use. By the most 61 and satisfactory definition, reading is the ability to 62 the sound-symbols code of the language, to interpret meaning for various 63 , at various rates, and at various levels of difficulty, and to do so widely and enthusiastically. 64 , reading is the interpretation of ideas through the use of symbols representing sounds and ideas.50. A. specifically B. dramatically C. abstractly D. ridiculously51. A. understanding B. translating C. defining D. substituting52. A. involves B. concentrates C. specializes D. analyzes53. A. opinions B. effects C. manners D. functions54. A. view B. look C. reassure D. agree55. A. support B. argue C. attempt D. compete56. A. interpreting B. saying C. reciting D. reading57. A. in addition to B. for example C. according to D. such as58. A. completely B. carefully C. publically D. actually59. A. part B. whole C. standard D. straight60. A. applied B. granted C. classified D. graded61. A. instructive B. doubtful C. certain D. complicated62. A. strike B. illustrate C. define D. unlock63. A. purposes B. degrees C. stages D. steps64. A. On the other hand B. In short C. By the way D. So far【参考答案】5054 BCADA 5559 BACDB 6064 CCDAB


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