高中英语一轮复习 Book 5 Module 1-2书面表达

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高三英语第一轮复习Book 5 Module 1-2I.书面表达(共25分)假如你是李华,你的朋友Tom邀请你下周去他们学校参加文化交流活动并向外国朋友介绍中国的传统绘画,但你忙于准备期末考试,不得不谢绝邀请。根据下面的要点写一封信:谢绝邀请;说明理由;推荐朋友Mary参加,并说明原因。注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 信的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数)。Step1审题,首先同学们逐字逐句地审题,确定:写作意图 2.内容要点 3.人称,时态 4.分段 5.书写Step2:草稿:Dear Tom,Thank you very much for your invitation._ _ _ _ _ _ Yours sincerely, Li Hua Step3定稿: Dear Tom, Thank you very much for your invitation._ _ _ _ _ _ _Yours sincerely, Li HuaII.七选五:(10分,每题2分)Every mom or dad knows how its difficult to cope with a baby who doesnt want to sleep. _(1)_ You can do some chores while your little one is sleeping. There are a few things that you may want to try when your baby wont sleep.1. Rocking_(2)_ Almost every nursery contains a rocker for this reason. For instance, I rocked my daughter and I really loved each moment of it.2. White noiseIf your baby has trouble falling asleep, it can be a difficult time for the whole family. It may sound strange, but white noise can work wonders to calm your baby. _(3)_I recommend you to try sounds such as ocean waves, the wind rushing through the trees or the sound of rain. Soft music can also be calming to your child.3. Sleeping pattern_(4)_ Its very important to have your child on a schedule and have a sleeping pattern. This way, your baby will sleep regularly and it will make your day and night easier to plan.4. Pretend to asleep yourselfWhile its not very effective way to help your baby sleep, if you dont know what else you can do, this way is worth trying. When youre lying down with your little one, pretend to be asleep yourself and see if it works._(5)_AIt can help your little one be more ready for a sleep.BIt can help your baby grow healthier and brighter soon.COne of the best ways to help your baby sleep is rocking.DYour baby needs naps and you as a parent need them too.EWhen you play music loudly enough, your baby will sleep quickly.FWhen your house is quiet and everyone is quiet, your baby may fall asleep too.GOne of the reasons you baby has trouble sleeping is because they dont have a schedule.Book5 Module 1-2 writing1.Writing Dear Tom,Thank you very much for your invitation. Id like to accept it and take this opportunity to introduce the traditional Chinese painting to foreign friends, but Im sorry to inform you that I cant.The reason is that I am busy preparing myself for the coming final examination. I strongly recommend my friend Mary, who is the most suitable choice to take my place next week. She began to learn painting at an early age and has a good knowledge of the traditional Chinese painting, which, together with her active personality and perfect spoken English, help to make your activity a success.Sorry again for any inconvenience caused by my absence. Best wishes. Yours sincerely, Li Hua2. 七选五1-5 DCAGF

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