高中英语 Unit 2 Working the land练习 新人教版必修4

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Unit 2 Working the land一、单句填词:根据句意和汉语或首字母提示写出单词的适当形式1. Obviously, the teacher was _ (满意) with what he had done.2. He was badly wounded, but he s_ to his feet and walked on.3. Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past three _ (十年).4. They worked very hard and t_ they finished their work ahead of time.5. He r_ his weight from 98 to 80 kilos.6. They f_ their mind on doing the experiment.7. She was asked about the pay increase but she made no _ (评论) on it.8. Much to my _ (遗憾), I cant accept your invitation.9. Our classroom is e_ with a TV set and an air conditioner.10. She gave too much information, so that everyone got _ (迷惑).二、单句改错11. The mother opened the door quietly so as not to disturbing the sleeping baby.12. You must focus your attention to what the teacher is saying in class.13. As we know, doing sports do good to our health.14. Our foreign trade expanded greatly in recent years.15. Thanks for the timely rain, the crops were saved.16. Learn to do such work takes time and patience.17. Now he regretted waste so much time when he should have studied.18. He does not have enough money. However, he cannot afford to buy such a big flat.19. The moment we got there, we got down to do the work.20. The heavy rain made impossible for the sports meeting to be held on time.三、完成句子21. 当时他们不得不和各种各样的困难作斗争。(struggle)At that time they _ _ _ _ all kinds of difficulties.22. 新证据的发现导致小偷被抓住。(lead to)The _ of new evidence _ _ the thiefs being caught.23. 我宁愿你昨天就把作业做完了。I _ _ you _ _ your homework yesterday.24. 你认为他们会派谁来帮助我们呢?_ _ _ _ _ will send to help us?25. 他挣的钱是他父亲挣的两倍。He earns _ _ _ _ his father does.四、完形填空Last August, I flew to Columbia, Missouri to continue my education at the University of Missouri. At first I thought I was brave to deal with any 26 in a foreign country. 27 during my first semester here, I always felt so 28 . Being silent was my 29 to interact (互动) with Americans. Although I wanted to make 30 , I didnt know how to approach (接近) them. I was afraid that they wouldnt understand my English and I 31 to be careful not to make anyone angry. Therefore, I always 32 others to talk to me. In fact, I found that a lot of American students are 33 me. They also dont know how to interact with international students, so they choose not to be 34 . Obviously, two passive persons 35 have a chance to communicate with each other. And thats why people from the same country like to 36 themselves from others. They feel more 37 with their own people and they are used to their own ways of behaving. 38 , they build barriers (障碍) for themselves. However, I 39 to approach Americans gradually. Since I had the 40 to come to this country, I told myself, there was no reason for me to be 41 of approaching and communicating with Americans. When I showed kindness to them, most of them 42 my kindness. I found Americans are actually fun and 43 . Now I am glad that Ive made some good American friends here. I try hard to 44 my attitudes and my world has become brighter. Being an open-minded and brave person makes my life more joyful. I was 45 , but I found my way.26. A. fightB. challengeC. decisionD. mistake27. A. ForB. So C. But D. Or28. A. anxiousB. happyC. lonely D. lazy29. A. dutyB. wayC. taskD. advice30. A. plans B. achievementsC. jokesD. friends31. A. forgotB. refusedC. rememberedD. wanted32. A. sent forB. waited forC. called onD. depended on33. A. likeB. againstC. besideD. behind34. A. activeB. politeC. friendlyD. kind35. A. alwaysB. usuallyC. neverD. sometimes36. A. protectB. freeC. separateD. save37. A. specialB. comfortableC. successfulD. busy38. A. At firstB. At presentC. By the wayD. In the end39. A. fearedB. helped C. pretendedD. started40. A. timeB. moneyC. courageD. power41. A. afraidB. proudC. gladD. fond42. A. hatedB. wastedC. spreadD. repaid43. A. hard-workingB. easy-goingC. self-centeredD. broken-hearted44. A. holdB. takeC. explainD. change45. A. lostB. hurtC. bornD. late五、阅读理解根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Many years ago, there lived a dog named Tom. 46 When the night fell, he slept on a nice blanket and when the day broke, he had his food served before him in no time. But the neighborhood dogs were not so lucky. They admired Tom for his fortune. Now and then, they would bark from outside the gate of Toms house and speak dirty words at him. 47 He just kept quiet.One day, as he was taking a walk with his owner, Tom found that some young boys were throwing stones at those dogs. 48 Many of them were bleeding and barking weakly.Seeing this, Tom could not hold himself back. He was strong and had a very deep voice. 49 So he ran towards the boys and barked at them. The boys were so frightened that they dropped their stones and ran away as fast as possible. Then Tom ran back to Anna who had seen all that Tom did. 50 That night, Anna was moved. The dogs whom Tom had saved in the morning gathered near the gate of her house. “Maybe they are thanking Tom for what he did,” she thought. And she was right! From that day on, Tom and other dogs had become good friends.ABut this didnt affect Tom at all.BHe knew that he could frighten away the boys.CShe smiled at Tom and encouraged him for his behavior.DShe taught him a good lesson for not minding his own business.EAs a pet in a rich family, Tom was the favorite of his owner Anna.FThe dogs had nowhere to go and were hit by the stones.GTom felt happy because they were just paying for what they had done to him.必修4 Unit 2 答案一、单句填词1. satisfied 2. struggled 3. decades 4. therefore 5. reduced 6. focused7. comment 8. regret 9. equipped 10. confused二、单句改错11. disturbing disturb 12. to on/upon 13. do does 14. expanded前加has15. for to 16. Learn Learning 17. waste wasting 18. However Therefore19. do doing 20. made后加it三、完成句子21. had to struggle against 22. discovery, led to 23. would rather, had finished24. Who do you think they 25. twice as much as四、完形填空26-30 BCCBD 31-35 DBAAC 36-40 CBDDC 41-45 ADBDA五、阅读理解46-50 EAFBC

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