高中英语 课时作业12 Module 4 Music 外研版选修6

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课时作业(十二)Module 4Music.单词拼写1The drugs became widely used on the streets,leading to strict federal laws_(规定) their use.答案:regulating2The sweater my mother bought for me as a present had_(变小) after repeated washing.答案:shrunk3When asked in the meeting,they_(表示) their agreement by raising their hands.答案:signified4I felt greatly_(荣幸) to be welcomed into their society.答案:honoured5He is too experienced a conductor to mind what the_(批评家) say.答案:critics6A new interpretation of this phenomenon has been_(提出)答案:presented7He was lying in the sun,looking very_(放松的) and happy.答案:relaxed 8.Building that railway was very difficult and involved digging ten _ (隧道)答案:tunnels.单句语法填空1I hate to say it,but it is_relief to get out of the office for_while.答案:a;a2He_(present) a gold cup for his excellent performance as a reward.答案: was presented3She is such an optimistic and ambitious girl that she never feels_(depress)答案:depressed4I need one more stamp before my_(collect) is completed.答案:collection5Should I exercise or diet to lose weight?Its better to have the two_(combine)答案:combined6Dont do what you like to.You should take the teachers words_(serious)答案:seriously.完成句子1他自荐当我们商场的经理。He_the manager of our department store.答案:volunteered to serve as2作家经常凭借想象力和经历来构思情节。Writers often_their imagination and experiences for the plot.答案: draw upon3他在讲话中提到了我,真是荣幸。I_have been mentioned in his speech.答案:was honoured to4你应该待在原处,除非要求你离开。You should stay where you are unless_.答案: asked to leave5课程除了介绍一般电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会。_giving a general introduction to computers,the course also provides practical experience.答案:In addition to.完形填空Four days ago,I was taking a taxi.On the way,I just had the_1_stop at a store to buy something.A woman_2_me to let her hitchhike (免费搭车)I_3_and picked this woman up.I thought she was too fat;she_4_about 120 kg.But she was very sweet and kindhearted,so I didnt_5_.She was talking to me_6_while going back to her place about how she got everything for her_7_.So I thought to myself she must have a happy family.But nothing special_8_yet.I got to her apartment_9_she needed help getting all the things she got to her place.I just helped her out and while I was_10_the stuff inside her house,I_11_that her husband walked in from the back of the apartment.So she was talking to him in her_12_voice.“Honey,I got you this;Honey,I got you that.” But what I came to notice was that her husband was_13_.And then I looked close to how they were together and I knew for that moment I was seeing “TRUE_14_”They cared for each other so_15_and what they looked like was not_16_at all.I was just deeply_17_by the true love between them.Sometimes I think about going back to the apartment and tell them what I_18_in them and to thank them for sharing their_19_with me,even it is for a few_20_.I like the blind couple care about each other;it is a very happy and romantic thing.语篇解读作者在一对夫妻身上看到了什么是真爱。1A.strangerBwaiterCpassengerDdriver解析:由上句中taxi可知:在路上我让司机(driver)停在一家商店外买点东西。 答案:D2A.remindedBallowedCasked Dhelped解析:这时,一位妇女请求(asked)要搭便车。答案:C3A.nodded BpromisedChesitatedDexplained解析:根据下文picked this woman up不难得出:我答应(nodded)让她搭车。答案:A4A.carried BweighedCsupported Dlifted解析:从本空前fat判断:她非常胖,差不多有120公斤重(weighed)。答案:B5A.remember BmindCworry Dleave解析:但是,我感觉她这个人还不错,所以我也不在意(mind)她的长相了。答案:B6A.gladly BnervouslyCslowly Dcalmly解析:根据下文she must have a happy family可知,她在说话时一直很开心(gladly)。答案:A7A.friendBhusbandCdaughter Dneighbor解析:根据下文她对丈夫说的话可知,东西是买给她丈夫(husband)的。答案:B8A.stayed BcontinuedCstopped Dhappened解析:作者后来在这个妇女家里的所见所闻深深地打动了她。所以这里指到目前为止,还没有发生(happened)什么特殊的事。答案:D9A.unlessBifCbecause Dalthough解析:我让车开到她的住处是因为(because)她需要帮助把买的东西搬到家里。 答案:C10A.moving BsearchingCarranging Dobserving解析:根据上文getting all the things.to her place及helped her out可知,这里指把东西搬(moving)回她家。答案:A11A.imaged BnoticedCbelieved Dexpected解析:正当我帮她把东西搬进屋子里时,我注意到(noticed)她丈夫从屋里走出来。 答案:B12A.polite Btired Chigh Dsweet解析:上文sweet有提示:她用甜甜的(sweet)话语跟丈夫说话。答案:D13A.painful Bfoolish Cblind Dill解析:下文blind有提示:这时,我才发现她丈夫是一个盲人(blind)。 答案:C14A.LOVE BFRIENDSHIPCJUDGMENT DSTORY解析:我在他们之间发现了真正的爱(LOVE)。倒数第二段true love是提示。 答案:A15A.frequently BdeeplyCthankfullyDquietly答案:B16A.useful BclearCsecret Dimportant解析:他们如此深情地(deeply)关爱对方,容貌已经是无关紧要了(important)。答案:D17A.encouraged BsurprisedCtouched Dshocked解析:我深深地被他们之间的真爱打动了(touched)。答案:C18A.hidBbuilt Cput Dsaw解析:有时候,我真的还想再去他们家一趟,告诉他们我在他们身上看到了(saw)珍贵的东西。 答案:D19A.livesBtroublesCfood Dmemory答案:A20A.days BhoursCminutes Dseconds解析:作者只是帮那个妇女把东西拿到家里,所以他只在这个妇女家呆了几分钟(minutes),分享了他们相濡以沫的生活(lives)。 答案:C.阅读理解One day,a train was approaching the small town of Cheekyville.On the train was a young man with a big suitcase.He was called William Warbler,and he looked very common indeed.What made him most unusual,though,was the fact that whenever he needed to communicate he did it by singing opera (歌剧)It didnt matter to William whether it was simply a matter of answering a brief greeting,like “good day”He would clear his voice and respond,“Gooood dayyy to youuuuuuuu.toooooo!”No one could get a normal spoken word out of him and no one knew how he made his living.As he lived quite simply,always wearing his same old secondhand suit,people often looked down on him.William had been in Cheekyville for some years,when,one day,word spread round town like wildfire:William had played a role in a very important opera in the nations capital.Everyone in the capital went to see it,and it was a great success.Everyone in Cheekyville felt it was a surprise.But something more surprising was,when William was being interviewed by reporters,he answered their questions by speaking rather than singing.And he did it with great manners,and with a clear and pleasant voice.From that day,William gave up singing at all hours.Now he did it only during his stage appearances and world tours.Some people suspected why he had changed,but others continued believing him to be somewhat mad.They wouldnt have thought so if they had seen what William kept in his big suitcase.It was a large stone,with a handcarved (手工雕刻的) message on it.The message said:“Practice,my boy.Practice every second,for you never know when your chance will come.”Little did people realize that he only got the role in the opera because the director had heard William singing while out buying a newspaper.语篇解读一位歌唱家在成名之前总是以唱歌剧的方式说话,以此来苦练歌唱技艺,最终他获得了成功。 1Why did people in Cheekyville consider William strange?AHe always carried a big suitcase.BHe always spoke by singing opera.CHe always greeted people gladly.DHe always wore an old suit.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段What made him most unusual,though,was the fact that whenever he needed to communicate he did it by singing opera可知,人们觉得William奇怪是因为他总是以唱歌剧的方式说话。答案:B2Hearing the news about William,people in Cheekyville felt it was_.AunbelievableBsatisfyingCdisappointingDinteresting解析:推理判断题。他获得成功后Everyone in Cheekyville felt it was a surprise,由此可知:人们不相信这样一个怪人能够获得成功。答案:A3After William_,he began to speak in a normal way.Aplayed a role in the operaBmet the director of the operaCwas interviewed by reportersDleft the small town of Cheekyville解析:细节理解题。由第三段可知,William表演成功后接受记者采访时,很有礼貌地回答了记者的问题,故推断,他在表演了歌剧后就放弃用唱歌剧的方式说话,故A为正确选项。答案:A4According to the text,William_.Ahad no idea whether he should continue doing something madBwas nervous and didnt know how to sing when he was interviewedCwas selling newspapers when the opera director heard him singingDpracticed singing whenever possible before he became famous解析:细节理解题。文章开头提到了William在成名之前总是以唱歌剧的方式说话,第四段刻在石头上的话解开了谜底:原来他这样做是为了利用一切时间练习歌唱。答案:D


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