高中英语 模块综合测评2 北师大版选修6

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模块综合测评(二).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)A(2016福建宁德高二上期中)I travel a lot,and I find out different “styles”(风格)of directions every time I ask“How can I get to the post office?”Foreign tourists are often confused(困惑的) in Japan because most streets there dont have names; in Japan,people use landmarks(地标) in their directions instead of street names.For example,the Japanese will say to travelers,“Go straight down to the corner.Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market.The post office is across from the bus stop.”In the countryside of the American Midwest,there are not usually many landmarks.There are no mountains,so the land is very flat; in many places there are no towns or buildings within miles.Instead of landmarks,people will tell you directions and distances.In Kansas or Iowa,for example,people will say,“Go north two miles.Turn east,and then go another mile.”People in Los Angeles,California,have no idea of distance on the map; they measure distance in time,not miles.“How far away is the post office?”you ask.“Oh,”they answer,“its about five minutes from here.”You say,“Yes,but how many miles away is it?” They dont know.Its true that a person doesnt know the answer to your question sometimes.What happens in such a situation? A New Yorker might say.“Sorry,I have no idea.”But in Yucatan,Mexico,no one answers“I dont know.”People in Yucatan believe that “I dont know” is impolite.They usually give an answer,often a wrong one.A tourist can get very,very lost in Yucatan!【语篇解读】文章讲述的是在问路时遇见的各国的文化差异。1When a tourist asks the Japanese the way to a certain place,they usually_Adescribe the place carefullyBshow him a map of the placeCtell him the names of the streetsDrefer to recognizable buildings and places【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段“in Japan,people use landmarks(地标)in their directions instead of street names”可知,在日本,人们在指路时习惯使用地标。【答案】D2What is the place where people measure distance in time?ANew York.BLos Angeles.CKansas. DIowa.【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段“they measure distance in time,not miles”可知B项正确。【答案】B3People in Yucatan may give a tourist a wrong answer_Ain order to save timeBas a testCso as to be politeDfor fun【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段“People in Yucatan believe thatI dont knowis impolite.They usually give an answer,often a wrong one.”可知C项正确。【答案】C4What can we infer from the text?A. Its important for travelers to understand cultural differences.BIts useful for travelers to know how to ask the way properly.CPeople have similar understandings of politeness.DNew Yorkers are generally friendly to visitors.【解析】推理判断题。文章讲述的是在问路时遇见的各国的文化差异。【答案】ABOne of my main concerns when I am helping people achieve their goals is how they measure success.I see individuals getting frustrated (挫败) as they struggle hard for success.One of the main reasons that cause this frustration is that people allow their definition (定义) of success to be determined by someone or something else.Another is that they become frustrated at their own apparent (表面的) lack of success when comparing themselves to other people.We are individuals with individual wants,skills and experiences.We should look our own skills to determine what is successful to us.We should look inward to determine what it would mean for us to be successful in our own mind rather than someone elses.Evaluating (评价) a successful person needs to look at his pathway to success,his actions,his determination and translate that into his own experience to see how he can improve himself.You must set your own course of action,and stay on your course.You alone must determine what success means to you.Do what you do to the best of your ability and the rest will take care of itself.For example,I believe that I am successful but I am not a millionaire! Others may not see me as successful in their eyes but that does not matter.It is how I see myself that is important to me and my life.Here is the truth.Being a success is doing your best,not being the best.Success is not something you become; it is something you continue being.When we get to that point,we will experience a lot more joy and a lot less frustration.And that sounds good to us!Remember the great quote from Napoleon Hill,“If you cannot do great things,do small things in a great way.”【语篇解读】在走向成功的路上,你是不是觉得很有挫折感呢?如果你的回答是肯定的话,请阅读本文吧!相信你会收获多多的。5In talking about success,the author thinks people feel frustrated because they_Aoften failBstruggle too hardCknow little about themselvesDcare too much about others thoughts【解析】细节理解题。由第二段可知,人们的挫折感在于太在意别人的看法。【答案】D6What does the author ask us to do?ABelieve success is ahead.BLearn from others to succeed.CGain as more skills as possible.DSet a suitable goal and stick to it.【解析】推理判断题。由第五段第一句话“You must set your own course of action,and stay on your course.”可知。【答案】D7Which is true according to the text?AIt is important to do small things.BWhat matters is the course of trying to succeed.CYou will be successful once youve made up your mind.DWhether one can succeed depends on his determination.【解析】推理判断题。由第六段“Here is the truth.Being a success is doing your best,not being the best.Success is not something you become; it is something you continue being.”可知,作者认为重要的是追求成功的过程,而不是结果。【答案】BCCheating is nothing new.But today,educators and administrators are finding that instances of academic dishonesty on the part of students have become more frequent and are less likely to be punished than in the past.Cheating appears to have gained acceptance among good and poor students alike.Why is student cheating on the rise? No one really knows.Some blame the trend on a general loosening of moral values among todays youth.Others have attributed increased cheating to the fact that todays youth are far more pragmatic(实用主义的) than their more idealistic predecessors(前辈)While in the late sixties and early seventies,students were filled with visions about changing the world,todays students feel great pressure to conform(随大流) and succeed.In interviews with students at high schools and colleges around the country,both young men and women said that cheating had become easy.Some suggested they did it out of spite for teachers they did not respect; others looked at it as a game.Only if they were caught,some said,would they feel guilty.“People are competitive.” said a secondyear college student named Anna,from Chicago.Theres an underlying fear.If you dont do well,your life is going to be ruined.The pressure is not only from parents and friends but from yourself.To achieve.To succeed.Its almost as though we have to outdo other people to achieve our own goals.Edward Wynne,editor of a magazine blames the rise in academic dishonesty on the schools.He claims that administrators and teachers have been too hesitant to take action.Dwight Huber,chairman of the English department at Amarillo sees the matter differently,blaming the rise in cheating on the way students are evaluated.“I would cheat if I felt I was being cheated,” Mr.Huber said.He feels that as long as teachers give shortanswer tests rather than essay questions and rate students by the number of facts they can memorize rather than by how well they can combine information,students will try to beat the system“The concept of cheating is based on the false assumption that the system is reasonable and there is something wrong with the individual whos doing it,” he said,“Thats too easy an answer.Weve got to start looking at the system.”【语篇解读】本文对越来越多的学生作弊现象进行了剖析。有些人将之归咎于现代青年人道德价值观普遍松弛。另一些人则将之归咎于现在的学生比过去的学生更为实际。还有些人认为这种上升趋势应归咎于校方评估学生的方式。8Educators are finding that students who cheat _.Aare more likely to be punished than beforeBhave poorer academic records than beforeCcan be academically weak or strongDuse the information in later years【解析】细节理解题。文章第一段最后一句话提到,学生不论成绩优劣,似乎都认可作弊行为,因此选C“成绩优或者劣的学生”符合原文意思。【答案】C9According to the passage,youth cheat because of_Athe eagerness to succeedBthe easiness to cheatCthe fear of competitionDthe impossibility to be punished【解析】推理判断题。文中提到了多种学生方面的作弊原因。只有A的表达与原文相符,可以回答题干的问题。B是文中提到的内容,但不是原因。学生们恐惧的是失败,不是竞争,不选C。作弊受惩罚可能性小了但不是没有,所以不选D。【答案】A10What does the underlined part“the system” refer to?AThe education system.BThe school system.CThe system by which schools punish cheating.DThe system by which students are evaluated.【解析】词义猜测题。原文说Huber将作弊现象的原因归咎于评估学生的方式,后面引用他的话说明他的观点,学生们如果觉得考题和评分标准不理想,他们就会设法击败该制度。考题和评分标准正是学生评估体系的内容。【答案】D11Which of the followings would Dwight Huber probably agree with?AThe educational system is sound and students must follow every rule.BParents alone must take responsibility for the rise in student cheating.CThere should be some changes in the evaluation system.DStudents who cheat should be expelled from school.【解析】推理判断题。第三段中将作弊现象增加的原因归咎于评估学生的方式,最后说应该对这个体系加以审视。故可以推测C项正确。【答案】CDThe sound of music slowly fills the concert hall as an orchestra begins to play.The high,bright notes of a violin are followed by the low,rich sound of a cello.Then a drum starts thumping.But this is no ordinary orchestra.The violin is made from a salad bowl and pieces of wood.Its strings are held in place with a fork.A saxophone is made from a metal pipe and coins.The group is called the Recycled Orchestra.Its made up of 20 teens from the South American country of Paraguay.They live in Cateura,a small,poor village just outside Paraguays capital,Asuncin.The teens play famous pieces of classical music by Mozart and Beethoven. But they also play rock music by the Beatles and other groups.Judging by the sound,youd never know their instruments are made from items tossed into the trash.“The world sends us garbage.We send back music,”says Favio Chvez.He is the music teacher who founded the Recycled Orchestra.For most of the 2,500 families in Cateura,the landfill is their livelihood.Many residents work as trash pickers.They search for scraps they can sell as recyclable materials.Nearly half the children in the area dont finish school because their parents need them to work.To keep the kids out of trouble,Chvez started a music school six years ago.But there were more kids than instruments,and there was no money to buy new instruments.A resourceful trash picker named Nicols Gmez came to the rescue.A former carpenter,Gmez made a violin from scraps of debris.“I never imagined myself building an instrument like this,”he says.Soon,a whole orchestra was formed from recycled materials.The young musicians have been gaining attention outside Paraguay.Theyve given concerts in Brazil,Colombia,and Panama.They plan to perform in the US.later this year,at the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix,Arizona.Thirteenyearold Ada Rios plays the violin in the Recycled Orchestra.“When I listen to the sound of the violin,I feel butterflies in my stomach,”she says.“Its a feeling that I dont know how to explain.”【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。主要介绍了南非中部国家巴拉圭的一个青少年乐队。他们的乐器都是用垃圾废品制成的,但这并不影响他们的精彩演出。12It is implied in the first paragraph that_A. the orchestra is wellknown in the worldBthe concert is unusual for the strange instrumentsCall the instruments are made from trashDthe music of the concert is in a mess【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段中对几种乐器的描述(小提琴用色拉碗、木头、叉子制成,萨克斯管用金属管子和硬币制成)可知,这里提到的乐器都是由垃圾制造的,故选C。【答案】C13What Chvez says in Para.4 suggests that he_Aloves music very muchBis angry at too much garbageCconsiders the world to be unfairDis proud of his students【解析】推理判断题。根据第四段中的信息“The world sends us garbage.We send back music”(世界给了我们垃圾,我们还给它音乐)可知,他对于学生们能够利用这些垃圾做成的乐器演奏表示赞赏,故选D。【答案】D14Why did Chvez start a music school?ATo help the children grow up healthily.BTo prevent the children picking trash.CTo make children become musicians.DTo make a living for his own family.【解析】细节理解题。根据第六段的信息“To keep the kids out of trouble,Chvez started a music school six years ago.”可知,他成立音乐学校的目的是避免孩子们惹是生非,以使他们健康成长,故选A。【答案】A15What is the main idea of the passage?A. An orchestra performs beautiful music for teens.BTeen musicians make music instruments out of trash.CA teenage orchestra makes music from recycled garbage.DTeens hope for a brighter future through music.【解析】主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了南非的一个青少年乐队利用由垃圾制成的乐器演奏世界名曲的情况,同时还介绍了乐队成立的原因等,因此C项符合主旨。【答案】C.阅读填句(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)(2016黑龙江鹤岗一中高二上期末)Mountain biking is a great way to explore the outdoors, stay in shape,or just have fun._16_Even though its dangerous,if you ride with caution,it can be enjoyed by the entire family.Mountain biking can best be characterized into three different stylesdownhill,free riding,and cross country.Even though the different styles are similar in some ways,they still require different skills._17_You can find groups that have mountain bike rides and competitions.You can look on the Internet or even in a local paper and see exactly whats available in your area._18_Like all other sports,it takes time and practice.Those just beginning will have to get past the bumps and bruises from falling off the bike.The bike you select is more of a personal choice,and a big determining factor on the type of riding you will be doing.Bikes come in all styles,shapes,and prices,which will make selecting one for yourself very difficult indeed._19_A great mountain biker will become one with his or her own bike.When buying,make sure you check for comfort,how it fits,even how it is geared._20_Anytime you are riding,you should wear a helmet,along with knee and elbow pads.If you are following a group or riding in the woods you should strongly consider a pair of goggles as well.Safety should be your top priority and never taken lightly anytime you are mountain biking.A. Before you buy a bike,always ask to try it out first.BIt takes practice to succeed for a great mountain biker.CThe style that you pick will determine the type of bike you get.DYou may be able to find groups for the more advanced riders as well as beginners.EMountain bike riding on unpaved roads can be very dangerous,as mentioned earlier.FTo buy a bike for mountain biking,you should mainly consider how much the bike costs you.GRacing down the side of a mountain is a lot of fun indeed,although it can also be quite dangerous.【答案】1620GCDAE 【导学号:96750053】.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)A beautiful,expensively dressed lady came to see her doctor and complained that her whole_21_was empty: it had no meaning.The doctor called over the old lady who_22_the office floors,and then said to the rich lady,“Im going to_23_Mary here to tell you how she found happiness._24_I want you to do is to listen.”So the old lady put_25_her broom and began her story: “Well,my husband died of malaria(疟病) and three months later my_26_son was killed by a car.I had nobody.I had nothing_27_I couldnt sleep; I couldnt eat; I never smiled at_28_,I even thought of taking my own life.Then one evening a little_29_followed me home from work.Somehow I felt_30_for it.I decided to let the cat_31_I got it some milk,and it licked the_32_clean.Then it purred(咕噜叫) and rubbed(蹭) against my_33_,and for the first time in months,I smiled.Then I began to think: if_34_a little cat could make me smile,maybe doing something for people could make me_35_So the next day I took some biscuits to a neighbor who was _36_ in bed.Every day I tried to do something_37_for someone.It made me so happy to_38_them happy.Today,I dont know of anybody who sleeps and eats better than I do.Ive found_39_,by giving it to others.”When she heard that,the rich lady cried.She had everything that_40_could buy,but she had lost the things which money couldnt buy.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了一个很富有的女士对医生哭诉自己的生活空虚无意义。医生叫她听了一个扫地阿姨悲惨的命运以及那个扫地阿姨是如何重新找到活下去的意义的故事。21A.houseBroomClife Dfamily【解析】一个美丽的穿着昂贵衣服的女士向她的心理医生抱怨道,她的整个人生是空洞的,没有任何意义。故选C。【答案】C22A.cleaned BmadeCstood on Ddraw【解析】“The doctor called over the old lady who_the office floors”(于是精神科医生叫来了一位打扫办公室地板的老太太),故选A。【答案】A23A.let BaskChave Dteach【解析】“Im going to_Mary here to tell you how she found happiness.”这句话的意思是我要让玛丽来告诉你她是怎样找到幸福的。故选B。【答案】B24A.Something BBothCEverything DAll【解析】I want you to do is to listen(我想让你做的就是倾听),故选D。【答案】D25A.down BinCoff Don【解析】老太太放下扫把,坐在椅子上讲述了她的故事。故选A。【答案】A26A.elder BbiggerConly Dyounger【解析】这里指老太太的丈夫死于疟疾,三个月后她唯一的儿子也被车撞死。故选C。【答案】C27A.better BleftCmade Dwrong【解析】I had nobody.I had nothing_这里前后句构成并列,指这个老太太孤身一人,什么都没有了。nothing left指一干二净,荡然无存的含义。故选B。【答案】B28A.anyone BeveryoneChusband Dson【解析】anyone任何人;everyone每个人:husband丈夫;son儿子。I never smiled at_由于老太太失去了丈夫和儿子感到悲痛,因此从不向任何人微笑。故选A。【答案】A29A.boy BgirlCdog Dcat【解析】boy男孩;girl女孩;dog狗;cat猫。由下文I decided to let the cat.可知来的是只饥饿的猫。故选D。【答案】D30A.happy BsorryCworry Dsad【解析】feel sorry for“同情”。故选B。【答案】B31A.in BawayCgo Dcome【解析】in在;away离开;go去;come来。由I got it some milk,可知,老太太让小猫进来了。故选A。【答案】A32A.floor BhouseCplate Dmilk【解析】由于猫很饥饿,它把盘子添得很干净。故选C。【答案】C33A.head BlegCfloor Dbed【解析】小猫喝完牛奶后,蹭着老太太的腿发出呼噜声。故选B。【答案】B34A.help BhelpingCfeed Dfeeding【解析】a little cat could make me smile老太太自己想如果帮助一只小猫可以使自己微笑,这里用动名词helping作主语,故选B。【答案】B35A.smile BcryCsad Dhappy【解析】老太太停下来开始思考:如果帮助一只小猫可以使自己微笑,也许为人们做些什么就可以使自己快乐。故选D。【答案】D36A.sleep BhappyCsick Dglad【解析】于是第二天老太太烤了一些饼干带给了一个生病卧床的邻居。故选C。【答案】C37A.better BniceCwrong Dinterested【解析】better更好的;nice好的;wrong错误的;interested感兴趣的。“Every day I tried to do something_for someone.Today,I dont know of anybody who sleeps and eats better than I do.”这里是说每天老太太都试图为别人做好事。故选B。【答案】B38A.see BknowClook Dfeel【解析】老太太看到别人快乐自己也感到很高兴。故选A。【答案】A39A.happiness BlifeCvalue Dmeaning【解析】老太太看到他们快乐自己就非常快乐。故选A。【答案】A40A.she BpeopleCmoney Dher husband【解析】“When she heard that,the rich lady cried.She had everything that_could buy,but she had lost the things which money couldnt buy.”听到这些,富太太哭了起来,她拥有金钱可以买到的任何东西,但是她丢失了金钱买不到的东西。故选C。【答案】C.语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)Mr.Wang,Im very 41._(excite) to write to express my thanks to you.I am now a freshman of Xiamen University,42._I have been dreaming of.Mr.Wang,I still remember the days when you 43._ (teach) me English.Your classes are active and interesting.My English has 44._ (improve) greatly because of your creative work.45_,at one time,the pressure of examinations,too much homework and the high expectations made me depressed.I was tired of the warning 46._ if I didnt do my best,I wouldnt have the chance 47._(go) to college.Thanks for your 48._(encourage); if not,I wouldnt have realized my dream.And now I 49._ (real) understand you.I wish more and more of your students could go to 50._ ideal colleges.Are you still too busy?41excitedexcited感到兴奋的。42whichwhich引导非限定性定语从句,代指Xiamen University。43taught根据叙述可知是指过去的动作。44been improved根据前面的has可知用完成时态;因为my English和improve之间是被动关系,故用现在完成时的被动语态。45Howeverhowever然而,表示转折。46thatthat引导同位语从句,解释warning的内容。47to go不定式作定语修饰chance。48encouragement根据前面的your可知此处用名词。49really修饰动词understand,故用副词形式。50their代指the students。.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Two years ago,I was in greatly depression.I worked hard at piano learning and devoted all my spare time to practice it.But I failed to pass the B Level Test,that made me quite disappointed.So I turned to my grandpa on advice when I got home.Hearing of what I told him,he smiled.“Test result sometimes can not show your real ability and level.Thus,my progress should not be judged only by one test.” He encouraged me to work hard for the next years B Level Test.I take my grandpas advice.Now the certifi


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