高中英语 写作园地6 影评写作 外研版选修61

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写作园地影评写作感悟范文请根据下面的说明,写一则影评。词数:120150词。由胡玫执导,周润发、周迅等主演的电影孔子讲述了中国伟大的哲学家和思想家孔子的故事。电影孔子并没有展现孔子完整的一生,而是描写他51岁出任中都宰一直到其73岁病逝这段经历。孔子的精神内涵是对理想的不懈追求,是面对任何困难都不动摇的信念。范文Confucius is a film directed by Hu Mei about Chinas greatest philosopher and thinker. Chow Yunfat plays the role of Confucius and Zhou Xun also acts in the movie.Confucius is widely considered as representative of Chinese culture and philosophy, having influenced generations of scholars and thinkers at home and abroad. The twohours film, reflecting the life of Confucius from the age of 51 to his death at 73, is clearly divided into two parts. The first half focuses on his political life and achievements, during which he led several wars. The second half starts with his dismissal and emphasizes his traveling life and spreading his philosophy among the people.The film stresses the theme that one should pursue his or her high ideals, no matter how much he or she should endure or suffer.技法讨论本模块要求写一篇影视评论,对电影作一简要的介绍,然后发表一下自己的看法。在一篇影视评论中,评论者需要介绍电影的梗概;需要阐明自己对作品的看法;如果评论者对所介绍的电影特别推崇的话,还要用到一些具有感染力和说服力的词语或句子。写作步骤:1引入要介绍的影视作品,一般要涉及到影视作品的导演、演职人员等;2整体介绍影视作品的内容,让读者掌握作品的故事梗概;3从某一个角度出发,经常以主人公的命运为主线为读者提供更多的信息,让读者对所介绍的作品有进一步的了解和认识; 4.从理论和情感高度对所介绍的影视作品作一个综合评价,阐明自己的观点。对影片中演员的演技、音乐、人物对白、情节、特殊效果、内容、摄影等给予评论。评论时要求尽量客观、公正。评论时要写明你认为该影片什么地方成功,什么地方不足,也可以提出改进意见等。这种文体常用一般现在时,以说明、评论为主。黄金表达1. 引入话题的常用句式:Last weekend I watched the film. It is a sad (love/thriller/wuxia/adventure.)film.is a film which was directed by.The film is set in.The movie mainly tells us a story that.The main characters are.is widely considered the greatest film ever directed in any language.2. 发表自己的感想的常用句式:After watching the movie., Im deeply impressed by., because.is a film which is an unforgettable one and a story of courage and sacrifice.He/She has never made one with such a strong message.In a word, the film is a success/failure.After all I think.is (not) worth seeing. Do you want to have a try?亮点分析:亮点一:句用一句话说明了电影的导演和主要内容,是很典型的介绍影视作品的句式。亮点二:句用and连接两个句子,并用plays the role of.与acts来介绍主演,遣词造句非常灵活。亮点三:句既有be considered as这样的精彩句式,又用having influenced.非谓语动词做状语,彰显了作者的英语功底。亮点四:句是很鲜明的总分关系,The first half.;The second half.使说明内容很有层次,其间还运用了during which.这样的非限制性定语从句,以及dismissal,emphasizes等高级词汇,表达非常出色。亮点五:句用stress the theme that.阐述自己对电影的观点,非常实用;no matter how much这样的让步状语从句使个人观点更加具有力度。类文演练写一篇影评,介绍黑鹰行动(Black Hawk Down)。本战斗片导演为雷德利斯科特(Kidley Scott)。本片以一次军事活动为背景。1993年,联合国军队进驻Somalia去支援处于内战的国家。一些美国士兵,包括由Josh Hartnett, Ewan Mc Gregor and Tom Sizemore扮演的士兵进入该城市去捕获军事领袖,但是战斗一直持续到深夜,这时两架直升机被击落下来,夜战惊心动魄。这是一部绝佳的战斗片。而且为了收到更好的效果,投入了大量的财力。参考词汇:capture捕获;warlord军事领袖联想词汇1. _ 战争片答案:a war film2. _ 以为背景答案:be set in3. _ 内战答案:a civil war4. _ 拍电影答案:make the film连词成句1. _ Kidley Scott.由雷德利斯科特导演。答案:It is directed by2. _ a military operation.本片以一次军事活动为背景。答案:The film is set in3. _ is absolutely breathtaking.夜战惊心动魄。答案:The night battle连句成章_答案:Black Hawk Down is a war film. It is directed by Kidley Scott. The film is set in a military operation that most people have forgotten about.In 1993, UN forces were sent to Somalia to aid the country where a civil war took place. Some American soldiers, including those played by Josh Hartnett, Ewan Mc Gregor and Tom Sizemore, went into the city to capture some warlords, but the mission dragged on into night when two helicopters were shot down. The night battle is absolutely breathtaking.It is a magnificent war film. Amounts of capital were invested to make the film.


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