高中英语 Unit4 Astronomy the science of the stars练习 新人教版必修3

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Unit4 Astronomy the science of the stars一 七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to spend a healthy weekendWe all know how it goes. You make good food choices and work out every morning only to find that by night, your willpower (毅力) goes out of the window.Somshow you begin to eat too much junk food and drink too much beer, and then sleep through your dancing class the next morning. 1 In fact, weekends are a great time to practice healthy behaviors because you usually have more time to do so. Here are some tips for a healthy weekend. Try a longer physical exercise. 2 While you might not be able to squeeze (挤出) a 30-minute run during the weekdays, you can use the weekend to go for a longer run at a beautiful park nearby. 3 It can be easy to skip meals on weekends and then make up for it later by overeating at dinner. So, make it a point to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner just like you would do during the weekdays. Your body will thank you!Stick to your usual sleep schedule. Just think of all those times you stayed up later than usual, got hungry and ended up eating something unhealthy! Changing your sleep schedule can make it harder to fall asleep on Sunday night. 4 Get outdoors. Most of us work indoors during the daylight hours, but the weekends provide a nice opportunity to get outside, see the sun and connect with nature. 5 So get out there and enjoy the great outdoors!A. Eat like its a weekday.B. Plan for the week ahead.C. But weekends dont have to be this way.D. This will make your weekends seem longer.E. And this could cause you a tired Monday.F. Studies show that people are happier when they spend time out in nature.G. Use the weekend as a time to get more activities in without feeling rushed.二 完型填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)During World Space Week(October 410),you may learn about some of the spaces myths. One is: “The Great Wall of China is the only manmade object_1_from space with the naked eye.”You might be_2_of this claim, but its not true. In fact, astronauts say that the Great Wall is just one of many manmade_3_can be seen from space. From an orbit 217 kilometres_4_the earth,it is_5_to see highways,airports,bridges, dams and even large_6_.Cities can even be seen clearly from the International Space Station ( ISS, 国际空间站),_7_circles about 400 kilometres above the planet. “You can see the_8_pyramids from space with a pair of binoculars(双筒望远镜). They are a little difficult to_9_with just your eyes,” said Ed Lu, a US astronaut_10_the ISS.“With binoculars you can also see roads, harbours and even very large_11_in the ocean. From the moon, astronauts cannot_12_any manmade features on earth and the continents are very hard_13_. On Mars,the earth would appear to the naked eye as_14_but a bright star”_15_what about the Great Wall? “You can see the Great Wall from space,”Lu said. “But its a lot_16_than a lot of other objects. You can only see it in radar images,_17_in ordinary photographs.”No one knows who_18_the Great Wall story. The earliest reference to it comes in a book by a US writer Richard Halliburton,published in 1938. He wrote,“Astronomers say that the Great Wall is the only manmade thing on our planet visible to the human eye from the moon.”Halliburtons books_19_quite well during the first half of the 20th century. So,if he didnt_20_the story himself,he certainly spread it widely.1A.invisible BvisibleCacceptable Dunacceptable2A.proud Bthankful Cstrange Dsurprised3A.barriers that B.sights that Cbuildings thatDobjects that4A.on Bunder Cacross Dabove5A.possible BsuitableCunlikely Dinteresting6A.animals Binsects Cvehicles Dbirds7A.that Bwhich Cwhere Dwhose8A.Egyptian BEuropeanCChinese DAmerican9A.find out Bpick outCpick up Dtake up10A.board Babroad Cbroad Daboard11A.ships Bhouses Cfish Dseashell12A.break out Bmake outCtake out Dhand out13A.to be seen Bto lookCto be looked Dto see14A.something BnothingCeverything Danything15A.But BAnd CSo DHowever16A.more clear BclearerCless clear Dmuch clear17A.seldom Bnor Chardly Dnot18A.first told Bfirstly toldCfirst spoke Dfirst said19A.were sold Bare soldCsold Dsell20A.make Bmake upCmake up of Dmake out三 单句填词1In old times people had a_(理论) that the world was flat.2They have almost spent as much as one_(十亿) dollars on this project.3Because of the_(猛烈的) natural disaster, a lot of people have lost their lives.4People suffering hunger still_(存在) in many parts of the world today.5Smoking is_(有害的) to health, but there are still many people picking it up.6Some people are still_(迷惑的) about how the computer works.7_(不像) what you supposed, only few people attended his birthday party.8Man cant live without water and_(氧气)9The sun looks like an orange_(球)10A familyfriendly_(气氛) in this hotel makes travelers comfortable.11A truck went out of control and_(碰撞) into the back of a bus.12The smell of new bread_(飘动) up from the kitchen.13Dont_(拉) so hard or the handle will go off.14As we all know, Qian Xuesen is a famous_(物理学家)15We should form the habit of living in low_(碳)16The space shuttle orbited a communication_(卫星)17Today all of us face the problems of_(气候) change, shortage of energy and other natural resources.18Mary is a very_(温和的) person, who never loses her temper.19He arrived home,_(筋疲力尽的)20He_(振奋) up at the thought of buying a new car.四 单句改错1. Children should not be allowed to watch violently films.2. They lay the cups on the table and sat down.3. We dont do anything that will be harmful for peace.4. Dont worry Im sure things will get better on time.5. Everything was perfect for the picnic as well the weather.6. The school kept my mother from waiting at the school gate for an hour.7. The room isnt enough big to hold so many people.8. The box is five times as bigger as that one.9. That surprised me most was that Mary spoke Chinese just like a native speaker.10. They are so interesting books that I want to read them once more.五 完成句子 1. 当你处于卡困境时,你可以及时请求帮助。 When you are _,you can _. 2. 不能允许小孩子看暴力电影。 Children should not be _ to watch _ movies.3. 她希望生一个健康可爱的儿子。 She hopes to _ a healthy and lovely boy.4. 完成了自己的工作,他们接着去帮助别人了。 They finished their work. _, they went to help others.5. 一听到这个让人迷惑的问题,他感到迷惑不解,脸上出现了迷惑的表情。 _ the _ problem, he felt _ and there was a _ look on his face.6. 大雨阻止我们看这吸引人的西湖,但是我们没有放弃。 The heavy rain _ us _ the attractive lake, but we didnt _.7. 我们需要的是更多的水。 _ is more water.8. 他说的任何话你都不要相信。 Dont believe _.9. 我想要知道的是谁解决了这个问题。 _ I want to know is _.10.你不知道我们那段时间有多忙。 You have no idea _ those days.11. 有人担心,洪水的结束将是另一场疾病的爆发。 It is feared _ the floods, another disease would _.12. 为了使她高兴起来,他打算在星期天给她一个大惊喜。 In order to _, he _ give her a big surprise on Sunday.13. 经过实验,这种细胞已经变得有原来的三倍那么大了。 (1). After the experiment, the cell has become _as _ as it used to be. (2). After the experiment, the cell has become _ it used to be. (3). After the experiment, the cell has become _ what it used to be.14. 如果你不注意,你会在这惹上麻烦的。 If you dont _, you may get _ here.15. 半夜发生了火灾,幸运的是很快就被不灭了。 A fire _ at midnight, but _, it was soon put out.16. 他为什么做这件事还不十分清楚。 _ wasnt quite clear.17. 我们对于他所做的感到非常惊讶。 We are amazed _.18. 火星上有没有人类还不确定。 _ is uncertain _ on Mars.19. 我想不明白的是为什么他老是上课迟到。 _ I cant understand is _ he is always _ class.20. 既然你拿到了驾照,为什么不自己开车呢? _ you have got your license, _ drive the car yourself?六.语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)There are moments in life 1._you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug(拥抱) them for real!When the door of happiness closes, 2._opens, but often we look so long at the closed door 3._we dont see the one which has been opened for us.Dont go for looks; they can deceive(欺骗). Dont go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone 4._makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be 5._you want to be.The 6._(happy) of people dont 7._(necessary) have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that 8._(come) along their way. The brightest future will always be based on a 9._(forget) past.When you were born, you were crying and everyone 10._you was smiling.Live your life so that when you die, youre the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.七.书面表达(满分25分)假如国际共青团为了提高中学生对太空科学的热爱,准备组织一个太空爱好者的夏令营活动,成员们可以相互交流,并允许去一个发射塔(launching tower)参观。假如你是李华,对此非常感兴趣,请你用英语写一封申请信。_必修3 Unit4答案一 七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。1-5 CGAEF二 完型填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)1B形容词(短语)作后置定语,如用定语从句,则用关系代词引导。再从意义上判断应为 “看得到的”。2A从意义上判断应为“你可能会对这种说法感到自豪”。考查词组be proud of。3D前面有one of,后面的名词应用复数形式。其后又有一个定语从句,that在从句中作主语。4D指离地面的垂直距离。5A从意义上判断应为“是可能的”。6C从逻辑上判断应为“甚至能看到大型的交通工具”。7B此处关系代词引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语。8A从常识来判断应为“埃及的金字塔”。9Bpick out为“辨认出”。10Daboard意为“在船(飞机、车等)上”。11A此题按逻辑推理来判断,应为“海洋里的大型船只”。12Bmake out意为“看出来,辨认出”。13D在句型“sth.beadj.不定式”中形容词为hard,good,bad,difficult等时,用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。14Bnothing but意为“仅仅是,只有”,相当于only。15C此句有转换话题之意,意为“长城又是怎么样呢?”16C从意义和结构上分析,有“更不清晰”之意,用a lot表示程度。17D从意义上判断应为“不像在普通的照片中看到的(那么清晰)”。18Afirst“最先,最初”;firstly“第一,首先”(列举条目时用)。另外要注意与story搭配的动词应用tell。19Csell well“销路广(好)”,不用被动语态。应注意时态。20Bmake up意为“捏造,编造”。三 单句填词1.theory2.billion3.violent4.exist5.harmful 6puzzled7.Unlike8.oxygen9.globe10.atmosphere 11.crashed12.floated13.pull14.physicist15carbon16.satellite17.climate18.gentle 19exhausted20.cheered四 单句改错1. violentlyviolent 2. laylaid 3. forto 4. onin 5. as wellas well as 6. from去掉7. enough bigbig enough 8. biggerbig 9. ThatWhat 10. sosuch 五 完成句子 1. in trouble, ask for help in time 2. allowed/permitted, violent 3. give birth to 4. In their turn, 5, On hearing, puzzling, puzzled, puzzled 6. prevent, , give up 7. What we need 8. whatever he says 9. What, who solved the problem 10. how busy we were 11. that as a result of, break out 12. cheer her up, is to 13. three times, large, threes larger than, three times the size of 14. watch out, into trouble 15. broke out, luckily/fortunately 16. Why he did it 17. at what he did 18. It, whether there are human beings 19. What, why, late for 20. Now that, why not六.语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)1when2.another3.that4.who5.what6.happiest7.necessarily8.comes9.forgotten10.around七.书面表达(满分25分)【参考范文】Dear Sir,I was so excited to hear the news that you are going to organize a summer camp for space lovers. I am writing to let you know that I would like to become a member of it very much. I am a middle school student in China. I am very curious about the mysteries of space. I have had a hobby of collecting various pictures of starry nights since primary school. I can also speak and understand simple English well, and I would like to communicate with children from other countries. I would like to share my knowledge of space with them, and learn more from them. I am also very interested in visiting the launching tower. I know it will be very interesting and rewarding. I would appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.Yours,Li Hua


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