高中英语 Unit 5 The power of nature Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing课时作业 新人教版选修6

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Unit 5The power of natureSection Grammar & Writing.用所给动词的适当形式填空1_(turn) to the right,you will find the place you want.答案:Turning2_(not receive) the answer,he decided to write another letter.答案:Not having received3Much new and high technology has been introduced from America,_(result) in great increase in production of the company.答案:resulting4_(taste) so delicious,the food in this market was sold out soon.答案:Tasting5_(not see) him before,I didnt recognize him.答案:Not having seen6_(see) nobody at home,I decided to come again.答案:Seeing7_(live) in this city for three years,she knows it very well.答案:Having lived8_(travel) in Hangzhou,youll be struck by its beautiful natural scenery.答案:Travelling9She was so angry that she threw the toy on the ground,_(break) it into pieces.答案:breaking10. He lay on the grass,_(stare) at the sky for a long time.答案:staring11_(consider) how poor he is,we decided to let him attend the concert for free.答案:Considering12_(not understand) the meaning,he asked the teacher to explain the word.答案:Not understanding13Although_(achieve) considerable success as an artist,the young man keeps working hard.答案:having achieved14_(live) in the country,we had few social activities.答案:Living15_(approach) the Town Hall,we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height.答案:Approaching.句型转换1After we have made full of preparations,we are ready for the examination._ _full of preparations,we are ready for the examination.答案:Having made2When she saw those pictures,she remembered her childhood._those pictures,she remembered her childhood.答案:Seeing3Since he was ill,he didnt go to school yesterday._ _,he didnt go to school yesterday.答案:Being ill4His father died and left him a lot of money.His father died,_him a lot of money.答案:leaving5If you go straight down the road,you will find the department store._ _ _ _ _,you will find the department store.答案:Going straight down the road6.Though he worked hard as he did,he was still unable to earn enough money to buy a car._ _ _ _ _,he was still unable to earn enough money to buy a car.答案:Working hard as he did7.When we heard the news,we jumped with joy._ _ _,we jumped with joy.答案:Hearing the news8.If you look out of the window,you can have a full view of the beach._ _ _ _ _,you can have a full view of the beach.答案:Looking out of the window9.Because he did not know how to do it,he went to his father for help._ _how to do it,he went to his father for help.答案:Not knowing10Although they knew all this,they made me pay for the damage._ _ _,they made me pay for the damage.答案:Knowing all this.阅读理解In the wild,lions,tigers and hyenas (鬣狗) are fierce competitors,all seeking out the same prey (捕获物) and often even stealing each others kills!But dont tell that to these five youngsters who believe that they were born to be best of friends.The special group including three baby lions,one baby tiger and one baby hyena,all born at the Akwaaba Lodge in Rustenburg,South Africa were abandoned (遗弃) immediately by their mothers.Fortunately the owner of the Akwaaba Lodge,Layla Cajee decided to not only raise the young babies,but also,place them in the same room.Not knowing any better,the animals have all become best of friends who spend their whole day playing and nights,cuddled up (依偎) next to each other.Like every young child who is just learning to walk,each one has an obvious personality. According to Layla,the leader of the group is the fivemonthold tiger Bella,who controls everything including trying to get the biggest share during mealtimes.The lionsDelano,Romeo and Maximus who are also five months old,are surprisingly shy.As for sixmonthold Milika,the hyena?She is the naughty and noisy one,always ready to pick a fight with her temporary friends.Temporary,because this group will not last forever.Within about two years,as soon as the animals turn into dangerous predators,they will be given their own living places.But it is thanks to this unusual relationship that they will be able to see that day,because none of them would have been able to survive alone in the wild.What would be interesting to observe is their relationship if they ever meet each other in the wild.Will they compete with each other as fiercely for the same prey as they normally do or,will they remember the fact that they were once friends and share their kill?语篇解读本文是说明文。文章介绍了由五只被父母遗弃的老虎、狮子、鬣狗组成的特殊团体。1The third paragraph is mainly about the baby animals_.AnamesBcharactersChappy life Dliving habits解析:段落大意题。本段主要介绍了五只小动物的个性,关键词有shy,naughty,noisy等。答案:B2The animals will be separated in the future mainly because_.Ait will be too dangerous for them to live togetherBtheir big sizes wont allow them to stay togetherCthey will have to find their own preyDthey will have to live in the wild解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的as soon as the animals turn into dangerous predators,they will be given their own living places可知。答案:A3From the text we can learn that_.AMilika is the leader of the special groupBthe five animals can not survive in the wild right nowCthe animals will compete with each other for the same foodDLayla raised the animals immediately after they were abandoned解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的because none of them would have been able to survive alone in the wild可知。答案:B4What would be the best title for the text?ANo longer competitors BHello,lovely animalsCUnusual friendship DFierce animals?解析:标题归纳题。由文中出现的friends,special及五只动物之间的关系可知,C项作标题较贴切。答案:C.任务型阅读People living in the country enjoy several advantages that people living in the city cannot enjoy._1_They make friends with trees and stones.They breathe fresh air.They fight with strong winds._2_This contact with nature is good for health.There are many diseases that are common in the city,but are not to be found in the country.For example,nearsightedness is almost unknown to country people.Because of the absence of cars,one can walk more freely in the country than in the city,_3_People living in the country can easily get fresh vegetables,fresh fruit and fresh milk,and they get them at lower prices than in the city._4_There are practically no temptations to waste money._5_They say what they mean,and make and keep promises with sincerity.They do not put on air (摆架子)They do not pretend to have those ridiculous manners which are necessary in what we call polite society.AThey listen to the song of birds.BCountry people are mostly honest.CThey are in close contact with nature.DCountry people are far from town life.ECountry life is economical in other ways,too.FCountry life provides much more enjoyment.GThere are no rules of the road nor traffic signs to obey.答案:1.C2.A3.G4.E5.B.书面表达你校的外教 Richard打算假期去杭州游玩。请你结合下表的信息,用英语写一篇短文,向他介绍杭州著名的旅游景点西湖。景点西湖位置杭州市的西部面积约6.5平方公里特点三面环山,东面濒临市区,绿荫环抱,有丰富的文物古迹和优美动人的神话传说评价驰名中外,被誉为“人间天堂”注意:1.词数:100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考范文:Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities in China.The best place to visit in Hangzhou is the West Lake.The West Lake lies in the west of Hangzhou,the capital of Zhejiang Province.It covers an area of about 6.5 square kilometers.The lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides,with its east side bordered by the city.There are tall trees along the lake and many cultural sites are located near the lake.There are also some beautiful ancient legends about the West Lake.The West Lake is wellknown all over the world.It is considered as a paradise on earth.So it is well worth a visit.

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