高中英语 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note Period Two Integrating Skills课时作业 新人教版必修3

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高中英语 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note Period Two Integrating Skills课时作业 新人教版必修3_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note Period Two Integrating Skills课时作业 新人教版必修3_第2页
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高中英语 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note Period Two Integrating Skills课时作业 新人教版必修3_第3页
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Period TwoIntegrating Skills.单词1v.scream尖声叫bow鞠躬2n.steak牛排pineapple菠萝dessert餐后甜点amount数量manner礼貌;举止barber理发师3adj.unbelievable难以置信的rude粗鲁的;无礼的genuine真诚的4adv. indeed真正地;确实.短语1冒险take a chance2衣衫褴褛in rags3关于;至于as for4许多,大量的a large amount of5真诚的;从内心深处from the bottom of ones heart1Anyway,I dont think it can be a fake.不管怎样,我觉得这不可能是假钞。2You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like.您什么时候想来就来,想吃什么就吃什么。 1(seeing Henrys poor appearance)That ones reserved.(看到享利穿得破烂的外表)那张桌子已有人预订了。归纳拓展reserve v预订(book);预留,保留reserved adj.预订的,保留的reserve sth.for sb./sth.为某人/某物预留某物reserved seats预订的座位语境助记(1)Id like to reserve a table for three for eight oclock.我想预订八点供三人用餐的桌位。(2)Ive reserved a room in the name of Jones.我以琼斯的名字预订了一个房间。(3)All rights reserved.版权所有。题组训练(1)We must reserve/book a room(预订一个房间) at the hotel.(2)These seats are reserved for the disabled(留给残疾人的)(3)Reserve your strength for(为保留你的体力) the climb.2Right,sir.Im afraid itll cost a large amount of money.好的,先生。恐怕这得花费一大笔钱。归纳拓展amount n数量;v.总计,共计;相当于,等于a large/small amount ofn.Uv.(单数)large/small amounts ofn.Uv.(复数)amount to共计,总计;等于,相当于 语境助记(1)Can you really afford this amount?你真付得起这个总数吗?(2)The cost amounted to 250.费用共达250英镑。(3)A large amount of money is spent on the construction of school.Large amounts of money are spent on the construction of school.大量的钱被花在学校建设上。题组训练(1)用所给词的适当形式填空During the earthquake,a large amount of damage was done(do) in a very short time.At that time,small amounts of land were used(use) for keeping animals.(2)His earnings are said to amount to(共计) 100,000 per year.3(in a rude manner) Whats there to wait for?(很不耐烦地)还等什么?归纳拓展(1)rude adj.粗鲁的,无礼的be rude to sb.对某人无礼Its rude of sb.to do sth.某人做某事是无礼的(2)manner n方式,举止(常用单数);礼貌,规矩,习俗(常用复数)in a/an.manner以的方式Its good/bad manners to do sth.做某事是有/没有礼貌的语境助记(1)He was punished because he was rude to his teacher.他受到了处罚,因为他对老师不礼貌。(2)I strongly disapprove of her manner of saying it.我对她说这话的方式非常反感。(3)He has no manners at all.他一点礼貌都没有。题组训练(1)It is rude to leave without saying goodbye.没说再见就离开是无礼的。(2)I did not intend to be rude to you.我并不想对你粗鲁无礼。(3)Bowing to others is considered to be good manners but bowing to difficulty is not considered a good quality.对别人鞠躬被认为是有礼貌的表现,但是向困难低头却被认为是一种不好的品质。(4)Its bad manners to ask others salary if you are not very familiar.如果你们不是很熟的话,问别人的薪水是很不礼貌的。4Indeed,sir,I hope youll come here whenever you like.先生,真的,我希望您随时光临。归纳拓展indeed adv.真正地;真实地,确实;实在语境助记(1)I am indeed very sorry to know you are blamed.得知你被谴责,我真的很难过。(2)A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难朋友才是真正的朋友。(3)Indeed he is poor,but he is generous.他确实一贫如洗,但是他仍然很慷慨。题组训练(1)句型转换I do be happy to hear the news that our team won the first prize.I am indeed happy to hear the news that our team won the first prize.(2)I may indeed be lucky to catch him in.我可能真的很幸运在他家里碰上他。5Well,well have to take a chance.哦,我们得冒点儿风险。归纳拓展take a chancetake chances冒险,碰运气by chance偶然地;意外地have a good chance/no chance/not much chance of (doing) sth./to do sth./that.大有希望/没有可能/没什么希望the chances are (that).很可能give sb.a chance 给某人一个机会语境助记(1)Everyone in the classroom likes to take a chance.教室里的每个人都喜欢冒险。(2)Please give me a chance to explain.请给我一个解释的机会。(3)She has a good chance of being promoted.她升职的可能非常大。题组训练(1)介词填空What are the chances of his coming?(2)You should never take chances(冒险) when driving a car.(3)The chances are that hes already known the truth.他很可能已经知道了真相。 .语境填词A根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺单词1Its good manners(礼仪) to say “thank you” when you get something from others.2My little brother likes to eat dessert(餐后甜点) very much after dinner,especially ice cream.3The amount(数量) of snow this year in the northern area has been below average.4In some countries,people bow(鞠躬) to each other when they say hello.5The fans screamed(尖叫) with excitement when they saw the famous singer.B根据句意或所给的单词提示填空6. Can your factory really afford a large amount of food for the people in the flooded area?7Why does the lake smell terrible?Because large quantities of water have been polluted(pollute)8I know all the people dressed in rags are not beggars.9It is wellknown that the director Feng Xiaogang will direct the 2014 Spring Festival Gala.10The brave firefighter took a chance and rushed into the burning building.选词填空1The reporter is on the spot where the two trucks hit each other.2As for the child,we should find a family to bring him up.3The waiter asked Henry in a rude manner what there was to wait for.4We will take a chance on the weather and have the party outside.5I had to spend a large amount of money to get it back in a month.完成句子1Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon,or whenever it is convenient for you.今天下午或你方便的任何时候,请给我的秘书打电话来安排开会。2It is wellknown that English plays an important part in our daily life.众所周知,英语在我们的日常生活中起着重要作用。3Whatever we do,we must be careful.无论做什么,我们都必须细心。4The kid is often in rags as if he were an orphan.这个孩子经常衣衫褴褛,好像是个孤儿。5It is good manners for an Arab to stand close to his friend when they are talking.对于阿拉伯人来说,站得离朋友近是礼貌的。.课文理解1Why does the waiter tell Henry the food that he orders will cost a lot of money?ABecause he is afraid Henry doesnt have enough money.BBecause he always tells customers about that.CBecause the hostess is looking at him.DBecause he thinks Henry is very rich.答案A2What did Henry find in the envelope he got from the two brothers?AA letter.BNothing.CA photo.DA million pound bank note.答案D3Why does the owner change his attitude towards Henry Adams?ABecause he thinks Henry Adams is very rich.BBecause Henry Adams is angry with the waiter.CBecause he thinks its wrong for the waiter to treat his customer like that.DBecause Henry Adams is in rags.答案A4The author mainly tells us in the text.AHenrys showing off after he got the one million pound bank noteBHenrys experience after he got the bank noteCthe quarrel between Henry and the waiterDthe service of the restaurant答案B.阅读理解George Bernard Shaw,the greatest and funniest British dramatist(剧作家) of the first half of the 20th century,was born in Dublin,Ireland,on July 26,1856.His early life was not happy.His father was an selfish man who drank too much and could not support his family properly.His mother was a disappointed,unhappy woman who found more pleasure in studying music than in her children.Shaw and his two sisters received little love and attention from their mother while they were young.At the age of ten,Shaw entered school.At first he was the best student,but soon he was at or near the bottom of his class.Although he did not like school,Shaw was a good,bright,curious student.His lifelong interest in everything from music and art to machines and medicine began at school.The interests of this tireless schoolboy were literature and music.He often entertained his classmates with stories he read.Early at the age of fifteen,he went to work in an office.He did well as an office clerk,but after five years he decided that he wanted to be a writer.He left Ireland and went to London,where he began to write seriously.Seventyfour years later the great dramatist died.1Whats the main idea of this passage?AIts the story of George Bernard Shaw.BIt refers to George Bernard Shaws mother.CGeorge Bernard Shaw was telling his schooling.DThe remark is connected with all the dramatists in Britain.答案A解析主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了乔治萧伯纳的一生。2What does the underlined word “selfish” in the first paragraph mean?Aimpossible BreasonableCremarkable Dirresponsible答案D解析词义猜测题。根据本句的定语从句可知,乔治萧伯纳的父亲是一个酗酒不顾家的人,即一个自私的、对家人不负责任的人。3Bernard Shaw grew up .Awithout his parents loveBin the schoolCwith his sisters helpDin a hungry family答案A解析细节理解题。根据第一段的第三、四、五句可知,乔治萧伯纳的父母不关心儿女,他们得不到父母的关爱。4Shaws mother ,so she took an interest in music.Ahad little knowledgeBwas disappointed with her husbandCcouldnt look after her childrenDhoped to be an actress答案B解析推理判断题。根据第一段的第三、四句可以看出,丈夫酗酒不顾家,妻子非常失望,因而把精力放到了音乐上。.阅读填空Peer pressurePeer pressure is just part of the challenges in life. 1 If you need further guidance,this article might help you.It provides three effective tips to deal with it:Be with friends who respect your beliefs.You can go out with people who accept and respect the things you believe in and those who you know you can share your interests with.It is all right to be choosy with friends because you just want what is best for them and you. 2 You are just exhibiting what you know is right and good for both sides.Your friends will understand you for that.They can drag you away from discrimination and you can be confident that they will not leave you for your stand in life. 3 When you are driven by so many peer pressures,you can always stay away from them.You can actually decide not to be one of them.When you have decided on it,learn to be firm with your decision. 4 They should know that you cannot be forced to do certain things because you are strong and firm with what you believe in.Learn how to say no.Learning to say no is one big factor to deal with some pressures from all of your friends.When you are convinced to do something you know that can only destroy you or ruin you,learn to say no. 5 You cannot just say yes to anything.You have a functional mind and you know what is best for you.So learn to say no even if saying no means losing your friends.AHave a firm decision.BDont blame others.CThis does not mean you are being selfish or you are being selfcentered.DYou should know how to deal with it.EYou can always deal with it positively.FThis can make them believe that you cannot just be driven by any other thing.GJust be straightforward and say it without hesitations.答案1.D2.C3.A4.F5.G.完形填空A Tale of Two Cities is a novel 1 by the English author Charles Dickens.It tells us 2 a tale of action of adventure that 3 in London and Paris at the time of the French Revolution.So the cities in the title 4 London and Paris.The story dealt with the fate of small groups of 5 who were drawn into the events of the Revolution.One of the main characters 6 Dr.Manette, 7 was a French doctor.After having 8 prison for eighteen years,he was 9 .Then he settled in London with his beautiful daughter Lucie.She fell in love with Charles Darnay,a 10 heir(后裔) of the bad Evemonde family of French.Then she 11 him.Several years 12 ,when Darnay returned to Paris,he was 13 by the revolutionaries.At this time there was 14 young man named Sydnay Carton, 15 English lawyer who loved Lucie 16 that he 17 be sentenced to death instead of Darnay,who was very much like Darnay.Only 18 could Darnay escape death 19 his execution. 20 this center was the exciting life of revolutionary Paris.1A.found BwrittenCdiscovered Dgiven答案B解析双城记这部小说是Charles Dickens(查尔斯狄更斯)写的,写小说应用动词write。2A.with BforCof Dto答案C解析tell sb.of sth.向某人讲述某事。3A.happened Bwas taken placeCwas happened Dwas appeared答案A解析happen,take place都可以指发生,但两者都不能用于被动语态。appear意为“出现”,是不及物动词,不能用于被动结构。4A.pointed to Breferred toCdealt with Ddid with答案B解析refer to指的是;point to指着;deal with对付,处理;do with利用,忍受。由句意可知refer to为最佳答案。5A.persons BcharactersCgentlemen Dnobles答案B解析此处characters意为“(故事或文章中的)人物”,而persons指生活中具体的人。下文中“One of the main characters”也有暗示。6A.was BwereCis Dare答案A解析由one of可知,其谓语动词为单数形式,可把B、D两项排除;再由整篇文章可知本句的时态为一般过去时,可排除C项。7A.what BwhichCwho Dthat答案C解析此处为非限制性定语从句,修饰人,故选who。8A.thrown into Bput inCbeen in Dsent to答案C解析该空后有“for eighteen years”,throw,put,send均为短暂性动词,不能和一段时间连用,只有be动词可以和一段时间连用。9A.set up Bset freeCset out Dset off答案B解析set up设立,建立;set free释放;set out出发,开始;set off出发,使爆炸。由本句句意可知此处用set free,表示莫奈特医生被关了18年后被释放出来。10A.common BgeneralCnormal Dnoble答案D解析由上下文的意思可以判断出查尔斯达尔内是一个法国贵族的后裔。11A.married with Bmarried toCgot married with Dgot married to答案D解析marry为及物动词,意为“嫁;娶”,句中表示嫁给某人,应用marry sb.。表示“和某人结婚”,可用get married to sb.或be married to sb.。12A.after BlaterCago Dbefore答案B解析after,later表示“以后”时,after多用在表示一段时间的名词之前;later多用在表示一段时间的名词之后。而ago和before表示“在之前”。由句意可知,此处应用later。13A.caught BtookCheld Dbrought答案A解析catch抓住;take带走;hold握住,把持住;bring带来。由句意可知达尔内回到巴黎后,被革命者抓住了。14A.other Bthe otherCanother Dothers答案C解析other应修饰名词的复数形式;the other修饰名词的单复数形式均可,但表示两者中的另一个;another意为“另一个”,修饰名词单数,指多个中的另一个;others后不能再接名词。因此答案为C项。15A.an BaCthe D/答案A解析因为English是以元音音素开头的单词,所以其前的不定冠词应用an。16A.too much Bso muchCsuch much Dmuch too答案B解析so.that.表示“如此以致于”。17A.ready Bready toCwas ready to Dwas ready for答案C解析be ready to意为“乐于做”,后接动词原形;be ready for意为“为作好准备”,后接名词或代词。18A.for this way Bby this meanCwith this way Din this way答案D解析表示“用这种方法”可以用in this way,也可用by this means,因此正确答案为D项。19A.long before Bbefore longCshortly after Dsoon答案C解析before long意为“不久”;long before意为“很久以前”;shortly after意为“在后不久”;soon表示“很快”。根据上下文可知shortly after为正确答案。20A.Around BForCAbout DWith答案A解析around sth.意为“围绕着某件事”。

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