高中英语 Unit 2 Witnessing time教案5 牛津译林版选修9

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M9U2 Witnessing time科目: 英语 主备人: 备课日期: 课 题M9U2 Witnessing time第5课时计划上课日期教学目标1. Enable the Ss to read the new words and expressions freely and correctly. 2. Get the Ss to master the uses of some important words and expressions.教学重难点How to make people master the uses of some words.教学流程内容板书关键点拨加工润色Step1 Greetings Step2 Revisions Step3 Lead-in Step4 Teaching procedures Language points 1. be open to . 对.开放的; 易受到, 易招致be open / closed to the publicThe castle is open to visitors in summer.They are open to temptation. 易受到诱惑be open to suggestions 广纳建议2. in bad/good/excellent condition 情况/状态良好living/working conditionson condition that 在条件下They agreed to lend us the car on condition that (= only if) we returned it before the weekend.3. .decorate with以.装饰(美化) He decorated his room with pictures of all his favorite sports figures.Decorate a street with flagsWe decorated the house with flowers for the holiday. 我们为了庆祝节日而布置了房子。furnish(陈设家具)The office is plainly furnished With two desks and four chairs.办公室陈设简朴, 只有两张桌子和四把椅子。4.be native to原产的, 土生的These fish are native to North America.Many of the plants are native to Brazil.5.in terms of意为“在方面,就而言”,如:It was a bad year for films,in terms of both quantity and quality无论从数量上还是质量上看,那一年对于电影来说都不是个好年景。In terms of customer satisfaction, the policy cant be criticized.这个政策无可挑剔6.take uptake up arms拿起武take up the story where Sue had left off. 继续, 接下去 说take up too much time/space占据,对.发生兴趣; 开始从事, 开始学take up mountain climbing.喜欢上登山运动took up engineering.干起了工程设计这一行Kathy _ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls. A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned upvt. 1. 做记号于;留痕迹于;标明 7. mark sth with sth / mark sth on sthPeter marked his name on the first page.The box of eggs was marked With Care. 这个鸡蛋盒标上了小心字样。 A smile marked her happiness. 笑容表明了她的幸福。8. under the protection of在.保护之下9. He asked to be put under police protection. protection against/fromMagee pulled up his collar as protection against the breeze.遮风A thin jacket is a poor protection against cold. 一件单薄的夹克衫不足以御寒。Our policy offers complete protection against fire and theft.10. meet the deadline赶上截止时间I am afraid that I cannot meet the deadline for applicationmeet needs/demands/requirements/ standards11. not surprisingly毫不奇怪Not surprisingly, with youth unemployment so high, some school-leavers with qualifications fail to find jobs.Not surprisingly, the UK has the highest divorce rate in Europe.- their car was hit by a truck on the way to the railway station.- _, they missed the train.(广州综合测试)A No surprisingly B. Not surprisingC. No surprising D. Not surprisingly12. part and parcel意为“主要部分,必要部分”,如:Receptions are part and parcel of a secretarys job接待来宾是秘书工作的重要部分。Working overtime is part and parcel of his job.超时工作是他工作的基本特征13. invest in投资于Oliver made a fortune by investing in antique furniture.We must invest in a new TV. 买We invested a lot of time and effort in the development of the new machine. 投入(精作业布置教学心得


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