高中英语 Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period One课时作业 新人教版必修2

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高中英语 Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period One课时作业 新人教版必修2_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period One课时作业 新人教版必修2_第3页
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Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period One Period OneWarming Up & Reading.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Practice SelfLove and Be Good to YourselfDid you know that youre very special?_1_ You deserve to be loved not only by those around you but by the most important person in your lifeYOU.Practicing selflove can be challenging for many of us, especially in times when we face serious challenges.Its not about being narcissistic(自恋的), its about getting in touch with ourselves and our happiness.We practice selflove so we can push through our limiting beliefs and live a life that truly shines._2_ How well you handled a situation, how lovely you look today.Anything that will make you smile.Fill your body with food and drink that nourishes it and makes it thrive.Move the body of yours every single day and learn to love the skin youre in.You cant hate your way into loving yourself.Dont believe everything you think.There is an inner critic inside of us trying to keep us small and safe.The downside is this also stops us from living a full life._3_ Let them remind you just how amazing you are.Stop the comparisons.There is no one on this planet like you, so you cannot fairly compare yourself to someone else._4_ End all toxic relationships.Seriously,anyone who makes you feel anything less than amazing doesnt deserve to be a part of your life.Celebrate your wins no matter how big or small._5_ Step outside of your comfort zone and try something new.Its incredible the feeling we get when we realize we have achieved something we didnt know or think we could do before.ALearn to really trust yourself.BThere is no other person in this world like you.CThe only person you should compare yourself to is you.DStart each day by telling yourself something really positive.ESurround yourself with people who love and encourage you.FPat yourself on the back and be proud of what you have achieved.GHaving confidence in yourself will help you make better choices and decisions.答案1.B第一段第一句意为“你知道你很特别吗?”接下来的一句应该说明“没有其他的人在这个世界上像你一样。”故选B。2D本段内容说明每一天都应该用积极的心态来面对生活,吃有营养的食品使身体茁壮成长;锻炼身体,喜欢自己的肤色。这一切都是为了说明一个主题每天开始的时候都要告诉自己一些积极向上的事情。故选D。3E由空格后面的句子Let them remind you just how amazing you are.中的them一词可知,这个词代表的应该是people who love and encourage you。故选E。4C本段主题为“停止比较”,选项C中的关键词compare提示了该空格应该选C。5F本段标题为“庆祝你的胜利不管大或小。”而选项F“拍拍自己的背,为自己取得的东西而自豪。”是庆祝胜利的一种方式。故选F。.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。There once was a man who was blind from birth.He owned a fruit stand on a very busy street.One day he was _1_ (tell) by his son that he read in the newspaper of a new discovery where they could operate _2_ his eyes and allow him to see.The father and son traveled to the doctor and paid for the _3_ (operate)The doctor asked the man after the operation: “What is the first thing you want to see _4_ I take the bandages off?” The man replied, “I want to see my beautiful fruit on my stand.” The doctor and the son accompanied the man down to the busy street _5_ his fruit stand was located for so many years.They _6_ (careful) unwrapped the bandages so that he could lay his eyes on the beautiful fruit.The man was so_7_(joy) that he could finally see his lifes work taking care of his fruit.After a few hours of _8_ (enjoy) his beautiful fruit stand, he looked down the street both ways and saw there were quite a few fruit stands in both _9_ (direction)He looked across the street and saw other fruit stands.It _10_ (take) him so much time to look at other peoples fruit stands and he went out of business.The reason I tell you this story is: mind your own life.答案1.told考查时态、语态、主谓一致。根据空格后面的by his son可以判断,这个盲人(第三人称单数)是被告知的。再结合整篇短文所用时态均为一般过去时,可知应用一般过去时被动语态。2on考查固定短语。operate on是固定短语,意为“对动手术”。3operation考查词性转换。operate的名词形式为operation。4when/after考查时间状语从句引导词。I take the bandages off是时间状语从句,空格处缺少时间状语从句的引导词when或after。5where考查定语从句引导词。where引导定语从句,修饰先行词the busy street。6carefully考查词性转换。空格所填单词修饰动词unwrapped,故用副词形式。7joyful考查词性转换。根据空格前面的was可知,空格处应该填形容词形式作表语。8enjoying考查词性转换。介词of后面应该用动词ing形式作介词宾语。9directions考查名词复数。direction前有both修饰,故用复数形式。10took考查词性转换。根据and he went out of business中的动词went可知,空格处的动词也应该用一般过去时。.阅读理解Horse Racing GameBrief Introduction:The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat, and spirited moments shared among friends and family.Bring it all home with this sporting game of chance.Easy to play but difficult to stop, this horseracing game is bound to be a hit with aspiring jockeys of all ages.Simply pick your horse, roll the dice, and race to win as the horses run on the board.This fastpaced game is great for big groups or just a few friends.Handcrafted from the finest wood, this highquality board game is built to last for generations.Turn off the TV, silence the smartphone, and gather around as you enjoy hours of oldfashioned fun with loved ones.Handcrafted in St.Louis, America.Item ID: 23563Made from: Copper, Plastic, Paper, Steel, Maple Veneer Wood, MDF WoodMeasurements:21.27 “L11.19 W0.75” DNotes: Horse Racing Game is designed for 220 players.Warning:Choking Hazard.Small parts.Not for children under 3 years.Comments about Horse Racing Game:I was able to play the game and teach my 8yearold daughter some of the fundamentals of the game of horse racing.Fun to have sat on my desk and follow along with the actual horse racing game playing on the big board, too.Jane SmithThis wooden horse racing game is a great Fathers Day gift.My 6yearold son and my husband have already played it and enjoyed it very much.It is much larger than I expected and made of beautiful wood.Highly recommend for any horse racing fan.Great for teaching kids the rules of the game.Kate WhiteContact Information:Phone: 888.365.0056Address: Brooklyn Army Terminal, 140 58th Street, Building B, Suite 5A, Brooklyn, New York 11220Email: horseracinggamehotmail.com1Where do you probably read the article?AIn a science fiction. BIn a newspaper. CIn a medical magazine. DIn a guidebook.答案B推理判断题。这个短文介绍了一种马术比赛的玩具,是一篇广告,因此最有可能出现的地方应该是在报纸上。故选B。2How do the customers feel about the product?ASatisfied. BTroublesome. CUseless. DTerrible.答案A推理判断题。根据Comments about Horse Racing Game:标题下两个购买者对这个玩具的评价可知,他们对这个玩具非常满意。故选A。3What might be the authors purpose in listing the customer comments?ATo promote the sale of the product. BTo give more information to the product. CTo explain why the product is welcomed. DTo teach the readers how to operate the product.答案A推理判断题。作者列举了两个顾客对这种产品的评价,其目的应该是为了推销这种产品。故选A。4What do you know about the product?AIt is dangerous for children to play with. BIt is completely made of maple veneer wood. CIt can be played only by one person at a time.DIt is a board game which is easy to play.答案D细节理解题。根据短文中的Easy to play but difficult to stop,.以及this highquality board game is built to last for generations.可知,这种玩具是一种木板游戏并易于玩耍。故选D。.完形填空Ariana Miyamoto entered the Miss Universe Japan beauty contest after a mixedrace friend killed herself and she won the crown _1_Miyamoto decided to use her newfound _2_ to help fight racial discrimination(种族歧视)“I was prepared for the _3_I didnt feel any added pressure because the reason I took part in the contest was my friends _4_My goal was to _5_ awareness of racial discrimination,” added Miyamoto.“Now I have a great platform to _6_ that message as the first black Miss Universe Japan.”After Miyamotos victory, many critics _7_ the title should have gone to what they called a “pure” Japanese rather than a “haafu” (the Japanese word used to describe mixed race)Miyamoto who turns heads in Japan with her _8_ skin admitted she has had to toughen up.“I used to get bullied as a kid but Ive got mentally _9_ to protect myself,” said the model.“When I was small I tried not to bring _10_ to myself but now I say what I feel.I want to start a(n) _11_,” Miyamoto said.“Its _12_ that some conservative(保守的) people might feel I dont _13_ the traditional Japanese image to represent the country,” said Miyamoto.“But I certainly has the chance to be a pioneer and its a(n) _14_ opportunity for Japan to become more globally aware.In Japan there are _15_ any black models or TV personalities.Hopefully I can help _16_ a Japan where anyone can make things happen.” But despite her noble intentions Miyamoto has no plans to _17_ government officials just yet.“Id like to use my position to become a leader,” she smiled.“Im like a spongealways _18_ new things.But I havent thought too deeply about _19_ yet.Its still a bit _20_ to think about becoming Prime Minister!”1A.unexpectedly Beventually Cunwillingly Daccidentally 答案B根据句意可知,Ariana Miyamoto参加了日本环球小姐选美比赛并最终获得第一名。2A.company Borganization Cgovernment Dfame 答案D获得日本环球小姐选美比赛并最终获得第一名后,Ariana Miyamoto决定用她的这个名望来与种族歧视作斗争。3A.criticism Bcompetition Cposition Dblame 答案A根据下文“Its _ that some conservative(保守的) people might feel I dont _ the traditional Japanese image to represent the country可知,因为很多保守的日本人认为Ariana Miyamoto是黑人,不能代表整个国家的形象,所以批评这个大赛的冠军不应该让一个黑人获得。但Ariana Miyamot表示她已经对这些批评做好了准备。4A.encouragement Bspirit Cdeath Dexperience 答案C根据短文第一段中的after a mixedrace friend killed herself可知选项C正确。5A.require Bobtain Cbring Draise 答案DAriana Miyamot的目标是提高人们对种族歧视的意识。6A.pass Bdeliver Cdescribe Drefuse 答案B因为获得了冠军,有了名望,所以Ariana Miyamot用这个平台来传递让人们提高对种族歧视的意识的信息。7A.admitted Bpraised Ccomplained Dregretted 答案C因为许多批评家认为冠军应该给予纯种的日本人而不是混血儿,所以这些批评家在抱怨。故选C。8A.black Bwhite Cyellow Dbrown 答案A第二段中的as the first black Miss Universe Japan说明了Ariana Miyamot是黑色人种。9A.braver Bstronger Cwiser Dsmarter 答案B上面一句中的she has had to toughen up提示了答案。10A.attention Btrouble Cchallenge Drisk 答案A根据but now I say what I feel可知,Ariana Miyamot从小尽力不引起人们的注意。11A.operation Bexperiment Cattempt Drevolution答案D由尽力不引人注目到现在的想到就说,Ariana Miyamot想开始革新了。12A.strange Bclear Cpossible Dnormal 答案C日本的保守人士很可能认为Ariana Miyamot不应该做选美大赛的冠军。13A.fit Bmake Cdeserve Dbuild 答案A因为Ariana Miyamot是黑色人种,所以保守人士认为她不适合做代表整个日本的传统形象。14A.difficult Bunnecessary Clucky Dexcellent答案DAriana Miyamot获得了选美大赛的冠军这对于日本来说是一个引起全球注目的绝好机会。15A.usually Bsurely Chardly Dobviously答案C根据上文内容可知,批评家认为Ariana Miyamot是黑色人种,不应该成为选美大赛的冠军,因为在日本几乎没有黑人模特和电视名人。16A.invent Bcreate Cdiscover Ddevelop 答案BAriana Miyamot认为自己可以创造一个任何人都能改变现状的日本。其它选项不符合文意。17A.live on Bfight with Ctake over Drun for 答案D尽管现在Ariana Miyamot有很高的名声,但她暂时没有竞选政府官员的打算。18A.absorbing Bproducing Cprotecting Daccepting 答案A海绵是吸水的。故选A。19A.marriage Bpolitics Cresponsibility Dsuccess 答案B根据本段内容可知,Ariana Miyamot暂时没有竞选政府官员的打算,所以她对政治没有深远的思考。20A.funny Bimpossible Cearly Dnervous答案C因为Ariana Miyamot暂时没有竞选政府官员的打算,对政治没有深远的思考,所以对她来说思考成为首相为时过早。

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