高中英语 2.3 Learning about Language练习 新人教版必修2

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Learning about Language姓名:_测试时间:45分钟本卷总分:50分自评或老师评分:_基础训练.根据汉语提示或首字母填空1. Being praised by the queen was the crowning (最高的) g of his long and successful career.2. The b we made with them last year has already been broken.3. I heard that she got m to a doctor.4. He was disappointed so often that he finally became _ (绝望的)5. We were _ (惊讶的) by the change in his appearance.6. Tomorrow is the g anniversary of my grandmother and grandfather.7. The question _ (值得) to be considered further.8. Mary looks _ (特别) pretty in the red silk.答案:1glory2.bargain3.married4.hopeless5amazed6.golden7.deserves8.especially.选词填空(可变换形式)1He _ the child and put her on his shoulders.2You should do all you can to _ talking with local students.3She was so stubborn that nobody could persuade her to _.4I was _ enough to believe a stranger.5My parents dont _ me to go out at night.6I felt amazed when I _ his story.7He has _ to help the people improve their livelihood.8He is _ many competitors in the 100metre race.答案:1picked up2.get turns in3.change her mind4.foolish5.allow6.heard of7.promised8.running against.用所给词的适当形式填空1Last week we went on a journey to Tibet, where we had a _ (glory) time.2You made a big mistake. I think you can never expect to _ (pardon)3I found it _ (amaze) that the thief should make a “V” gesture at the camera.4It must have been very _ (pain) for you to tell her about the accident.5I dont know why Jack _ (refuse) to answer the question put forward by Mr. Smith yesterday.6He got much _ (deserve) praise due to helping many disabled people.7_ (early) you told me that you would advertise the product in the newspaper.8The three men took _ (turn) to drive so one would not be too tired.答案:1glorious2.be pardoned3.amazing4painful5.refused6.deserved7.Earlier8.turns语篇提能.语法填空I enjoy doing physical training in my free time. Yesterday, when I was working out at a gym on my lunch hour, I saw _1_ elderly lady there riding on a bike. She couldnt walk very well, _2_ she had a cane(手杖) near her, but she was still there _3_(work) hard.After I finished my exercising, I told her that I was going to wait for her until she got done and that I would walk her out to her car. It was a little far to her car and it was a _4_(fog) day yesterday in Missouri. I walked her _5_ the car and opened the car door for her, _6_ won me her big smile and gratitude.I know _7_ is a small thing, but I felt so good inside for helping her. _8_ my help, she could have fallen _9_(easy) in the wet parking lot, and no one would have known she had fallen. I _10_(know) she needed my help, and her smile was enough to make my day.答案:1解析:泛指“一位上了年纪的老妇人”用不定冠词,elderly以元音音素开头故用an。答案:an2解析:所填词连接两个句子,前后两个句子为因果关系,故用so。答案:so3解析:she和work为逻辑上的主动关系,句子的谓语为was,故用现在分词working作伴随状语。答案:working4解析:所填词修饰day,故用fog的形容词foggy修饰。答案:foggy5解析:所填词为介词,表示方向,意为“走向那辆车”。答案:to6解析:所填词引导非限制性定语从句,在句中作主语,故用which。答案:which7解析:所填词指代上文中提到的所做的事情,故用it。答案:it8解析:could have fallen表示“本来应该摔倒而未摔倒”,故用without表示虚拟条件,表示“没有我的帮助,她就可能摔倒了。”答案:Without9解析:此处修饰动词fall,用副词形式easily。答案:easily10解析:“我知道她需要我的帮助”发生在过去,用know的一般过去时。答案:knew.完形填空I have always loved animals, and horses are my passion. I started taking riding _1_ from my father when I was five. My father and I _2_ to ride at my uncles farm. When I was eleven, I started riding at a place in my town, _3_ it not just as a hobby, but also as a _4_. Every Saturday and Sunday, I went riding at a place far from my house, so I had to _5_up early to get there on time at 7 am. It was stressful, but I was sure that was_6_ I wanted to do. My grades at school werent good because I was always too _7_ to study.I couldnt buy a champion horse, but I made a _8_ with my instructor to have the horse I always_9_ of as my own horse. I agreed to take _10_ of it myself, and it was to be mine until I could _11_ one. Then I would _12_ that horse to another student.That horse and I got to _13_ each other very well. The first day I rode him, he _14_ me. That wasnt the first _15_ I had fallen from a horse, but my teachers _16_ about how good I was about at falling! But, _17_, I have never had a bad _18_. With that horse, I tasted my first victories, but I wasnt always a champion. Many times I was disqualified(没资格参赛) _19_ I fell from the horse or the horse _20_ to jump.When I got better at riding, my parents decided to give me a horse. I was very proud of that horse. With that horse I won many victories.1A.trips Blessons Cexams Dsubjects2A.had Bought Cenjoyed Dused3A.training Breminding Cpracticing Dremaining4A.sport Bhabit Ccustom Djob5A.put Bhold Ctake Dget6A.how Bwhich Cwhat Dwhy7A.busy Btired Clazy Dexcited8A.deal Bdecision Ctreat Dconclusion9A.thought Blooked Ctreated Dregarded10A.care Bnotice Chold Dhelp11A.ride Braise Cafford Dpresent12A.supply Bprovide Clend Dpass13A.recognize Bknow Crealize Dadmit14A.flowed Bshook Cthrew Dobeyed15A.chance Bscene Csense Dtime16A.joked Btalked Cargued Dquarreled17A.unluckily Bfortunately Cinstantly Dimmediately18A.incident Bmistake Caccident Devent19A.though Bwhile Cunless Dbecause20A.refused Bpretended Cprevented Dprotected答案:文章讲述了作者从五岁开始学习骑马,后来骑马成为了他的爱好。每个周六周日,作者早早起床,去很远的地方骑马。由于作者买不起马,导师赠予他一匹马,这匹马陪着作者参加了很多比赛。最终父母给作者买了一匹马,在许多比赛中,他都获得了胜利。1解析:根据空后from my father判断,作者五岁起就开始向父亲学习骑马。take lessons“上课,跟人学习”,符合题意。若用trip“旅行”,则与下文at my uncles farm不符,故排除干扰项A。答案:B2解析:句意:过去父亲和我常常在舅舅的农场骑马。have to“不得不”;ought to“应该”;used to“过去常常”;enjoy不能接to do,只有D符合题意。答案:D3解析:句中的it指“骑马”,此处指作者练习(practicing)骑马。而train“训练,培训”;remind“提醒”;remain“保留,依旧”,均与题意不符。答案:C4解析:众所周知,骑马是一项运动(sport),而不是风俗(custom),习惯(habit)或工作(job)。此处用sport与前面的hobby“爱好”相呼应。答案:A5解析:由于骑马的地点离家很远,而且还要在早上7点钟按时到达,所以作者必须早早起床(get up)。答案:D6解析:what引导表语从句,并作do的宾语。句意:但是,我确信那正是我想做的事情。答案:C7解析:句意:我在校的成绩并不好,因为我总是太累了,而无法学习。too.to.是固定搭配,表示“太而不能”。答案:B8解析:根据I couldnt buy a champion horse及后文的I agreed to.可推测,我和导师达成了协议。make a deal with.是固定搭配,表示“达成协议”。答案:A9解析:think of.as“把看作是,以为是”,符合题意。而treat和regard是及物动词,后面不能跟介词of;若用look,需要用look on.as.“把看作”。答案:A10解析:根据后文it was to be mine,作者把那匹马作为自己专用,所以要“照顾”好它。答案:A11解析:句意:这匹马是属于我的,直到我自己能“买得起”一匹马。afford“买得起,负担得起”,符合题意。作者已经会骑马了,所以不能用ride,排除干扰项A。答案:C12解析:如果作者自己买马了,他便不再需要骑这匹马了,所以要把它“传给”其他的学员。pass.to.是固定词组,意为“把传给”。答案:D13解析:此处指作者和那匹马逐渐相互了解(know)。答案:B14解析:根据下文I had fallen from a horse及falling可推测,作者第一次骑这匹马,马不让他骑,所以就把他摔(threw)下马。而B.shook“摇晃”,程度不够让作者摔倒,故排除。答案:C15解析:该句结构为:it/that is the first time that.,意为“那是第一次做”。答案:D16解析:作者从马上摔下来了,而教练却说作者多么擅长从马上摔下来,由此推断教练在开“玩笑”。答案:A17解析:作者从马上摔下来,却从来没有发生过意外,所以是幸运地(fortunately)。答案:B18解析:incident“事件”;accident“事故,意外”;mistake“错误”;event“事件,赛事”。此处指作者从来没有发生过什么意外。答案:C19解析:空后的I fell from the horse or the horse _20_ to jump是作者丧失参赛资格的原因,所以用because。答案:D20解析:句意:许多次,因为我从马背上摔下来或者马“拒绝”跳跃(障碍),所以我失去参赛资格,只有A符合题意。pretend“假装”;prevent“阻止”;protect“保护”,均不符合题意。答案:A.阅读理解Hiking(步行,远足) is not only one of the best forms of physical exercise, but it is also one of the best forms of mental relaxation. It is good for all ages and especially good as a family and group activity.Since there are so many different kinds of hiking, it is not possible to give any general rules to follow. Short and frequent hikes, needing no planning or special equipment, are enjoyed by most people.Keep in shape by walking at a fast pace for at least 15 minutes every day. Climbing stairs instead of using a lift and running not too far are also good ways of keeping in shape.On any hike nothing is more important than good, comfortable shoes.The things you take might include matches in a waterproof(防水的) box, a knife, a compass(指南针), a map, first aid items and a flashlight(手电筒)Cameras may be taken, but dont load with too much.On longer hikes keep a comfortable, steady pace and take rest stops often.Drink only safe water. If in doubt, boil the water.Dont go along the busy roads. When you have to use a road, keep as far over on the left as possible.Leave word at home or some other places as to where you are going and when you plan to return.On almost any hike, a map is a good idea. If going into a strange place, a detailed map is most useful.Take along a field guide on flowers, birds, rocks or other subjects depending on your interests. This can add greatly to the enjoyment and educational value of your hike.1Its thought that hiking is good for _.Aold people BchildrenCstudents Deveryone2The author mainly tells us _.Awhat is needed to be paid attention to in hikingBgeneral rules for hiking on the roadsCsteps to be taken against dangerDall the things needed in hike3Generally speaking, hiking is _.Aa relaxing form of exerciseBa dangerous form of exerciseCnot as popular as it once wasDa good way of keeping in shape4The author suggests _.Akeeping away from heavy trafficBdrinking safe waterCnot carrying too muchDA, B and C1解析:句意理解题。由第一段最后一句It is good for all ages.,all ages指“各个年龄段的人”,故D正确。答案:D2解析:概括中心题。浏览前两段以后的内容可知A“在远足中需注意的事项”正确。答案:A3解析:考查句意的归纳理解。由第一段第一句. not only.but.also.可知A正确,即“一种放松形式的锻炼”,D项内容片面。答案:A4解析:细节理解题。A项符合建设第七条“Dont go along.”;B项符合第六条“Drink only.”;C项符合第四条“., dont load with too much”。答案:D


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