高中英语 Unit 2 Poems Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language课时作业 新人教版选修6

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Unit 2PoemsSection Learning about Language & Using Language.用括号内单词的正确形式填空1As we all know,sports clothes are not_(appropriately) for a formal occasion.答案:appropriate2Friendship,just like the sunlight of life,can always give us_(warm)答案:warmth3The two young people_(eventual) got married after having been friends for several years.答案:eventually4After a few minutes our eyes finally got used to the_(dark)答案:darkness5Word came that our football team failed again and we were in a deep_(sorrowful)答案:sorrow6The boring lecture seemed_(end) and it was beyond the audiences patience.答案:endless7He took enjoyment in walking along the beach with his_(barely) feet.答案:bare8Patients with heart failure are told to follow strict diets because_(salt) foods worsen the condition.答案:salty.短语替换1We wont be able to tell what functions the robot has until we test it.We wont be able to tell what functions the robot has until we_it_.答案:try;out2The prisoner was set free after three years in prison.The prisoner was_ _after three years in prison.答案:let out3The little girl in red likes fruit and bananas particularly.The little girl in red likes fruit and bananas_ _.答案:in particular4Dont be nervous when you are standing on the stage._ _ _when you are standing on the stage.答案:Take it easy5By the end of last month he had used up all his savings.By the end of last month he had_ _ _all his savings.答案:run out of6Our class is formed of twenty boys and thirty girls.Our class_ _ _ _twenty boys and thirty girls.答案:is made up of.句型转换1I dont understand why you bought that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.It_ _ _ for you to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.答案:doesnt make sense2The first meal of the day should be rich;otherwise it is possible that you feel hungry later.The first meal of the day should be rich;otherwise you_ _ _feel hungry later.答案:are likely to3Nowadays,homeschooling has become popular in many countries for a variety of reasons.Nowadays,there are_reasons_homeschooling has become popular in many countries.答案:various;why4This form of poetry is easy and English writers can write it.This form of poetry_ _for English writers_ _.答案:is easy;to write5I failed in the entrance exam because I didnt study hard._ _ _I failed in the entrance exam was_I didnt study hard.答案:The reason why;that6The windows of the classroom need washing.The windows of the classroom need_ _ _.答案:to be washed7Whenever he returns to his hometown,he always goes to see his old teachers._ _ _he returns to his hometown,he always goes to see his old teachers.答案:No matter when8It is time for you to give the performance.It is time that you_ _the performance.答案:should give.阅读理解When I was growing up,I was interested in science and math and computers.I loved finding out how things worked.At fifteen,I bought myself a computer and took it apart.Those were the days when you could take the top off and,with the help of books,know what each of the parts did.Playing with that computer taught me that you learn almost everything by doing.My early curiosity about computers helped lead me to the job I have today,which I love.So whenever I see kids becoming passionate about an interest,I try to encourage them.Its good to be curious.I also think its good to try new ways of doing things.At one of my first jobs,I learned this lesson through experience.I was sixteen,and I got a job with the Houston Post,selling newspapers over the telephone.My coworkers and I would call people and say,“Hey,would you like to buy the Houston Post?”During my first few weeks,I learned that most people who wanted to buy the newspaper were either moving or getting married.So I thought,“Well,how can I get the names of all these people who are moving or getting married?”I did some research and found out that a lot of that information is legally available to anyone.Once I learned how to get those names and addresses,I sent out offers to buy the newspaper.My experiment was a success!Within my first month on the job,I became the top salesperson.It was simply a matter of finding an opportunity and trying a new way of doing something.Kids have fresh approaches to things,and they often come up with great new ideas.When you pursue (追求) your interests and follow your dreams,a lot can happen.You can do big things,and you shouldnt be discouraged by people who tell you otherwise.语篇解读本文是记叙文。作者告诉我们不仅要对事物充满好奇,而且要寻找机会尝试新的做事方式。1The author took the computer apart to_.Arepair itBdo an experimentCsatisfy his curiosityDtest his knowledge of computers解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的I loved finding out how things worked可知,作者之所以拆开电脑是因为他对电脑充满好奇,想知道电脑是如何工作的。答案:C2The underlined word “passionate” in Paragraph 3 can be best replaced by_.Acrazy BcarefulCdoubtful Dconcerned解析:词义猜测题。由本段出现的curiosity及I try to encourage them可知,这里应该指当孩子们显示出极大的兴趣时。答案:A3The authors experience of selling newspapers shows the importance of_.Apatience BcreativityChard work Da clear aim解析:推理判断题。由文中出现的try new ways of doing things和trying a new way of doing something可知,作者旨在说明创新很重要。答案:B4The authors purpose in writing the text is to_.Aencourage the reader Bentertain the reader Cinstruct the reader Dinform the reader解析:写作目的题。作者通过自己的经历说明兴趣和创新的重要性,旨在鼓励读者。从文章第三、四段及最后一段都可看出这一意图。答案:ADolphins,not elephants,may have the best memories of any nonhuman species.In a new study,scientists say dolphins have shown an ability to discriminate former tank mates sounds from others even after being apart from them for more than 20 years.The study,done by researchers at the University of Chicago,shows that dolphins have the longest social memory ever recorded for nonhumans.According to the study,dolphins skills in recognizing the sounds may be better than humans facial recognition skills because human faces change over time.“This shows us an animal ability at a level thats very consistent with human social memory,” said Jason Bruck,an expert who led the study.Bruck collected data from 53 dolphins.He compared the dolphins reactions to sounds of former tank mates with those of dolphins that were not familiar with each other.His initial studies showed that “dolphins get bored quickly listening to sounds from dolphins they dont know.”“When they hear a dolphin they know,they often quickly approach the speaker playing the recording,”Bruck said.“At times they will whistle (吹口哨) at it and try to get it to whistle back.”Bruck said dolphins even responded to calls they had not heard in decades.In one example,Bruck played a recording of a female dolphin named Allie,who currently lives at the Brookfield Zoo,for Bailey,a female now in Bermuda.The pair had last lived together at Dolphin Connection in the Florida Keys when Allie was two years old and Bailey was four.But 20 years and six months after their last contact,Bailey still recognized the recording of Allies sounds.“The abilities of dolphins are really welldeveloped,”Bruck said.“But why do they need this kind of memory?Im not sure.So we should work hard to find out.”语篇解读本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了对海豚记忆力的一项研究。5The underlined word “discriminate” in Paragraph 2 probably means_.Acopy Brecord Cproduce Drecognize解析:词义猜测题。根据下一段的dolphins skills in recognizing the sounds及文中多处出现的recognized可知。答案:D6The example of Bailey and Allie suggests that_.Adolphins have a good memoryBdolphins can make friends easilyCdolphins are cleverer than other animalsDdolphins prefer to live with their friends解析:推理判断题。根据第七段的Bruck said dolphins even responded to calls they had not heard in decades及倒数第二段的Bailey still recognized the recording of Allies sounds可知。答案:A7What is the text mainly about?AA new study about dolphins.BDolphins reactions to sounds of others.CA comparison between dolphins and elephants.DThe reason why dolphins have a good memory.解析:主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了对海豚记忆力的一项研究,故选A项。答案:A8In which part of a newspaper can we read the text?ALife. BNature.CFashion. DEnvironment.解析:文章出处题。本文介绍了一项研究,主要内容与海豚相关,故最有可能出现在自然版块。答案:B.短文改错Dear Mr Green,I am very exciting to learn that we are going to start a magazine together.It is indeed a wonderful idea and everyone hopes its success.I would like a magazine to have three columns:News,Teachers Advice or Students Voice.From the News column we can learn about what was going on in both of our schools.In Teachers Advice,our teacher can give us such help that we may not be able to get in the classroom.Students Voice will allow us to free express our thoughts and feelings about our lives and studies.I believe that this magazine will surely strengthen between our ties,and I am looking forward to read it.Yours faithfully,Li Hua参考答案Dear Mr Green,I am very to learn that we are going to start a magazine together.It is indeed a wonderful idea and everyone hopes its success.I would like magazine to have three columns:News,Teachers Advice Students Voice.From the News column we can learn about what going on in both of our schools.In Teachers Advice,our can give us such help we may not be able to get in the classroom.Students Voice will allow us to express our thoughts and feelings about our lives and studies.I believe that this magazine will surely strengthen between our ties,and I am looking forward to it.Yours faithfully,Li Hua

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