高中英语 Unit 2 Sailing the oceans Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课时作业 新人教选修9

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高中英语 Unit 2 Sailing the oceans Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课时作业 新人教选修9_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 2 Sailing the oceans Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课时作业 新人教选修9_第2页
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高中英语 Unit 2 Sailing the oceans Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课时作业 新人教选修9_第3页
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Unit 2Sailing the oceansSection Learning about Language & Using Language.单词拼写1The Red Armymen suffered many _(困苦) during the Long March with little to eat and without warm clothes.答案:hardships2_(逐渐地),the children began to understand more and more.答案:Gradually3Victory in the last game gave them a _(心理上的) advantage over their opponents.答案:psychological4This type of work rapidly becomes _(常规) and attracts nobody.答案:routine5Can future really be _(预见)?答案:foreseen.单句改错1Tom,in addition his classmates,also joins in the activities._答案:addition后加to2Hardship came one after another._答案:HardshipHardships3A good night out will help you take your minds off exams._答案:mindsmind4Mary teared the letter to pieces without reading it._答案:tearedtore5Im on a dilemma over whether to tell him or not._答案:onin6There has a baby over there._答案:hasis7There being no further business,so the chairman closed the meeting._答案:去掉so8There is report to be a number of the wounded on both sides._答案:reportreported.句型转换1Because of his careless driving,we had a bad accident._his careless driving,we had a bad accident.答案:Owing to2We do morning exercises so as to build our body.(1)_build our body,we do morning exercises.(2)We do morning exercises_we could build our body.(3)We do morning exercises _we could build our body.答案:In order to;so that;in order that.阅读理解According to the UN Intergovernmental Panel(专家咨询组) on Climate Change,global temperatures have risen by approximately 0.6 in the past century,caused mainly by emissions of greenhouse gases produced by human activities,such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.Temperatures are to increase between 1.6 and 5.8 in the next century,accompanied by sea level rise and an increase in the frequency of extreme weather events.The best available evidence suggests that climate changes since the 1970s may already be causing over 150,000 deaths annually,and that greenhouse gas emissions would increase disease burdens in the coming decades.The risks are concentrated in the poorest population,who have contributed least to the problem.The Kyoto Protocol (京都议定书) is signed by 128 nations,and commits the participating industrialized countries to cutting emissions of greenhouse gases by over 5% below 1990 level by the period of 20082012.“Over 600 thousand people died in weatherrelated disasters in the 1990s.Temperature and rainfall influence the rates of diseases and infections including malaria,and malnutrition,which together cause over 3.5 million deaths a year.The Kyoto Protocol is the first step towards protecting the climate system,which exerts such a strong influence on our health,”said Dr Kerstin Leitner,Assistant DirectorGeneral for Sustainable Development and Healthy Environments.While acting to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,it is also essential to protect vulnerable (脆弱的) communities from the effects of climate changes.WHO works to promote measures such as protection from malaria and other climate sensitive diseases,and reliable access to clean water and sanitation,for people in the most vulnerable developing countries.Increasing disease control efforts will also help to protect current and future generations from the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions.语篇解读这是一篇关于气候变化的文章。人类的某些行为导致的气候变化会危害人类自身,我们要采取必要的措施来拯救我们自己。1According to the passage,what is the reason for the rise of global temperatures?AThe burning of fossil fuels.BThe rise of sea level.CExtreme weather disasters.DThe emissions of greenhouse gases.解析:根据第一段中的“global temperatures have risen.emissions of greenhouse gases”可知,D项正确。A项是产生温室气体的行为之一,故可排除。答案:D2Which of the following is true?AWeatherrelated disasters caused over 3.5 million deaths.BThe climate system has a deep impact on human health.CThe members of the Kyoto Protocol are all industrialized countries.DThe poorest population are to blame because they contribute least to the problem.解析:A项与文章第四段中的“Over 600 thousand people died in weatherrelated disasters.which together cause over 3.5 million deaths a year”不符;C项意为“京都议定书”成员国都是工业化的国家,与文章第三段的内容不符;D项与文章第二段的最后一句话不符。根据第四段中的“The Kyoto Protocol.on our health”可知选B项。答案:B3In order to protect communities,WHO takes some measures except_.Apreventing diseases caused by climate changesBhelping to provide clean waterCaiding to offer sanitationDgaining access to vulnerable developing countries解析:根据最后一段中的“such as protection.sanitation”和“Increasing disease control efforts”可知A、B、C三项正确。由“for people in the most vulnerable developing countries”可知,D项错误。答案:D4What does the passage mainly talk about?AClimate changes and the effects on human health.BClimate changes cause over 15,000 deaths annually.CWHO promotes measures such as protection from malaria.DThe Kyoto Protocol helps to protect human health.解析:根据文章内容可知,B、C、D项均是文中某一方面的内容,比较片面,A项最能概括文章大意。答案:A.完形填空I believe different people have experienced different adolescence.I must admit I was still an angry_1_in my first year of college.My_2_was that my parents didnt please me at all.Our finances were_3_,so I chose to go to a (n)_4_college and take a bus to classes every day.One day I had a(n)_5_fight with my father.We both exploded into shouts.I_6_out of the house and missed my bus to school.I rushed all the way to school.As I_7_across the campus toward my class,I suddenly realized I didnt have the_8_that was due:a thought card.My professor asked us to _9_an index card with our names and the dates every Tuesday._10_what was on the rest of the card,we could write a thought,a question or something else.Now,outside the door,ten minutes later,I took an index card._11_to write something on it,I could only think about the_12_Id just had with my dad.I wrote “I am the son of an idiot!”,then_13_into the room,and handed it to our professor.Next day,our professor_14_the thought cards and I_15_he wrote,“What does the son of an idiot do with the rest of his life?” The professors innocentseeming question_16_me to the issue:whose problem is it?_17_,my thinking began to shift.I realized that I had created a life_18_I was not a central figure!The_19_of growth wasnt easy or fast._20_later,from a struggling student,I became a successful student and then a successful teacher.语篇解读青春期的作者有一次与父亲发生冲突,但在教授的“thought card”的启发下,作者慢慢地走出了青春期叛逆的心境,最终走向了成功。1A.childBadultCadolescentDstudent解析:“我”必须承认,大学一年级时“我”仍是一个愤青。adolescent青少年,文中的第一句话已经给出了提示。答案:C2A.temperBangerCmoodDpain解析:根据空格前的“I was still an angry_in my first year of college”可知,“我”生气是因为“我”的父母让“我”不高兴。答案:B3A.limitedBspecialCpracticalDfantastic解析:由下文可知,“我”经常乘公交车上学,因此此处表示“我们家的经济不宽裕”,故选A项。答案:A4A.ordinaryBprivateClocal Dstate解析:我们家的经济条件不宽裕,因此“我”选择去上“当地的”一所大学,每天乘公交车去上学。ordinary意为“普通的”;local意为“当地的”;private意为“私人的”;state意为“政府的,州的”。答案:C5A.seriousBcontroversialCunfriendlyDanxious解析:由后文中的“We both exploded into shouts”可知,“我与父亲发生了一次严重的(serious)争吵”。故选A项。答案:A6A.stormedBwanderedCslippedDstepped解析:由语境可知,“我”和父亲发生冲突之后,“气冲冲地走”出了屋子。storm意为“气冲冲地走”;wander意为“游荡,漫游,闲逛”;slip意为“滑倒”;step意为“迈步”。答案:A7A.leapedBwalkedCranDheaded解析:由空格前的“I rushed all the way to school”可知,“我”跑(ran)向教室。leap意为“跳跃”;walk意为“步行”;head意为“朝(某个方向)行进”。答案:C8A.dutyBassignmentCcommitmentDmaterial解析:教授布置的任务就是我们要在每周二带来自己的“thought card”,写上自己的姓名、日期、想法、问题或者其他事情。assignment任务,符合语境,故选B项。答案:B9A.take upBput downChand outDbring along解析:参见上题解析。take up 开始从事,继续,占据;put down镇压,放下;hand out分发;bring along带上,带来。答案:D10A.Due toBRegardless ofCAs forDThanks to解析:卡片上要写姓名,日期,至于余下的部分,可以写想法、问题或其他事情。As for至于;Thanks to幸亏,由于;Regardless of不管,不顾;Due to由于,归功于。答案:C11A.ConcernedBDesperateCExcitedDActive解析:作者刚与父亲发生冲突,又忘记带教授布置的作业,因此应是“绝望地”在上面写了一些东西。故选B。答案:B12A.issueBconversationCdisputeDfight解析:由上文中的“One day I had a(n)_fight with my father”可知,此处应选D项。答案:D13A.pouredBenteredCdashedDapproached解析:根据语境可知,此处应该是“冲进”教室,故选C项。dash意为“猛冲,急奔”。答案:C14A.gave backBchecked outCput awayDpassed on解析:第二天,教授归还了我们的卡片。give back意为“归还”;check out意为“结账离开”;put away意为“将收起”;pass on意为“转交,递给”。答案:A15A.exploredBrecognizedCdiscoveredDignored解析:教授归还了卡片,“我”发现(discovered)教授写的话。故选C项。答案:C16A.awokeBforcedCscaredDadjusted解析:教授看似平淡的问题“唤醒”(awoke)了“我”。答案:A17A.SlowlyBRapidlyCGenerallyDSwiftly解析:根据空格后的“my thinking began to shift”可知,作者的想法”慢慢地”改变了。答案:A18A.whatBin whichCwhichDthat解析:此处应该是“in which”引导的定语从句,在从句中作状语,先行词为“life”。答案:B19A.processBprogressCperiodDchallenge解析:成长的“过程”既不容易,也不快。答案:A20A.WeeksBTermsCMonthsDYears解析:由上文可知,成长过程时间长,而作者后来又成为一位成功的老师,故此处选D项。答案:D

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