高中英语 4.1 Warming Up Reading练习 新人教版必修2

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Warming Up Reading() Reading姓名:_测试时间:45分钟本卷总分:50分自评或老师评分:_基础训练.Fast reading1Daisy went to these places to see some endangered wildlife except _.ATibetBZimbabweCa thick rainforest DIndonesia2There are not as many antelopes as there used to be in Tibet, _.Abecause of pollutionBthanks to the development of the industryCas a result of killingDfor they do not produce the young fast enough3The BEST way to protect the antelope is_.Ato leave them as they areBto stop the fur tradeCto call on people to stop killingDto let more people to know the truth4Farmers used to hunt elephants because _.Athey want to make money from the animalsBthey want to protect their crops from being destroyedCthey want to get their fur and ivoryDthey thought the large animals were too dangerous to them5In the rainforest in South America, plants which contain drugs _.Aare waiting to be discovered and made into medicineBshould be introduced to other parts of the worldCare not paid attention to by the WWFDneed attention and protection答案:1D2.C3.B4.B5.D.Careful readingWork in pairs and fill in the blanks below according to the text.Something about Daisys Strange DreamIn her dream, a 1._ carpet took her to many places.Places shewentTibetZimbabweA rainforestAnimalsshe metAn2_An3_A 4._Situationsof theanimalsAntelopes, whose 5._ is being used to make sweaters, are killed for the 6._ beneath their stomachs.Farmers7_them without 8._.But now the numbers are 9._.The monkey is rubbing itself to 10._ itself from mosquitoes.答案:1flying2.antelope3.elephant4.monkey5fur6.wool7.hunted8.mercy9increasing10.protect.SummarySummarize the general idea of the text in about 30 words._答案:The passage tells us Daisys experiences. She visited Tibet, Zimbabwe and a rainforest, where she found that some animals are in danger and realized the importance of protecting animals.语篇提能.完形填空 Saving the Northern White RhinoMeet Sudan. He is a northern white rhinoceros, a rare subspecies of white rhinos. But hes not just any northern white rhino. He is the only male northern white rhino left in the world and one of the only five northern white rhinos _1_ today.That means Sudan, 42, is the subspecies last hope of _2_ extinction. To protect him, officials have placed him _3_ 24hour armed guard in central Kenya. Sudan lives there with two female northern white rhinos, Fatu and Najin. _4_ two northern white rhino females are in different zoos. No northern white rhinos are left in the _5_.Northern white rhinos, which can _6_ up to 5,000 pounds, were once _7_ across northern and central Africa. But their _8_ were destroyed by years of war.More than 1,000 rhinos were _9_ last year in game reserves in South Africa alone. Fiftyfour rhinos were killed in Kenya, which has a much _10_ population.Sudan, Fatu, and Najin have had their horns _11_ so that poachers (偷猎者) will not want to hunt them. All three rhinos have been _12_ with radio transmitters (发射机), and people often go into nearby communities to gather _13_ on poaching.“With the rising _14_ for rhino horns.we face many poaching attempts,” says Simon Irungu, one of Sudans protectors. “_15_ we manage to fight against a large number of these, we often _16_ our lives in the line of duty.”Officials at Ol Pejeta are hoping Sudan and one of the females will be able to have a _17_. Sudan is very old, but scientists are not _18_ their hope. “Keeping rhino protectors well equipped, highly trained, and well motivated is _19_ to the survival of all rhino subspecies,” one person said. “The _20_ we have received from all over the world has been unbelievable.” 1.A.asleep Bawake Cabsent Dalive2A.avoiding Bdetermining Cconcerning Drefusing3A.on Bunder Cbeyond Dwith4A.Another BOther CThe other DOthers5A.distance Bworld Cshade Dwild6A.weigh Brise Cadd Dlook7A.useful Bplentiful Chelpful Dpowerful8A.routes Bsources Chabitats Djourneys9A.killed Bdiscovered Ctransported Dinjured10A.bigger Bfewer Clarger Dsmaller11A.marked Bremoved Crubbed Dmeasured12A.filled Bcovered Cfitted Dcircled13A.information Brequest Cevidence Dguidance14A.preparation Bsearch Ccompetition Ddemand15A.If BWhile CSince DBefore16A.calm Borganize Crisk Ddevote17A.baby Brest Cbath Dwalk18A.thinking of Brelying on Csetting down Dgiving up19A.necessary Bkey Crare Dhard20A.support Bhonor Caward Dprize居住在肯尼亚自然保护区的北方雄性白犀牛苏丹,今年已经42岁了。他是世界上最后一头北方雄性白犀牛。倘若他最后无法繁衍子嗣,北方白犀牛这一物种将从我们的世界消失。1解析:结合上文中的“He is the only male northern white rhino left in the world”可知,它是世界上唯一的北方雄性白犀牛,因此可知他是现在活着的(alive)五头北方白犀牛之一。答案:D2解析:与上文的“He is the only male northern white rhino left in the world”呼应,此处表示由于他是唯一的北方雄性白犀牛,因此他是这个物种避免灭绝的最后希望。avoid“避免”,符合语境。答案:A3解析:根据语境可知,这里指为了保护Sudan,官员们对他进行了24小时的武装保护。答案:B4解析:结合上文中的“one of the only five northern white rhinos”和“Sudan lives there with.Fatu and Najin”可知,这里表示另外两头北方雌性白犀牛生活在不同的动物园。表示在确定范围内的其他几个应用the other。答案:C5解析:这里与上文的different zoos呼应,指这些北方白犀牛都生活在动物园里,已经没有这种犀牛生活在野外了。wild“处于野生状态”,符合语境。答案:D6解析:根据后面的“up to 5,000 pounds”可知,北方白犀牛可以重达5000磅。weigh“重,重量是”,符合语境。答案:A7解析:根据语境可知,这里指的是这种北方白犀牛曾经在非洲北部和中部大量存在着。plentiful“丰富的,充足的”,符合语境。答案:B8解析:根据后面的“were destroyed by years of war”可知,北方白犀牛的栖息地(habitats)被多年的战争摧毁了。答案:C9解析:这里与下文中的“Fiftyfour rhinos were killed in Kenya”呼应,指去年仅在南非禁猎区就有超过一千头犀牛被杀死。答案:A10解析:根据语境可知,在南非和肯尼亚都有大量的犀牛被杀死,因此犀牛的数量很少了。答案:D11解析:根据后面的“so that poachers (偷猎者) will not want to hunt them”可知,人们已经把Sudan, Fatu和Najin的犀牛角去除了,所以偷猎者就不想捕获他们了。remove“移走,去掉”,符合语境。答案:B12解析:根据后面的“with radio transmitters (发射机)”可知,人们给这三头犀牛都安装了无线电发射机。fit“安装”,符合语境。答案:C13解析:根据前面的“with radio transmitters (发射机)”和“on poaching”可知,人们经常去附近的地方收集偷猎的信息(information)。答案:A14解析:根据前面的rising和后面的“rhino horns.we face many poaching attempts”可知,人们对犀牛角的需求(demand)增加了。答案:D15解析:结合两个分句的逻辑关系可知,此处表示让步,故选B项。答案:B16解析:根据空前的“fight against a large number of these”和空后的our lives可知,这里指“我们”经常冒着生命危险,与偷猎者斗争。risk“冒的危险”,符合语境。答案:C17解析:根据前面讲的北方白犀牛数量的减少可知,官员们希望Sudan和一个雌性白犀牛能够生个小犀牛。答案:A18解析:根据but可知,虽然Sudan已经很老了,但是科学家们仍然没有放弃(giving up)希望。答案:D19解析:根据前面的“Keeping rhino protectors well equipped, highly trained, and well motivated”可知,这些对于保护所有犀牛亚种免于灭绝来说是至关重要的(key)。答案:B20解析:结合后面的“we have received from all over the world has been unbelievable”可知,此处指的是我们得到的来自全世界的支持(support)是难以置信的。答案:A.阅读理解If the Seaveys arent already the first family of sled dog racing, theyre on their way to becoming that. On Wednesday, for the third time in four years, Dallas Seavey won Alaskas Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. And his father, Mitch Seavey, came in second.Dallas finished the 979mile race in 8 days, 8 hours, 13 minutes and 6 seconds, five hours slower than his recordsetting finish last year. But it was still good enough to win. Dallas owed this to his dog team. “I really do believe that this is one of the best dog teams thats ever been,” he said.The Iditarod route was moved further north than usual this year. Alaska had a warmerthannormal winter. And had the ushers(赶狗拉雪橇的人) used the usual route, they might have been sledding on mud instead of snow and ice.But just as the race was beginning, a cold front (冷锋) swept across the state. “The temperature fell 40 below zero and snow fell down,” Dallas said. “It was not the easy run that many people had expected.”The Iditarod is considered the Super Bowl of sled dog racing and honors some brave men. It essentially retraces (重走) the route used in 1925, when men on dog sleds raced across the state to deliver lifesaving serum (血清) to Nome, to stop a potentially deadly disease. Its an extreme test of strength and patience for the human ushers and their dogs.That was a very tough race, but Dallas had a lot of confidence in his dogs and himself. “As long as you take care of the dog team and make good decisions, good things will happen,” Dallas said.For coming in first this year, Dallas got $70,000 and a new pickup truck. Mitch got approximately $58,600 for coming in second. Including Mitchs Iditarod win in 2013, the Seavey family has now won four Iditarods in a row.And judging by what they said on Wednesday, neither the father nor the son plans to quit anytime soon. As long as they were having fun, they said, they would keep on competing. “The win is a result of doing what we love,” Dallas said.1Who did Dallas think contributed to his winning most? A. His dog team. B. His father. C. His teacher. D. His friends.2What happened during this years Iditarod? A. Racers moved further south than usual. B. Racers became slower than they did last year. C. Racers had to run in an unexpected snow. D. Racers spent most of their time sledding on mud.3The original purpose of the Iditarod was to _. A. test humans strength and patience B. amuse those suffering from a deadly disease C. develop the teamwork of fierce dogs D. remember those who risked saving others lives4How many times has Mitch won the Iditarod in the past four years? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. D. Four times.5In the next Iditarod, Dallas and his father will be _. A. judges B. racers C. coaches D. audience本文是一篇新闻报道,报道了今年阿拉斯加的狗拉雪橇比赛的相关情况。1解析:从第二段中的“But it was still good enough to win. Dallas owed this to his dog team”可知,Dallas认为这次的成功主要归功于他的狗队。答案:A2解析:从第四段中的“But just as the race was beginning, a cold front (冷锋) swept across the state. The temperature fell 40 below zero and snow fell down”可知,比赛过程中,选手们遇到了冷锋,温度骤然下降,大雪纷纷,这给比赛增加了难度,故选C项。答案:C3解析:从第五段的内容可知,阿拉斯加的狗拉雪橇比赛最初的目的是纪念那些冒着生命危险去送血清的人们,故选D项。答案:D4解析:从第一段中的“for the third time in four years. And his father, Mitch Seavey, came in second”和倒数第二段中的“Including Mitchs Iditarod win in 2013, the Seavey family has now won four Iditarods in a row”可知,在最近四年的狗拉雪橇比赛中,Seavey家共获胜四次,父亲Mitch Seavey获胜一次,儿子Dallas获胜三次。故选A项。答案:A5解析:从最后一段中的“As long as they were having fun, they said, they would keep on competing”可知,明年的狗拉雪橇比赛应该依旧可以看到这对父子选手的身影,故选B项。答案:B


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